Inspired by the jQuery UI Selectable plugin. Functionality and options are identical to the jQuery UI version with some additions and performance enhancements.
Selectable mimics the Windows file / directory behaviour, i.e. click and / or drag to select items, hold CTRL to select multiple or hold SHIFT to select consecutive groups of items.
Works in most modern browsers including IE9+.
Selectable is still in active development and therefore the API is in constant flux until v1.0.0
. Check back regularly for any changes and make sure you have the latest version installed.
bower install mobius1-selectable --save
npm install mobius1-selectable --save
Grab the file from one of the CDNs and include it in your page:
You can replace latest
with the required release number if needed.
Initialise the plugin:
const selectable = new Selectable(options);
By default the instance will look for any nodes with the ".ui-selectable"
class. You can redefine this with the filter
Option | Type | Default | Effect |
filter | string or array | ".ui-selectable" | The elements that can be selected. You can pass either a CSS3 selector string or a collection of nodes. |
appendTo | string or object | document.body | The container element to append the lasso to. |
tolerance | string | touch | How far the lasso overlaps an element before it's highlighted. "fit" (lasso overlaps the item entirely) or "touch" (lasso overlaps the item by any amount). |
autoRefresh | boolean | true | Recalculate the coords of the items. Set to false if you know the selectable items won't move or change size. |
lasso | object | | Style the lasso. Must be an object of valid CSS declarations. Demo |
Public Methods
Items returned by the instance are objects of the following format:
node: HTMLElement,
rect: DOMRect,
startselected: Boolean,
selected: Boolean,
selecting: Boolean,
unselecting: Boolean
Method | Arg | Return | Effect |
destroy() | | | Destroy the instance. This will return the DOM to it's initial state before initialsing. |
init() | | | Initialise the instance after destroying. |
disable() | | | Disable the instance. Removes all event listeners to prevent further selection / deselection. |
enable() | | | Enable the instance. |
update() | | | Updates the instance. Can be used if new items are added or old ones removed. All item coords are updated as well. |
recalculate() | | | Recalculates the coords for all valid items. If the dimensions of the item / items change then call this method otherwise the lasso will not select items correctly. |
select(items) | Mixed | Mixed | Select an item or items. You can pass a Number representing the index of the item, a reference to the HTMLElement node, the Object as it appears in the items array or an Array of numbers / nodes / objects. |
unselect(items) | Mixed | Mixed | Same as select() , but the item or items are unselected. |
selectAll() | | | Select all valid items. |
clear() | | | Deselects all valid items. |
add(node) | Object | | Add a new item. Must me a valid HTMLElement node. |
remove(items) | Mixed | | Removes an item or items. Can be an index, node, item or collection. |
getItem(items) | Mixed | Object | Returns a reference to the item if found or false if not. You can pass the same mixed argument as with select() and unselect() . |
getItems() | | Array | Returns an Array of all items. |
getNodes() | | Array | Returns an Array of all HTMLElement nodes. |
getSelectedItems() | | Array | Returns an Array of selected items. |
getSelectedNodes() | | Array | Returns an Array of selected HTMLElement nodes. |
const selectable = new Selectable(options);
selectable.on('selectable.XXXX', function() {
Name | Fired | Params |
selectable.init | when the instance is ready | |
selectable.enable | when the instance is enabled | |
selectable.disable | when the instance is disabled | |
selectable.mousedown | on mousedown (within container) | element - the item that was clicked on |
selectable.mousemove | when dragging the lasso | coords - the coords of the lasso |
selectable.mouseup | on mouse up (within container) | items - the current selection of item(s) | | when an item is selected | item - the selected item |
selectable.unselect | when an item is unselected | item - the unselected item |
selectable.update | when the instance is updated | |
selectable.recalculate | when the item coords are recalculated | |
Copyright © 2017 Karl Saunders | BSD & MIT license