A very simple HTML minifier. It will almost definitely break your site
if you use PRE or CODE or TEXTAREA with formatting defined by line breaks
and tabs etc. Otherwise it will aggressively shrink your HTML.
Import the node module:
`npm install mini-html`
Minify a HTML file:
var miniHTML = require("mini-html");
var minimized = miniHTML("<html> \n\t<head> \n\t<.......\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<body>...");
console.log(minimized); // <html><head><..........
Minify a HTML file:
var minimized = miniHTML(null, __dirname + "/index.html");
Minify a HTML file and save it
miniHTML(null, __dirname + "/index.html", true);