[Development Edition] (https://raw.github.com/hanifbbz/micromustache/master/dist/micromustache.js) - 2,226 Bytes
[Production Edition] (https://raw.github.com/hanifbbz/micromustache/master/dist/micromustache.min.js) - 378 Bytes
Or use npm:
npm install micromustache
A stripped down version of the {{mustache}} template engine with JavaScript.
It covers the most important use case for Mustache: replacing variables with their names.
MicroMustache doesn't support partials, array and nested objects.
It is about 40% faster than Mustache.js and 93% smaller!
- Tiny (less than half a kilo byte)
- Super-Quick (just one function call over the native browser layer)
[run the comparison] (http://jsperf.com/micromustache-vs-mustache)
- Super efficient (optimum use of CPU, RAM and your memory bandwidth)
- Familiar to Mustache users
- No dependency (No need for JQuery, Underscore, Mustache, etc)
- Cross-browser compatible
- Full test coverage with Qunit.
(run the tests yourself) [http://htmlpreview.github.com/?https://github.com/hanifbbz/micromustache/blob/master/test/micromustache-test.html]
- Consistent with Mustache.js so it is a drop-in replacement for Mustache or Handlebars
- Supports the following value types: string, number, boolean, function.
If the value is a function, it'll be called with the name of the variable as its parameter and the resulting value will be used.
- The render(), to_html() and compile() functions are supported from Mustache.js
- It's just one function. You can drop it into your code or paste it as an AMD module
- Made in Sweden
MicroMustache achieved great speed and light weight by dropping the following features from Mustache:
- Array iterations: {{# ...}}
- Partials: {{> ...}}
- Objects as values: {{ objName.propertyName }}
- Inverted selection {{^ ...}}
- Comments: {{! ...}}
- HTML sanitization: {{{ propertyName }}}
- Custom delimiters: <% ... %> instead of {{ ... }}
#How to use
MicroMustache is pretty similar to Mustache so if you know how to use Mustache,
you can easily replace it with MicroMustache without any code change.
var person = {
first: "Alex",
last: "Ewerlöf"
var output = MicroMustache.render("MicroMustache is created by {{first}} {{ last }}", person);
Alternatively you can compile the template and get a function that can be used multiple times:
var templateEngine = MicroMustache.compile("MicroMustache is created by {{first}} {{ last }}");
output = templateEngine(person);
output = templateEngine({first:'Albert',last:'Einstein'});
The following functions from Mustache.js are supported:
For more examples see the micromustache-test.js inside the test directory above.