A server/interface for fake location data created by Mirageo.
yarn global add mirageo-server
npm install mirageo-server -g
- -c --count <int>: The amount of points to create. Defaults to 100
- -b --bound <floats>: The bounding box, NW to SE. Defaults to [90, -180, -90, 180]
- -g --geojson: Send data as geoJSON objects. Defaults to false
- -p --port <int>: Which port the server will run on. Defaults to 3030
- -m --map-key <string> Add Mapbox API key for the interface. Defaults to nothing
mirageo-server -c 400 -b 40,0,30,20 -p 8080
This will serve data on http://localhost:8080/data
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
res == {
data: [{lat: -13.667, lng: 48.956}, ...],
settings: {
count: 400,
bound: [40,0,30,20],
geojson: false,
mirageo-server provides a map interface to visualize the data and change the settings.
To use it, you need to create an account with Mapbox, find your access token, and add it using:
mirageo-server --map-key <Access Token>
The token will be stored locally using lowdb, so you will only need that command again to change it.
See the current key saved with mirageo-server --map-key
Future Plans
I'd like to add motion to the points, giving the tool more real-life applications.