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an opinionated and highly customizable admin interface interface generated using pug to explore your mongoose models. strongly inspired by adminjs

why not adminjs?

  1. you don't want a full-blown admin interface. just a simple database explorer to view and manipulate your data
  2. adminjs is esm only i've seen the light. starting v5 mongoose explore now only supports esm
  3. all operations trigger your schema's validations and hooks, if any


using npm

npm install mongoose-paginate-v2 mongoose-explore

using yarn

yarn add mongoose-paginate-v2 mongoose-explore

using pnpm

pnpm add mongoose-paginate-v2 mongoose-explore


  1. configure mongoose-paginate-v2 plugin on your models
  2. do not disable mongoose's schema types casting. specifically for String, Number, Boolean, and Date as internally Model.castObject() is used to accurately convert url-encoded data to align with the corresponding model's schema when creating and editing documents
  3. if your application utilizes helmet middleware, allow the unsafe-inline script source directive in your content security policy, as follows:
  contentSecurityPolicy: {
    directives: {
      "script-src": ["'unsafe-inline'", ""]

simple usage

import express from "express";
import mongoose from "mongoose";
import { MongooseExplorer } from "mongoose-explore";
import paginate from "mongoose-paginate-v2";


const app = express();

const explorer = new MongooseExplorer({ mongoose });

app.use(explorer.rootpath, explorer.router());

await mongoose.connect(url);


voila! you now have an admin interface interface on /admin/explorer to explore and manipulate your mongoose models


all configuration options

interface MongooseExplorerOptions {
  mongoose: typeof mongoose;
  rootpath?: string;
  datetimeformatter?: (date: Date) => string;
  explorables?: string[];
  query_runner?: boolean | string[];
  fallback_value?: string;
  version_key?: string;
  show_indexes?: string;
  timestamps?: {
    created?: string;
    updated?: string;
  widgets?: Array<
    | {
        type: "stat";
        title: string;
        resolver: () => Promise<string | number>;
        render?: (value: string | number) => string;
    | {
        type: "tabular";
        title: string;
        resolver: () => Promise<Record<string, any>>;
        header?: boolean;
    | {
        type: "doughnut chart";
        title: string;
        resolver: () => Promise<{
          labels: string[];
          dataset: Array<{ data: number[]; label?: string }>;
    | {
        type: "pie chart";
        title: string;
        resolver: () => Promise<{
          labels: string[];
          dataset: Array<{ label?: string; data: number[] }>;
    | {
        type: "line chart";
        title: string;
        resolver: () => Promise<{
          labels: string[];
          dataset: Array<{
            label: string;
            data: number[];
    | {
        type: "radar chart";
        title: string;
        resolver: () => Promise<{
          labels: string;
          dataset: Array<{ label: string; data: number[] }>;
    | {
        type: "bar chart";
        title: string;
        resolver: () => Promise<{
          labels: string[];
          dataset: Array<{ label: string; data: number[] }>;
    | {
        type: "custom";
        title: string;
        render: (ds: DesignSystem) => string | Promise<string>;
        wrapper_style?: string;
  resources: Record<string, {
    explorable?: string;
    creatable?: boolean;
    deletable?: boolean | ((doc: mongoose.LeanDocument) => boolean);
    editable?: boolean | ((doc: mongoose.LeanDocument) => boolean);
    sortable?: boolean;
    limit?: number;
    properties?: Record<string, {
      label?: string;
      editable?: boolean;
      sortable?: boolean;
      viewable?: boolean;
      filterable?: boolean;
      required?: boolean | ((value?: any) => boolean);
      creatable?: boolean;
      textarea?: boolean;
      as_image?: boolean;
      renderers?: {
        list?: (value: any) => string;
        create?: (enumvalues: any[] | null) => string;
        filter?: (enumvalues: any[] | null) => string;
        view?: (value: any) => string;
        edit?: (params: { value: any; enumvalues: any[] | null }) => string;
    viewables?: string[];
    filterables?: string[];
    creatables?: string[];
    editables?: string[];
    sortables?: string[];
    ref_newtab?: boolean;
    virtuals?: Record<string, (doc: mongoose.LeanDocument) => string>;
    show_indexes?: boolean;
    query_runner?: boolean;
    bulk_delete?: {
      enabled: boolean;
      use_document?: boolean;
    actions?: {
      customs?: {
        bulk?: Array<{
          operation: string;
          handler: (docs: string[] | mongoose.Document[]) => void | Promise<void>;
          as_documents?: boolean;
          guard?: boolean | string;
          element?: {
            variant?: "primary" | "secondary" | "outline" | "danger" | "success" | "warning";
            label?: string;
            style?: string;
            wrapper_style?: string;
        document?: Array<{
          operation: string;
          handler: (doc: mongoose.Document) => void | Promise<void>;
          applicable?: (doc: mongoose.Document) => boolean;
          guard?: boolean | string;
          element?: {
            variant?: "primary" | "secondary" | "outline" | "danger" | "success" | "warning";
            label?: string;
            style?: string;
            wrapper_style?: string;
      create?: {
        handler?: (body: Record<string, any>) => Promise<mongoose.Document>;
        pre?: (body: Record<string, any>) => void | Promise<void>;
        post?: (doc: mongoose.Document) => void | Promise<void>;
      delete?: {
        handler?: (doc: mongoose.Document) => Promise<mongoose.Document>;
        post?: (doc: mongoose.Document) => void | Promise<void>;
      update?: {
        handler?: (doc: mongoose.Document,body: Record<string, any>) => Promise<mongoose.Document>;
        pre?: (doc_id: string, body: Record<string, any>) => void | Promise<void>;
        post?: (doc: mongoose.Document, body: Record<string, any>) => void | Promise<void>;
      | {
          model: mongoose.Model<any>;
          relation: {
            local_field: string;
            foreign_field: string;
      | ((doc: any, session?: mongoose.mongo.ClientSession) => Promise<void>);
  views?: Array<{
    name: string;
    execute: (t: { limit: number; page?: number }) => Promsie<{
      docs: Record<string, any>;
      total_docs?: number;
      total_pages?: number;
      page?: number;
      prev_ppage?: number | null;
      next_page?: number | null;
    newtab?: boolean;
    limit?: number;
    render?: string | ((t: { data: any[]; ds: DesignSystem }) => string);
    design_system?: boolean;
  pages?: Array<{
    path: string;
    pug: string;
    label?: string;
    newtab?: boolean;
    design_system?: boolean;
    locals?: (req: express.Request) => Record<string, any> | Promise<Record<string, any>>;
  titles?: {
    home?: string;
    list?: (modelname: string) => string;
    view?: (modelname: string, doc: mongoose.LeanDocument) => string;
    edit?: (modelname: string, doc: mongoose.LeanDocument) => string;
    create?: (modelname: string) => string;
    queryrunner?: (modelname: string) => string;
  theming?: {
    colors?: {
      primary?: string;
      secondary?: string;
      danger?: string;
      warning?: string;
      success?: string;
      border?: string;
      text?: string;
    font?: {
      url: string;
      family: string;
consider this model
  new mongoose.Schema({
    email: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    password: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    profile: {
      name: String,
      settings: {
        notifications: Boolean
    role: {
      type: String,
      enum: ["default", "admin"],
      default: "default"
    is_banned: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    created_at: {
      type: Date,
      default: () => new Date()
    updated_at: {
      type: Date,
      default: () => new Date()

mongoose.model("Post", new mongoose.Schema({
  content: String,
  author_id: {
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: "User"

mongoose.model("Notification", new mongoose.Schema({
  recipient_id: {
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: "User"


changes the default rootpath /admin/explorer where the interface is mounted

new MongooseExplorer({ mongoose, rootpath: "/some-other-path" });


formatted string representation of dates

new MongooseExplorer({ 
  datetimeformatter: (date) => datefns.format(date, "MM/dd/yyyy") 

defaults to

date.toLocaleString("en-US", {
  hour: "2-digit",
  minute: "2-digit",
  hour12: true,
  day: "2-digit",
  month: "long",
  year: "numeric"
}); // January 1, 1970 at 12:00 AM


defines which resources should be explorable. if set, only the resources included in it are explorable, rendering any explorable: true setting under individual resource configuration irrelevant

new MongooseExplorer({
  explorables: ["User"]


defines whether query runner is enabled for specific resources or for all resources. set to true to enable for all resources, or provide an array of string resource names to enable it selectively for the specified resources, rendering individual query_runner configurations for each resource irrelevant

new MongooseExplorer({
  query_runner: ["User"]


html or string to be rendered if a property has no value. defaults to -

new MongooseExplorer({
  fallback_value: "<span style='font-style: italic'>???</span>"


the version key of your schema, if enabled. defaults to __v


determines whether indexes for all resources should be shown or not


prevents these fields from being modified among other things

new MongooseExplorer({
  timestamps: {
     * default
    created: "created_at",
    updated: "updated_at"


  • stat
new MongooseExplorer({
  widgets: [
       * represents a statistical widget displaying a single value.
       * useful for showcasing aggregated data or quick insights
      type: "stat",

       * title of the widget
      title: "Total Users",

       * a function that resolves and retrieves the statistical value
      resolver: () => Promise.resolve(20000),

       * custom rendering function for the displayed value.
       * can return a plain string or html string to be rendered instead of
       * the default value (resolver's return)
      render: (value) => `<p style="font-style: italic">${value.toLocaleString()}</p>`

sample stat widget

  • tabular
  type: "tabular",
  title: "Recent Orders",
  resolver: () => Promise.resolve([
      customer: "john",
      product: "laptop",
      quantity: 2,
      date: "2024-03-05 10:30",
      status: "shipped"
      customer: "mary",
      product: "smartphone",
      quantity: 1,
      date: "2024-03-04 15:45",
      status: "delivered"

   * determines whether table header is shown or not.
   * defaults to 'false'
  header: true

sample tabular widget

  • bar chart
  type: "bar chart",
  title: "Employee Performance",
  resolver: () => Promise.resolve({
    labels: ["john", "sarah", "michael", "emily", "james"],
    dataset: [
        label: "quarter 1",
        data: [85, 92, 78, 88, 95]
        label: "quarter 2",
        data: [78, 85, 90, 75, 88]
        label: "quarter 3",
        data: [92, 88, 95, 82, 90]

sample bar chart widget

  • pie chart
  type: "pie chart",
  title: "Expenses",
  resolver: () => Promise.resolve({
    labels: ["rent", "utilities", "groceries", "entertainment", "others"],
    dataset: [{
      data: [800, 150, 200, 100, 50]

sample pie chart widget

  • doughnut chart
  type: "doughnut chart",
  title: "Project Tasks Distribution",
  resolver: () => Promise.resolve({
    labels: ["design", "development", "testing", "documentation"],
    dataset: [{
      data: [25, 40, 20, 15]

sample doughnut chart widget

  • line chart
  type: "line chart",
  title: "Project Progress",
  resolver: () => Promise.resolve({
    labels: ["week 1", "week 2", "week 3", "week 4", "week 5"],
    dataset: [
        label: "development progress",
        data: [20, 40, 60, 80, 100]
        label: "degradation progress",
        data: [100, 80, 60, 40, 20]

sample line chart widget

  • radar chart
  type: "radar chart",
  title: "Skills",
  resolver: () => Promise.resolve({
    labels: [
      "problem solving",
      "time management",
    dataset: [
        label: "team A",
        data: [80, 70, 85, 90, 75, 65]
        label: "team B",
        data: [90, 65, 80, 85, 70]

sample radar chart widget

  • custom

see custom pages section for more details on ds (design system)

  type: "custom",
  title: "Custom Widget",
  render: (ds) => `<div>${ds.components.button({ label: "click", variant: "primary" })}</div>`,

   * extra styling to be applied to the wrapper element (widget element).
  wrapper_style: "width: 250px; height: 250px"

sample custom widget


new MongooseExplorer({
   * each resource corresponds a to mongoose model name
  resources: {
    User: {
       * determines whether the model is explorable.
       * set to 'false' to disable
      explorable: true,

       * determines whether new documents can be created for this model.
       * set to 'false' to prevent the creation of new documents
      creatable: true,

       * determines whether documents of the model are deletable.
       * set to 'false' to prevent the deletion of documents all documents and 'true'
       * to allow deletion of all documents. defaults to 'true'.
       * can also be a function which takes in the mongoose lean document as the argument
       * and should return boolean to either allow or disallow deletion of all documents
       * that meet the specified condition
      deletable: (user) => user.role !== "admin",

       * determines whether documents are editable.
       * set to 'false' to prevent the edition of all documents and 'true' to allow
       * edition of all documents. defaults to 'true'.
       * can also be a function which takes in the mongoose lean document as the argument
       * and should return boolean to either allow or disallow edition of all documents
       * that meet the specified condition
      editable: true,

       * enables or disables sorting criteria.
       * set to 'true' to allow sorting (default), or 'false' to prevent sorting
      sortable: true,

       * number of documents returned per query.
       * can also be changed from the UI.
       * defaults to '15'
      limit: 10,

       * defines properties which are shown in the UI.
       * this takes precedence over the viewable options on the property level
      viewables: ["_id", "email", ""],

       * defines properties which can be used as a filtering criteria.
       * this takes precedence over the filterable options on the property level
      filterables: ["_id", "email", "created_at", "updated_at"],

       * defines properties which can be created in the UI.
       * this takes precedence over the creatable options on the property level
      creatables: ["email", "password", ""],

       * defines properties which can be edited.
       * this takes precedence over the editable options on the property level
      editables: [""],

       * defines properties which can be sorted.
       * this takes precedence over the sortable options on the property level
      sortables: ["created_at"],

       * determines whether to open a referenced document in a new tab or not.
       * set to 'true' to make referenced documents open in a new tab
      ref_newtab: false,

       * avoid confusing this with mongoose's virtuals, as they are distinct
       * and separate functionalities.
       * dynamically inject additional properties when listing and viewing
       * documents. when listing documents (i.e, in a table), this will
       * dynamically add a new table header. the header corresponds to the
       * object's key, while the resulting html or string represents the
       * content in the table data cell. likewise, when viewing an individual
       * document, this will dynamically add a new property. the property key
       * corresponds to the object's key, while the resulting html or string
       * represents the content associated with that key
      virtuals: {
        another: (user) => "i will be rendered under 'another' property",

        field: (user) => "<p style='font-style: italic'>so will i, under 'field' property</p>"

       * determines whether the indexes should be shown or not
      show_indexes: true,

       * query runner feature enables you to dynamically compose and execute
       * custom queries on the associated mongoose model and instantly view the result. 
       * when enabled, you can interactively input queries and query options.
       * it supports `find`, `findOne`, `aggregate`, `countDocuments`, and
       * `estimatedDocumentCount` mongoose operations.
       * query options are applicable to `find` and `findOne` operations only.
       * not enabled by default
       * note: the default setting for `lean: true` is applied to `find` and `findOne`
       * operations, and this behavior cannot be overridden
      query_runner: true,

      bulk_delete: {
         * determines whether bulk deletion of documents is enabled.
         * defaults to 'false'
        enabled: true,
         * determines how the deletion is performed.
         * if set to 'true', individual documents are deleted using
         * `Document.deleteOne()`. if not specified or set to 'false', the
         * default behavior is to use `Model.deleteMany()`, which triggers the
         * 'deleteMany' hook (if any). if you opt to use `use_document: true`,
         * ensure that your 'deleteOne' hook (if any) is appropriately
         * configured
        use_document: true

       * configuring each property of your mongoose schema
      properties: {
        password: {
           * allows you to specify a custom display name for the property key
           * in the UI. when set, this label will be used in place of the
           * default property key when rendering in the interface
          label: "secret",

           * determines whether password is editable.
           * set to 'false' to prevent the edition of passwords
          editable: true,

           * determines if the property can be used for sorting criteria
          sortable: true,

           * determines whether password is shown in the UI.
           * set to 'false' to disallow it from being shown
          viewable: true,

           * determines whether password can be used as a filtering criteria
           * when querying. set to 'false' to disable
          filerable: true,

           * determines whether password is a required property when creating
           * and editing. set to 'false' to make it optional.
           * note: this is purely for UI purposes and does not modify it on the
           * schema level.
           * can also be a function which returns a boolean. it takes the value
           * of the property as a function parameter only in the context of editing,
           * and is `undefined` in other contexts
          required: true,

           * allows the creation of password field in the UI.
           * set to 'false' to disallow
          creatable: true,

           * specifies whether password should be rendered as a textarea
           * note: this is only considered if property is a String
          textarea: false,
           * if set to 'true', displays the image instead of the url string,
           * assuming the value is a valid image url
          as_image: true,

           * render functions for generating html specific to various operations.
          renderers: {
             * function for generating html which will be rendered in this
             * property's field (password, in this case) when listing (i.e, the
             * table view) documents. returned string or html is rendered inside
             * a '<td>' fyi.
             * useful if customization is desired, as the default behavior is to render the value
            list: (value) => `${value}`,

             * function for generating html which will be rendered in this
             * property's field when creating documents. enum values maybe null
             * or array of values (depending on the value type on the schema).
             * you may loop over the enum and render a select as you wish.
             * ensure that you include the 'name' property
            create: (enumvalues) => `<input type="password" name="password" />`,

             * function for generating html which will be rendered in this
             * property's field when adding sorting criteria. enumvalues maybe
             * be null or array of values (depending on the value type on the
             * schema). you may loop over the enum and render a select
             * as you wish.
             * ensure that you include the 'name' property
            filter: (enumvalues) => `<input type="text" name="password" />`,

             * function for generating html which will be rendered in this
             * property's field when viewing an individual document.
             * useful if customization is desired, as the default behavior is to render the value
             * in a <p> tag if value is primitive. it the value is an array or object, the array
             * or object is looped over and displayed in a <ul><li> structure, with the actual
             * values in <span> tags
            view: (value) => `<p>${value}</p>`,

             * function for generating html which will be rendered in this
             * property's field when editing a document.
             * ensure that you include the 'name' property
            edit: ({ value, enumvalues }) => `<input type="password" name="password" />`

         * target properties nested within an object by using dot notation
        "profile.settings.notifications": {}

      actions: {
        customs: {
           * custom actions for multiple selected documents
          bulk: [{
             * must be unique and contain only lowercase letters and '-'
            operation: "ban-all",

             * bulk-ban operation implementation.
             * the 'docs' parameter can either be an array of strings
             * containing the ids of the selected documents or an array of
             * lean documents if 'as_documents' is set to 'true'
            handler: (docs) => {},

             * determines the format of the 'docs' parameter in the bulk
             * operation. if set to 'true', the 'docs' parameter will be an
             * array of lean documents. if set to 'false' or omitted, the
             * 'docs' parameter will be an array of strings containing document
             * ids. defaults to 'false'
            as_documents: true,

             * window.confirm prompt message before executing handler.
             * if set to 'true' default message "are you sure?" is used
             * otherwise no prompt, and handler is executed immediately.
             * defaults to 'false'
            guard: "are you sure you want to ban these users?",

             * html button (actually an <a>) the operation is rendered in
            element: {
               * specifices the visual variant for the button.
               * defaults to 'outline'
              variant: "danger",
               * label of the operation's button
               * defaults to the operation name
              label: "ban all",

               * extra styling to the operation's button
              style: "color: red; font-size: 12px",

               * extra styling to the operation's button wrapper element
              wrapper_style: "border: 1px solid gold"

           * custom actions for individual documents
          document: [{
             * must be unique and contain only lowercase letters and '-'
            operation: "ban-user",

             * ban-user operation implementation
            handler: async (user) => {
              user.is_banned = true;

             * determines whether the action is applicable to the document
            applicable: (user) => user.role !== "admin",

            guard: "are you sure you want to ban this user?",

            element: {
              variant: "danger",
              label: "ban",
              style: "color: red; font-size: 12px",
              wrapper_style: "border: 1px solid gold"

        create: {
           * function to override how documents are created.
           * defaults to `Model.create()`
          handler: (body: req.body) => Promise<mongoose.Document>,

           * function executed before creating a document. think of it as 'pre
           * hook'. runs before mongoose's validations/hooks, if any
          pre: (body: req.body) => void | Promise<void>,

           * function executed after creating a document. think of it as 'post
           * hook'. runs after mongoose's post hooks, if any
          post: (user: mongoose.Document) => void | Promise<void>

        delete: {
           * function to override how documents are deleted. must return the
           * mongoose document. defaults to `Document.deleteOne()`
          handler: (user: mongoose.Document) => Promise<mongoose.Document>,

           * function executed after deleting a document. think of it as 'post
           * hook'. runs after mongoose's post hooks, if any.
          post: (user: mongoose.Document) => void | Promise<void>

         * note: if you find that none of your update actions are running, it's
         * due to an empty `req.body`
        update: {
           * function to override how documents are updated. must return the
           * mongoose document. defaults to `Document.set(body).save()`
          handler: (user: mongoose.Document, body: req.body) => Promise<mongoose.Document>,

           * function executed before updating a document.
           * think of it as 'pre hook'.
           * runs before mongoose's validations/hooks, if any
          pre: (doc_id: string, body: req.body) => void | Promise<void>,

           * function executed after updating a document.
           * think of it as 'post hook'.
           * runs after mongoose's post hooks, if any
          post: (user: mongoose.Document, body: req.body) => void | Promise<void>

       * cascading delete behavior for dependent documents. can be an array of 
       * objects, each with a `model` (mongoose model of dependent documents),
       * `local_field` (field in the current document), and `foreign_field`
       * (field in the dependent documents referencing the current document);
       * or a function that handles deletion manually with the deleted document
       * and an optional mongodb client session, returning a promise.
       * if a function is passed, the session is defined if mongodb is in a replica
       * set, otherwise, it is undefined.
       * uses transaction to delete documents if mongodb is in a replica set,
       * or Promise.all otherwise.
       * note: cascade delete is currently not supported for bulk delete
      cascade_delete: [
          model: Post,
          relation: {
            foreign_field: "author_id",
            local_field: "_id"
          model: Notification,
          relation: {
            foreign_field: "recipient_id",
            local_field: "_id"
        cascade_delete: async (doc, session) => {
          await Post.deleteMany({ author_id: doc._id }, { session });
          await Notification.deleteMany({ recipient_id: doc._id }, { session });

all able's are true by default


configuration for dynamic data views in the UI. allows you to define custom queries which dynamically fetch and provide the data for specific sections in the UI. the concept is similar to PostgreSQL views where you dont have to type the query each time you need it

new MongooseExplorer({
  views: [{
    name: "new users",
    execute: async ({ limit, page = 1 }) => {
      const thirtydays = new Date();
      thirtydays.setDate(thirtydays.getDate() - 30);

      const users = await User.aggregate([
          $match: {
            role: "default",
            created_at: {
              $gte: thirtydays
          $limit: limit
          $addFields: {
            a_new_property: "your value here"

      return { docs: users };

       * if pagination is desired for your query, include the computed values of
       * `total_docs`, `total_pages`, `prev_page`, `next_page` and `page` properties
       * in the return object. this enables pagination controls in the UI

     * determines if the view is to be opened in a new tab.
     * defaults to 'false'
    newtab: true,

     * default number of documents returned per query.
     * can be changed from the UI and defaults to 15.
     * accessible via the `limit` variable in the execute function
    limit: 20,

     * the view's page title
    title: "New Users",

     * defines the rendering mechanism for the view's data.
     * if a string, it must be an absolute path to a pug file, where
     * 'data' (the return value from execute) and ds (Design system)
     *  are accessible as local variables.
     * if a function, it accepts 'data' (from execute function) and 'ds'
     * (design system) as parameters, and must return html markup as string.
     * 'ds' may be undefined if 'design_system' is set to 'false'
    render: path.join(process.cwd(), "assets", "views", "new-users.pug"),

     * determines whether to inject our default styles to your page/markup
    design_system: true,

     * configuration of each property from the data returned from the execute query
    properties: {
      a_new_property: {
         * returned string or html is rendered in this property's field inside a '<td>' tag.
         * useful if customization is desired, as the default behavior is to render the value
        render: (value) => `<span></span>`;


new MongooseExplorer({
  titles: {
    home: "explorer",
    list: (modelname) => `${modelname} model`,
    view: (modelname, doc) => `view ${modelname} document - ${doc._id}`,
    edit: (modelname, doc) => `edit ${modelname} document - ${doc._id}`,
    create: (modelname) => `create ${modelname} document`,
    queryrunner: (modelname) => `${modelname} query runner`


new MongooseExplorer({
  pages: [
       * path where the page will be mounted.
       * notice how it's not prefixed with '/'
      path: "custom",

       * absolute path to the custom page's pug file
      pug: path.join(process.cwd(), "views", "custom.pug"),

       * label of the page's link element
       * defaults to 'path' value
      label: "Custom",

       * determines where the page should be opened in a new tab or not.
       * set to 'true' to open the page in a new tab
      newtab: false,

       * determines whether to inject default styles into your custom page using our design system.
       * this also ships a 'ds' locals object accessible in your pages and exposes 
       * '--primary', '--danger', '--secondary', '--success', '--warning', '--text-color', and
       * '--border-color' css variables
       * ```
       *  type Variant = "primary" | "secondary" | "outline" | "success" | "warning" | "danger";
       *  const ds = {
       *    font: {
       *      url: "",
       *      family: "",
       *    },
       *    colors: {
       *      primary: "",
       *      secondary: "",
       *      danger: "",
       *      warning: "",
       *      success: "",
       *      text: "",
       *      border: "",
       *    },
       *    styles: {
       *      /**
       *       * default styling for the main content container use in pages. its a <div>
       *       * encapsulating the primary content of each page to ensure consistent styling,
       *       * including a border, fixed width of 400px, centered alignment, and padding
       *       */
       *      contentdiv: ""
       *    },
       *    components: {
       *      title: (t: { label: string; style?: string; }) => <h2>,
       *      link: (t: { label: string; href: string; newtab?: boolean; style?: string; }) => <a>,
       *      dash: (t?: { style?: string; }) => <hr>,
       *      button: (t: { label: string; variant?: Variant; style?: string }) => <button>
       *    }
       *  }
       * ```
      design_system: true,

       * provide local variables for your custom page. the returned
       * object will be merged with the below default locals object
       * ```
       * const locals = {
       *  /*
       *   * use this function to build links to other custom pages.
       *   * ex: `buildlink("another-custom-page")`
       *   */
       *  buidlink: (path: string) => string,
       *  rootpath: "",
       *  ds: "**see above**"
       * }
       * ```
      locals: (req) => ({ user: req.user })



new MongooseExplorer({
  theming: {
    colors: {
      primary: "gold",
      secondary: "purple",
      danger: "red",
      success: "green",
      warning: "yellow",
      border: "gray",
      text: "black"
    font: {
      url: "google font url here",
       * must be of this format: `"Somefont", sans-serif;`.
       * notice the `;` at the end
      family: "font family here"

defaults to

  colors: {
    primary: "#4f46e5",
    secondary: "#DCE546",
    danger: "#dc2626",
    success: "#059669",
    warning: "#d97706",
    border: "#4B5563",
    text: "#fff",
  font: {
    url: "",
    family: `"Finlandica", sans-serif;`

[!NOTE] background-color is set to #101113, which is a very dark shade and is not customizable. if you choose to customize the colors, be mindful of the background color as it sets the foundation for the overall appearance of the interface

important notes

  1. string filtering supports regex patterns enclosed within / characters. simply place your regex pattern between these delimeters. for example, /doe/i/, gets converted to /doe/i and translated to the mongodb $regex operator
  2. if an error is thrown from any pre hook, the request fails and the operation is not executed; however, if an error is thrown from any post hook, the request still succeeds, and the error is suppressed


  1. filtering properties of type map is not supported
  2. filtering and editing properties of array of objects is not supported yet
  3. sorting properties of type map and array is not supported
  4. not explicitly tested or designed with schema type mixed in mind. i don't think you should be using it anyway. if any of your properties are of type mixed, you should disable the property by setting viewable: false as not doing so might lead to unexpected behaviors



Package last updated on 31 Oct 2024

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