What is monaco-editor?
The monaco-editor npm package provides the code editor that powers VS Code, offering rich IntelliSense, validation for a variety of languages, and advanced editing features. It can be integrated into web applications to provide a full-fledged code editing experience.
What are monaco-editor's main functionalities?
Syntax highlighting and IntelliSense
This code initializes the Monaco Editor with JavaScript syntax highlighting and IntelliSense support.
var editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'), {
value: 'function x() {\n console.log("Hello world!");\n}',
language: 'javascript'
Code validation and linting
This code adds a marker to the editor model, indicating an error at the specified position with a message.
monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(editor.getModel(), 'owner', [
{ startLineNumber: 1, startColumn: 1, endLineNumber: 1, endColumn: 1, message: 'Error message', severity: monaco.MarkerSeverity.Error }
Custom themes
This code defines a custom theme for the editor and applies it.
monaco.editor.defineTheme('myTheme', {
base: 'vs',
inherit: true,
rules: [{ background: 'EDF9FA' }],
colors: { 'editor.foreground': '#000000' }
Keybindings and editor actions
This code adds a custom action to the editor that can be triggered with a keyboard shortcut.
id: 'my-unique-id',
label: 'My Label',
keybindings: [monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KEY_S],
run: function(ed) {
alert('Action triggered!');
Other packages similar to monaco-editor
Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript. It is similar to monaco-editor but with a different API and less out-of-the-box language support. Ace is lightweight and can be easier to integrate into existing projects.
CodeMirror is another browser-based code editor with features like syntax highlighting, a rich API, and various language modes. It is less resource-intensive than monaco-editor and is often used in scenarios where performance is critical.
Brace is a fork of Ace that packages the editor for use with browserify, which can make it easier to use with npm and Node.js-based build systems. It offers similar functionality to Ace.