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Changes are coming! Small library for creating observable properties, arrays and functions

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Installation: npm install mobservable --save

MOBservable is light-weight stand-alone observable implementation, that helps you to create reactive data structures, based on the ideas of observables in bigger frameworks like knockout, ember, but this time without 'strings attached'. MOBservables allows you to observe primitive values, references, functions and arrays and makes sure that all changes in your data are propagated automatically, atomically and synchronously.


Fiddle demo: MOBservable + JQuery Fiddle demo: MOBservable + React

Example: Observable values and functions

The core of MOBservable consists of observable values, functions that automatically recompute when an observed value changes, and the possibility to listen to changing values and updated computations.

var mobservable = require('mobservable');

var nrOfCatz = mobservable(3);
var nrOfDogs = mobservable(8);

// Create a function that automatically observes values:
var nrOfAnimals = mobservable(function() {
    // calling an mobservable without arguments acts as getter
    return nrOfCatz() * nrOfDogs();

// Print a message whenever the observable changes:
nrOfAnimals.observe(function(amount) {
    console.log("Total: " + amount);
}, true);
// -> Prints: "Total: 11"

// calling an mobservable with a value acts as setter, 
// ...and automatically updates all computations in which it was used
// -> Prints: "Total: 42"

Example: Observable objects & properties

By using .props, it is possible to create observable values and functions that can be assigned or read as normal properties.

var mobservable = require('mobservable');

var Person = function(firstName, lastName) {
    // define the observable properties firstName, lastName and fullName on 'this'.
    mobservable.props(this, {
        firstName: firstName,
        lastName: lastName,
        fullName: function() {
            return this.firsName + " " + this.lastName;

var jane = new Person("Jane","Dôh");

// (computed) properties can be accessed like any other property:
// prints: "Jan Dôh"

// properties can be observed as well:
mobsevable.observeProperty(jane, "fullName", console.log);

// values can be assigned directly to observable properties
jane.lastName = "Do";
// prints: "Jane Do"

Example: Observable arrays

mobservable provides an observable array implementation, which is fully ES5 compliant, but which will notify dependent computations upon each change.

import mobservable = require('mobservable');

// create an array, that works by all means as a normal array, except that it is observable!
var someNumbers = mobservable.value([1,2,3]);

// a naive function that sums all the values
var sum = mobservable.value(function() {
    for(var s = 0, i = 0; i < someNumbers.length; i++)
        s += someNumbers[i];
    return s;

// Prints: 10
someNumbers[2] = 0;
// Prints: 7
someNumbers[someNumbers.length] = 5;
// Prints: 12

Example: TypeScript classes and annotations

For typescript users, mobservable ships with module typings and an @observable annotation with which class members can be marked as observable.

/// <reference path="./node_modules/mobservable/mobservable.d.ts"/>
import mobservable = require('mobservable');
var observable = mobservable.observable;

class Order {
    @observable orderLines: OrderLine[] = [];
    @observable total() {
        return this.orderLines.reduce((sum, orderLine) => sum +, 0)

class OrderLine {
    @observable price:number = 0;
    @observable amount:number = 1;

    constructor(price) {
        this.price = price;

    @observable total() {
        return "Total: " + this.price * this.amount;

var order1 = new Order();;

order1.orderLines.push(new OrderLine(7));
// Prints: Total: 7
order1.orderLines.push(new OrderLine(12));
// Prints: Total: 12
order1.orderLines[0].amount = 3;
// Prints: Total: 33

Example: ObserverMixin for react components

MOBservable ships with a mixin that can be used to subscribe React components to observables automatically, so that model changes are processed transparently. The full JSX example can be found in this fjsiddle

        function Article(name, price) {
            mobservable.props(this, {
                name: name,
                price: price

        var ArticleView = React.createClass({
            mixins: [mobservable.ObserverMixin],
            render: function() {
                return (<li>
                    <span className="price">{this.props.article.price}</span>
        var book = new Article("Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterton", 19.95);
        React.render(<ArticleView article={book} />, document.body);
        book.price = 15.95; // Triggers automatically a re-render of the ArticleView

Processing observables

Observable values, arrays and functions created by mobservable possess the following characteristics:

  • synchronous. All updates are processed synchronously, that is, the pseudo expressions a = 3; b -> a * 2; a = 4; print(b); will always print 4; b will never yield a stale value (unless batch is used).
  • atomic. All computed values will postpone updates until all inputs are settled, to make sure no intermediate values are visible. That is, the expression a = 3; b -> a * 2; c -> a * b; a = 4; print(c) will always print 36 and no intermediate values like 24.
  • real time dependency detection. Computed values only depend on values actually used in the last computation, for example in this a -> b > 5 ? c : b the variable c will only cause a re-evaluation of a if b > 5.
  • lazy. Computed values will only be evaluated if they are actually being observed. So make sure computed functions are pure and side effect free; the library might not evaluate the expression as often as you thought it would.
  • cycle detection. Cycles in computes, like in a -> 2 * b; b -> 2 * a; will be deteced automatically.
  • error handling. Exceptions that are raised during computations are propagated to consumers.


Typescript typings

Creating observables


Shorthand for mobservable.value


mobservable.value<T>(value? : T[], scope? : Object) : IObservableArray<T>

mobservable.value<T>(value? : T|()=>T, scope? : Object) : IObservableValue<T>

Function that creates an observable given a value. Depending on the type of the function, this function invokes mobservable.array, mobservable.computed or mobservable.primitive. See the examples above for usage patterns. The scope is only meaningful if a function is passed into this method.


mobservable.primitive<T>(value? : T) : IObservableValue<T>

Creates a new observable, initialzed with the given value that can change over time. The returned observable is a function, that without arguments acts as getter, and with arguments as setter. Furthermore its value can be observed using the .observe method, see IObservableValue.observe.


var vat = mobservable.primitive(3);
console.log(vat()); // prints '3'
vat.observe(console.log); // register an observer
vat(4); // updates value, also notifies all observers, thus prints '4'


mobservable.reference<T>(value? : T) : IObservableValue<T> Synonym for mobservable.primitive, since the equality of primitives is determined in the same way as references, namely by strict equality. (from version 0.6, see mobservable.struct if values need to be compared structuraly by using deep equality).


mobservable.computed<T>(expr : () => T, scope?) : IObservableValue<T>

computed turns a function into an observable value. The provided expr should not have any arguments, but instead really on other observables that are in scope to determine its value. The latest value returned by expr determines the value of the observable. When one of the observables used in expr changes, computed will make sure that the function gets re-evaluated, and all updates are propogated to the children.

    var amount = mobservable(3);
    var price = mobservable(2);
    var total = mobservable.computed(function() {
        return amount() * price();
    console.log(total()); // gets the current value, prints '6'
    total.observe(console.log); // attach listener
    amount(4); // update amount, total gets re-evaluated automatically and will print '8'
    amount(4); // update amount, but total will not be re-evaluated since the value didn't change

The optional scope parameter defines this context during the evaluation of expr.

computed will try to reduce the amount of re-evaluates of expr as much as possible. For that reason the function should be pure, that is:

  • The result of expr should only be defined in terms of other observables, and not depend on any other state.
  • Your code shouldn't rely on any side-effects, triggered by expr; expr should be side-effect free.
  • The result of expr should always be the same if none of the observed observables did change.

It is not allowed for expr to have an (implicit) dependency on its own value.

It is allowed to throw exceptions in an observed function. The thrown exceptions might only be detected late. The exception will be rethrown if somebody inspects the current value, and will be passed as first callback argument to all the listeners.


mobservable.array<T>(values? : T[]) : IObservableArray<T> Note: ES5 environments only

Constructs an array like, observable structure. An observable array is a thin abstraction over native arrays that adds observable properties. The most notable difference between built-in arrays is that these arrays cannot be sparse, that is, values assigned to an index larger than length are considered out-of-bounds and not oberved (nor any other property that is assigned to a non-numeric index).

Furthermore, Array.isArray(observableArray) and typeof observableArray === "array" will yield false for observable arrays, but observableArray instanceof Array will return true.

var numbers = mobservable.array([1,2,3]);
var sum = mobservable.value(function() {
    return numbers.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b }, 0);
sum.observe(function(s) { console.log(s); });

numbers[3] = 4;
// prints 10
// prints 21
// prints 31

Observable arrays implement all the ES5 array methods. Besides those, the following methods are available as well:

  • observe(listener:(changeData:IArrayChange<T>|IArraySplice<T>)=>void, fireImmediately?:boolean):Lambda Listen to changes in this array. The callback will receive arguments that express an array splice or array change, conform the ES7 proposal
  • clear(): T[] Remove all current entries from the array
  • replace(newItems:T[]) Replaces all existing entries in the array with new ones.
  • values(): T[] Returns a shallow clone of the array, similar to .slice
  • clone(): IObservableArray<T> Create a new observable array containing the same values
  • find(predicate:(item:T,index:number,array:IObservableArray<T>)=>boolean,thisArg?,fromIndex?:number):T Find implementation, basically the same as the ES7 Array.find proposal, but with added fromIndex parameter.
  • remove(value:T):boolean Remove a single item by value from the array. Returns true if the item was found and removed.


props(target:Object, name:string, initialValue: any):Object;
props(target:Object, props:Object):Object;

Note: ES5 environments only

Creates observable properties on the given target object. This function uses mobservable.value internally to create observables. Creating properties has as advantage that they are more convenient to use. See also props or variables. The original target, with the added properties, is returned by this function. Functions used to created computed observables will automatically be bound to the correct this.

var order = {};
mobservable.props(order, {
    amount: 3,
    price: 5,
    total: function() {
        return this.amount * this.price; // note that no setters are needed
order.amount = 4;
console.log(; // Prints '20'

Note that observables created by mobservable.props do not expose an .observe method, to observe properties, see mobservable.observeProperty

Other forms in which this function can be called:

mobservable.props(order, "price", 3); // equivalent to mobservable.props(order, { price: 3 });
var order = mobservable.props({ price: 3}); // uses the original object as target, that is, all values in it are replaced by their observable counterparts

mobservable.observable annotation

Note: ES5, TypeScript 1.5+ environments only

Typescript 1.5 introduces annotations. The mobservable.observable annotation can be used to mark class properties and functions as observable. This annotations basically wraps mobservable.props. Example:

/// <reference path='./node_modules/mobservable/mobservable.d.ts'/>
var observable = require('mobservable').observable;

class Order {
    @observable price:number = 3;
    @observable amount:number = 2;
    @observable orders = [];

    @observable total() {
        return this.amount * this.price * (1 + orders.length);

Observing changes


mobservable.observeProperty(object : Object, key : string, listener : Function, invokeImmediately : boolean = false) : Function

Observes the observable property key of object. This is useful if you want to observe properties created using the observable annotation or the props method, since for those properties their own observe method is not publicly available.

function OrderLine(price) {
    mobservable.props(this, {
        price: price,
        amount: 2,
        total: function() {
            return this.price * this.amount;

var orderLine = new OrderLine(5);
mobservable.observeProperty(order, 'total', console.log, true); // Prints: '10'<T>(func: () => T, onInvalidate : Function) : [T, Function];

watch is quite similar to mobservable.computed, but instead of re-evaluating func when one of its dependencies has changed, the onInvalidate function is triggered. So func will be evaluated only once, and as soon as its value has become stale, the onInvalidate callback is triggered. watch returns a tuple consisting of the initial return value of func and an unsubscriber to be able to abort the watch. The onInvalidate function will be called only once, after that, the watch has finished.

watch is useful in functions where you want to have a function that responds to change, but where the function is actually invoked as side effect or as part of a bigger change flow or where unnecessary recalculations of func or either pointless or expensive, for example in the render method of a React component.


mobservable.batch<T>(workerFunction : ()=>T):T

Batch postpones the updates of computed properties until the (synchronous) workerFunction has completed. This is useful if you want to apply a bunch of different updates throughout your model before needing the updated computed values, for example while refreshing a data from the database.

var amount = mobservable(3);
var price = mobservable(2.5);
var total = mobservable(function() {
    return amount() * price(); 

// without batch:
amount(2); // Prints 5
price(3); // Prints 6

// with batch:
mobservable.batch(function() {
// Prints 12, after completing the batch




Converts a (possibly) observable value into a non-observablue value. For non-primitive values, this function will always return a shallow copy.


The observer mixin can be used in React components. This mixin basically turns the .render function of the component into an observable function, and makes sure that the component itself becomes an observer of that function, so that the component is re-rendered each time an observable has changed. In general, this mixin combines very well with the React PureRender mixin if observable objects or arrays are passed into the component. This allows for React apps that perform well in apps with large amount of complex data, while avoiding the need to manage a lot of subscriptions.

See the above example or the JSFiddle demo: MOBservable + React


Numeric property, setting this to value to '1' or higher will cause additional debug information to be printed.


Utility class for managing an event. Its methods are:

  • emit( : any[]). Invokes all registered listeners with the given arguments
  • on(listener:( : any[]) => void) : () => void. Registers a new callback that will be invoked on each emit. Returns a method that can be used to unsubscribe the listener.
  • once(listener:( : any[]) => void) : () => void. Similar to .on, but automatically removes the listener after one invocation.

Tips & tricks

Use local variables in computations

Each time an observable value is read, there is a small performance overhead to keep the dependency tree of computations up to date. Although this might not be noticable in practice, if you want to squeeze the last bit of performance out of the library; use local variables as much as possible to reduce the amount of observable reads. This also holds for array entries and object properties created using mobservable.props.

var firstName = mobservable('John');
var lastName = mobservable('Do');

// Ok:
var fullName = mobservable(function() {
    if (firstName())
        return lastName() + ", " + firstName(); // another read of firstName..
    return lastName();

// Faster:
var fullName = mobservable(function() {
    var first = firstName(), last = lastName();
    if (first)
        return last+ ", " + first;
    return last;

Use native array methods

For performance, use built-in array methods as much as possible; a classic array for loop is registered as multiple reads, while a function call is registered as a single read. Alternatively, slicing the array before using it will also result in a single read.

var numbers = mobservable([1,2,3]);

// Ok:
var sum1 = mobservable(function() {
    var s = 0; 
    for(var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) // observable read
        s += numbers[i]; // observable reads
    return s;    

// Faster:
var sum2 = mobservable(function() {
    var s = 0, localNumbers = numbers.slice(); // observable read
    for(var i = 0; i < localNumbers.length; i++)
        s += localNumbers[i];
    return s;    

// Also fast:
var sum2 = mobservable(function() {
    return numbers.reduce(function(a, b) { // single observable read
        return a + b;
    }, 0);

.value versus .props

Using mobservable.value or mobservable.props to create observables inside objects might be a matter of taste. Here is a small comparison list between the two approaches.

ES3 complientrequires ES 5
explicit getter/setter functions: obj.amount(2)object properties with implicit getter/setter: obj.amount = 2
easy to make mistakes; e.g. obj.amount = 3 instead of obj.amount(3), or 7 * obj.amount instead of 7 * obj.amount() wilt both not achieve the intended behaviorUse property reads / assignments
easy to observe: obj.amount.observe(listener)mobservable.observeProperty(obj,'amount',listener)

.reference versus .array

Do not confuse mobservable.primitive([]) (or mobservable([])) with mobservable.array([]), the first creates an observable reference to an array, but does not observe its contents. The later observes the contents from the array you pass into it.


Package last updated on 15 Jun 2015

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