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monkberry - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.0.1 to 4.0.2

### 4.0.1
* A lot of refactoring in compiler and runtime.
* Improved performance in 1.5 times.
* New feature: extendable templates.
* New feature: contexts.
* Added support to import anything.
* Added this expression support.
* Fixed scope variable updates.
* Dropped support for wrappers.
* Dropped support for parsers.
* Dropped block statements.
### 3.8.1

@@ -106,2 +118,2 @@

* First working prototype.


"name": "monkberry",
"version": "4.0.1",
"version": "4.0.2",
"description": "Monkberry is a JavaScript library for building web user interfaces",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "bin": "bin/monkberry",

@@ -1,537 +0,103 @@

# Monkberry - JavaScript template engine
# Monkberry
[![Build Status](](
Monkberry compile template to JavaScript code for creating nodes with DOM API and helper methods for updating content of these nodes.
Monkberry is **blazingly fast**, **small `1kb`** and **simple** JavaScript library for building **web user interfaces**.
npm install monkberry --save
## Features
* Small, dependency free
* Simple and minimalistic
* Fully tested
* Precompiled templates
* SourceMaps
* Custom tags
* Extremely fast!
## Table of Contents
- [Example](#example)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Expressions](#expressions)
- [If, Else](#if-else)
- [For](#for)
- [Default values](#default-values)
- [Filters](#filters)
- [Custom tags](#custom-tags)
- [Spread attributes](#spread-attributes)
- [Importing](#importing)
- [Event Handling](#event-handling)
- [Globals](#globals)
- [Prerender](#prerender)
- [Transforms](#transforms)
- [Unsafe](#unsafe)
- [Comments](#comments)
- [Blocks](#blocks)
- [API Reference](#api-reference)
- [Monkberry](#monkberry)
- [monkberry.render(template, node[, options])](#monkberryrendername-values-nocache)
- [monkberry.prerender(template, times)](#monkberryprerendername-times)
- [Monkberry.prototype.appendTo(toNode)](#viewappendtotonode)
- [Monkberry.prototype.insertBefore(toNode)](#viewinsertbeforetonode)
- [Monkberry.prototype.createDocument()](#viewcreatedocument)
- [Monkberry.prototype.update(data)](#viewupdatedata)
- [Monkberry.prototype.remove()](#viewremoveforce)
- [Monkberry.prototype.querySelector(query)](#viewqueryselectorquery)
- [Tests](#tests)
- [Plugins](#plugins)
- [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)
## Example
Monkberry will compile this template:
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
{{ text }}
Monkberry comes with powerfull templating engine, which is compiled to JavaScript.
To JavaScript code like this:
var div = document.createElement('div');
var h1 = document.createElement('h1');
var p = document.createElement('p');
view.update = function (data) {
h1.textContent = data.title;
p.textContent = data.text;
Which can be used like that:
var view = Monkberry.render(template, document.body);
title: 'Monkberry',
text: 'JavaScript DOM template engine'
## Documentation
### Getting Started
Monkberry has support for both browserify via [monkberrify]( and for webpack via [monkberry-loader](
Monkberry can be used like CLI tool. Install Monkberry globally:
npm install monkberry -g
To compile all templates into single JavaScript file with source map run next command:
monkberry --source-map --output template.js templates/*.html
Require generated `template.js` and `monkberry.js` files and render that view.
var Monkberry = require('monkberry');
var Template = require('./template.js');
var view = Monkberry.render(Template, document.body);
Now, to update data of view on page:
// or update only what's needed
view.update({key: value});
### Expressions
Monkberry perceives everything inside `{{` and `}}` mustache as JavaScript expression.
<div class="greetings {{ visible ? '' : 'hidden' }}">
Hello, {{ + "!" }}
### If, Else
Can be any valid JavaScrpt expressions.
{% if count < 0 || count > 10 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% for todos %}
{% if complete %}
<del>{{ text }}</del>
{% else %}
<em>{{ text }}</em>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Any number on variables in `if`:
{% if array.indexOf(search) != -1 %}
{% endif %}
> Note what Monkberry update only one of `if`/`else` block.
> ```twig
> {% if check %}
> Then {{ value }}!
> {% else %}
> Else {{ value }}!
> {% endif %}
> ```
> Render that template:
> ```js
> var view = Monkberry.render(Example, document.body);
> view.update({
> check: true,
> value: 'one'
> });
> ```
> View will be `Then one!`. When if update view:
> ```js
> view.update({
> check: false,
> value: 'two'
> });
> ```
> View will be `Else two!`. But if update only `check`, variable of then part will be same as before.
> ```js
> view.update({check: true});
> ```
> View will be `Then one!`.
> This is happens because Monkberry does not stores variables passed to `update` function, it stores only DOM nodes.
> Monkberry will update only one part of `if`/`else`.
and then
### For
Monkberry can loop other arrays and objects as well.
{% for array %}
{{ name }}
{% endfor %}
In this form, body of `for` has access only for variables iterating on.
array: [
{name: 'Anton'},
import Monkberry from 'monkberry';
import Template from 'template.monk';
To access outer scope specify iterator name.
const view = Monkberry.render(Template, document.body);
{% for user of array %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
view.update({todos: [...]});
Also key can be specified.
{% for key, user of array %}
{{ key }}: {{ }}
{% endfor %}
## Features
### Default values
* Small **`1kb`** minified & gzipped
* Simple, small learning curve
* Fully tested
* Precompiled templates
* Source maps
* Custom tags
* Blazingly fast (only necessary dom updates)
<div class="foo {{ modify || 'baz' }}">
{{ content || "No content" }}
## Documentation
View rendered without data will be filled with default data:
Documentation available on []( site.
<div class="foo baz">
No content
## Development
Note if you will use some variable in right side of _OR_ operator, what can't be used as default data.
{{ content || "No content" + foo }}
If you want to hack on Monkberry, the first step is to fork the repo.
# Build compiler
npm run build
# Build parser
npm run build:parser
### Filters
# Watch changes and rebuild
npm run watch
Any expression support filter statement.
Hello, {{ | upper }}
# Start tests server
To define that filter:
Template.filters.upper = function (text) {
return text.toUpperCase();
## Plugins
Also Monkberry understand parameters for filters:
template.filters.replace = function (text, from, to) {
return text.replace(from, to);
* [Atom Package](
* [Sublime Text Package](
{{ text | replace(/.../, '$1') }}
## Performance
And allow to combine filters:
{{ text | lower | replace(/.../, '$1') | upper }}
#### [Benchmarks](
That expression will be compiled to next JavaScript:
upper(replace(lower(text), /.../, '$1'));
Why is Monkberry so fast? Even in comparison with React, Monkberry is **10 times faster**, sometimes **100 times faster**.
It's because Monkberry will do only necessary dom updates, and does it in a completely different way than React does.
Monkberry compiles template to plain JavaScript to gain an advantage by using v8 **hidden classes** and **reduce call stack**.
There is no virtual dom (in general, an react app have to keep 3 virtual doms), for example next template will be generated to JavaScript code which will do only necessary dom updates on state changes.
Filters can be used in expressions, `if` and `for` statements.
### Custom tags
Custom tag template `greet.monk`:
{{ value }}, {{ name }}!
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
To render that custom tag in another template:
Will be compiled to code like this:
{% import greet from './greet.monk' %}
<greet value="Hello" name="world">
<greet value="Hello" name="{{ }}">
### Spread attributes
Spread attributes allow easily convert object into node attributes.
The properties of the object that you pass in are copied onto the node's attributes.
<input {{...attr}}/>
view.update({attr: {
id: 'foo',
value: 'baz'
function (state) {
h1.textContent = state.title;
You can combine it with other attributes.
Benchmarks covers a few use cases, and compare Monkberry with React and innerHTML. Also it's contains real site code and data.
<input {{...attr}} value={{ value }}/>
Note what later updates of attributes override previous ones.
## License
view.update({value: 'baz'});
// ...
view.update({attr: {value: 'new baz'}}); // Will override previous value.
Spread operator also works well with custom attributes. In fact, this is best way to pass data into custom tag.
<my-tag {{...attr}}/>
<input type={{ type }} value={{ value }}>
### Importing
It is possible to require template within another template.
{% import Component './Component.monk' %}
Also it's possible to include any JS file or module:
{% import upperCase 'upper-case' %}
// ...
{{ upperCase(name) }}
### Event Handling
There are a few ways to deal with event handling in Monkberry.
Add event listener to node directly:
view.querySelector('.button').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
But this is difficult when dealing with conditions and loops.
Better approach is to use [event delegating](
view.on('click', '.button', function (event) {
### Globals
Monkberry also support global variables. This is very usefull if using `window` variable inside of templates.
Or if using translation function like this: `{{ __('greeting') + userName }}`.
To do it, you need to specify globals as array of variables names for compiler to pass. Read monkberry loaders docs for more info.
### Prerender
To speedup render Monkberry can prerender DOM nodes to use them in future.
Monkberry.prerender(Template, 10); // Preprender template 10 times.
Then next `render` call will use one of these prerendered views:
Monkberry.render(Template, node); // Will use already created DOM nodes.
This is very usefull to do then browser waiting some xhr request.
### Transforms
Transformers allow to modify [AST]( before compilation of templates.
List of AST nodes can be founded here: [ast.js](
Example of transform which trim whitespaces: [whitespace.js](
Add transforms to Monkbeery before compilation:
import { Compiler } from 'monkberry';
import { myTransform } from './myTransform';
var compiler = new Compiler();
compiler.transforms.custom = myTransform;
### Unsafe
Monkberry escape all inserted variables by default. But if some times you want to insert
some HTML template via variable you can you _unsafe_ statement which is using `innerHTML`.
Improper use of the _unsafe_ statement can open you up to a [cross-site scripting (XSS)]( attack.
{% unsafe '<a href="XSS">...</a>' %}
{% unsafe html %}
### Comments
You can use standard html comments.
<!-- Comment does here -->
Comments will be cut out from template.
## API Reference
Monkberry API strictly follows [semantic versioning](
### Monkberry
#### Monkberry.render(template, node, options)
Render template, and returns new `Monkberry` instance.
#### Monkberry.prerender(template, times)
Generates views for future calls of render method.
#### Monkberry.prototype.appendTo(toNode)
Append rendered view nodes to specified node.
* `toNode`: `Element` - DOM node.
#### Monkberry.prototype.insertBefore(toNode)
Insert rendered view nodes before specified node.
* `toNode`: `Element` - DOM node.
#### Monkberry.prototype.createDocument()
Return view's nodes. Note what if your template contains more then one root element, `createDocument` function will
return `DocumentFragment` what contains all these nodes. If you have only one root node, it will be returned as is.
#### Monkberry.prototype.update(data)
Update rendered template with new data. You can specify only part of data to update or update entire data.
* `data`: `Object|Array` - values to update in template.
var data = {
title: 'Title #1',
content: '...'
view.update({title: 'Title #2'});
#### Monkberry.prototype.remove([)
Remove view's nodes from document, and puts it to pool for future reuse.
#### view.querySelector(query)
Select node by query.
* `query`: `string` - query to select node.
> Note what this function uses [Element.matches()]( for checking root nodes. Include polyfill for matches if you use it.
If you template contains more then one nodes on first level, `querySelector` will look other all subtrees. Array of all top level nodes can be accessed by `view.nodes[]` array.
> Note what querySelector can not work with template which have if/for/custom node on first level.
> ```twig
> {% if cond %}
> ...
> {% endif %}
> ```
> You will got exception like this: `Can not use querySelector with non-element nodes on first level.`
> Solution is to wrap such statement into another node:
> ```twig
> <div>
> {% if cond %}
> ...
> {% endif %}
> </div>
> ```
## Tests
Monkberry uses [Jasmine]( and [testem]( To run test locally run:
testem ci
## Plugins
* [Atom Package](
* [Sublime Text Package](
## Benchmarks
Benchmarks covers a few use cases, and compare Monkberry with [React]( and innerHTML.
Also it's contains real site code for tests.
* [](
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright © 2016 Medvedev Anton

@@ -7,2 +7,8 @@ # TODO

* [ ] Default value for custom tag attributes [custom.js#L39](src/compiler/custom.js#L39)
* [ ] ES2016 arrow function expressions `=>`
* [ ] ES2016 arrow function expressions `=>`
* [ ] Hot module replacment for monkberry-loader (good starting point is this commit [eb226f]( :star:
* [ ] Server side rendering :star:
* [ ] `{% elseif %}` support.
* [ ] Template inheritance with `{% extends %}` :star:
:star: — _complex, but interesting tasks_
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