getType | Gets typeof identity also makes distinction between object , null , and array | identity | string |
sameType | Compares two identities using getType method | identityA, identityB | identity or false |
sameStructure | Compares two identities using sameType then validates both have the same keys | identityA, identityB | identity or false |
identical | Compares two identities using sameStructure then validates children or nested structures for iterble identities or actual values | identityA, identityB | identity or false |
isIterable | Checks if identity contains one or more keys or properties | identity | boolean |
containsKeys | Checks if identity contains the specified properties | identity, keyList | boolean |
trim | Removes properties from identity and only keeps the specified properties | identity, keyList | identity |
locate | Performs a deep search by iterating through the collection 's entire object tree an returns the path to the first identical match that is found as a string of dot . separated property names | collection, identity | string |
deepGet | Uses locate and returns the indentity 's container if found in collection | collection, identity | identity |
locateAll | Uses locate and returns all the paths to all matches | collection, identity | array of string |
deepFilter | Uses locateAll and returns an array of all an identites matched inside collection | collection, identity | array of identities |
length | Returns the number of keys or properties contained in identity | identity | number |
exists | Performs deep search on collection for an identical match to identity | collection, identity | boolean |
onlyExisting | For each identity in identities , performs a deep search on collection using exists , to shorten the list identities to those that were found | collection, identities | identities |
onlyMissing | For each identity in identities , performs a deep search on collection using exists , to shorten the list identities to those that were not found | collection, identities | identities |
isFalsy | Checks if identity has or false or false-like values. These include: null, undefined, '', false, and 0 | identity | identity or false |
isTruthy | Checks if identity is non-falsy | identity | identity or false |
foundTruthy | Performs deep search on collection , and evaluate if isTruthy on the first identical match to identity | collection, identity | boolean |
foundFalsy | Performs deep search on collection , and evaluate if isFalsy on the first identical match to identity | collection, identity | boolean |
onlyTruthy | For each identity in identities , performs a deep search on collection using exists , and evaluates if isTruthy on the first identical match of property to shorten the list identities to those that were found and also truthy | collection, identities, property | identities |
onlyFalsy | For each identity in identities , performs a deep search on collection using exists , and evaluates if isFalsy on the first identical match of property to shorten the list identities to those that were found and also truthy | collection, identities, property | identities |
countMatches | Performs deep search for identity on collection using locateAll and returns the number of confirmed matches in a given depth | collection, identity, number | number |
maxDepth | Returns the nth value of the deepest layer of the entire object tree | identity | number |
matchDepth | Performs deep search for identity on collection to return the location's depth of the first match. If no match found, returns false. | collection, identity | number |
locate_Key | Performs a deep search by iterating through the collection 's entire object tree an returns the path to the first identical match that is found as a string of dot . separated property names | collection, key | string |
deepGet_Key | Uses locate_Key and returns the indentity 's container if found in collection | collection, key | identity |
locateAll_Key | Uses locate_Key and returns all the paths to all matches | collection, key | array of string |
deepFilter_Key | Uses locateAll and returns an array of all an identites matched inside collection | collection, key | array of identities |
deepClone | Creates a non-reference clone that is an exact copy to the identity provided. Can be used to create shallow clones of specific depths. Can also be used to create branch clones . Read more in documentation | collection, key | any |
renameKey | Performs deep search on the identity 's object tree to rename the first matching key. | identity, key, key | identity |
renameKeys | Performs deep search on the identity 's object tree to rename all matching keys. | identity, key, key | identity |