![MonitorChain Interface Library](https://monitorchain.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Logo-MonitorChain-BlueS.png)
NodeJS libraries for interfacing and integrating MonitorChain by subscribers.
$ npm install monitorchain-interface-library
Following modules are being exported by the library:
- AccessInterface - the interface is providing the public and restricted-to-subscribers methods
- Web3 - returns the web3 provider. The type of the provider is defined by the protocol type (web socket, http, ipc). If a 12 words mnemonic is passed - return the truffle-hdwallet-provider's instance
- ERC20Interface - can be used for accessing the ERC20 tokens' standard methods (name, symbol, totalSupply, etc.)
It supports both promises and the async-await calls with or without the callbacks.
const {AccessInterface} = require('monitorchain-interface-library');
const log = console.log;
const mc = new AccessInterface(
'http://main.infura.io/<API KEY>',
'12 words mnemonic is here'
mc.getNumberSupportedTokens((err, result) => {console.log(err, result)})
const calc = async () => {
const price = await mc.calculatePrice(45, 50);
const tokens = [
mc.subscribe(tokens, (err, result) => {
console.log(`${err ? 'Fail':'Success'}`)
let token = "0xE41d2489571d322189246DaFA5ebDe1F4699F498";
mc.subscribe([token], 45, (err, result) => {
console.log(`${err ? 'Fail':'Success'}`)
const weiPerEth = "1000000000000000000";
let newToken = "0xA4e8C3Ec456107eA67d3075bF9e3DF3A75823DB0";
mc.init().then(() => {
mc.wallet = 1;
mc.addTokenToSubscription(newToken, null, null, weiPerEth, (err, result) => {
console.log(`${err ? err:'Success'}`)
Using a built-in truffle hdwallet provider
const {AccessInterface} = require('monitorchain-interface-library');
const log = console.log;
const mc = new AccessInterface(
'12 words mnemonic is here'
const subscribe = async() => {
mc.wallet = 2;
log(await mc.getSubscriptionData());
log(await mc.getTokensSubscribedTo());
await mc.subscribe([
log(await mc.getSubscriptionData());
log(await mc.remainingSubscriptionDays());
log(await mc.getTokensSubscribedTo());
Using a custom web3 instance
const {AccessInterface} = require('monitorchain-interface-library');
const HDWalletProvider = require('truffle-hdwallet-provider');
const Web3 = require('web3');
const nodeAddress = 'http://localhost:8545';
const monitorChainAddress = '0xF8CE9D27Ff65E59cc5499a44f3fd71337Bd6201a';
const mnemonic = '12 words mnemonic is here';
const web3 = new Web3(new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, nodeAddress, 0, 20));
const mc = AccessInterface.web3(web3, monitorChainAddress);
Listening for realtime events
const {AccessInterface, ERC20Interface} = require('monitorchain-interface-library');
const log = console.log;
const monitorChainAddress = '0xF8CE9D27Ff65E59cc5499a44f3fd71337Bd6201a';
const mc = new AccessInterface(
'12 words mnemonic is here'
const ws = new AccessInterface(
const callback = async (err, result) => {
if(err) throw err;
const tokenAddress = await mc.getTokenForEventId(result);
if (!tokenAddress) return;
log(`${tokenAddress}: a status has been changed: ${result}`);
log(await mc.getCurrentStatusDetails(tokenAddress));
const token =ERC20Interface.web3(mc.w3, tokenAddress);
const tokenInfo = await token.tokenInfo();
log(JSON.stringify(tokenInfo, null, 4));
Transactions are too slow
Increase a gas price:
const {ERC20Interface} = require('monitorchain-interface-library');
const token = new ERC20Interface(...);
token.gasPrice = 3;
Error: Exceeds block gas limit
Decrease the gasLimit:
const {ERC20Interface} = require('monitorchain-interface-library');
const token = new ERC20Interface(...);
token.gasLimit = '3000000'
Error: Cannot find module 'ethereumjs-wallet/hdkey'
$ npm uninstall ethereumjs-wallet
$ npm install ethereumjs-wallet@0.6.0