moofx 3
moofx3 is a css3-enabled javascript animation library on caffeine.
moofx3 is written in coffeescript, which is a neat language that compiles to fast javascript code.
- uses css3 transitions whenever available, falls back to normal javascript animation otherwise.
- supports animating lengths to different types of units, such as
, px
, pt
, %
. - supports hsl colors for color-based properties.
- supports transform animations in webkit browsers, firefox and ie9+.
- also contains a very useful computedStyle normalizer.
- framework agnostic, is easily pluggable in your favorite js framework.
- cross browser (not sure exactly which browsers just yet).
- small footprint (15k compressed, 5k gzipped).
- animation state is managed internally. no more checks.
Every property in moofx can either be provided camelized (backgroundColor
) or hyphenated (background-color
Colors can be provided as rbg (rgb(20,30,40)
), rbga (rbga(20,30,40,0.5)
), hsl (hsl(20,30,40)
), hsla (hsla(20,30,40,0.5)
) hex (#fa0
, #ffaa00
), or hexa (#ffaa00ff
, #fa0f
Lengths will always be retrieved in pixels, unless they have a value of auto
, and you are able to animate from to whatever length unit to whatever length unit.
moofx3 can animate the following properties: backgroundColor
, color
, backgroundSize
, fontSize
, height
, width
, marginTop
, paddingTop
, borderTopWidth
, top
, borderTopColor
, borderTopStyle
, marginRight
, paddingRight
, borderRightWidth
, right
, borderRightColor
, borderRightStyle
, marginBottom
, paddingBottom
, borderBottomWidth
, bottom
, borderBottomColor
, borderBottomStyle
, marginLeft
, paddingLeft
, borderLeftWidth
, left
, borderLeftColor
, borderLeftStyle
, borderTopLeftRadius
, borderTopRightRadius
, borderBottomRightRadius
, borderBottomLeftRadius
, zIndex
, margin
, padding
, borderRadius
, borderWidth
, borderColor
, borderTop
, borderRight
, borderBottom
, borderLeft
, border
, opacity
, and finally transform
the moofx method takes as first argument either a collection of nodes (such as the return value of document.querySelectorAll
) an array of nodes (such as the expected return value of every dom selector library available, such as Slick
, or Sizzle
), or a single node selected by whatever means.
It is however reccomended that you use moofx as part of a javascript library's api (see below).
The animate
method accepts either an object made of styles, or a property and a value, followed by the optional options
moofx(nodes).animate({'background-color': '#ffa', 'color': 'black'});
moofx(nodes).animate('background-color', '#ffa');
moofx(nodes).animate({'background-color': '#ffa', 'color': 'black'}, {duration: 500});
moofx(nodes).animate('background-color', '#ffa', {duration: 500});
moofx(nodes).animate({'background-color': '#ffa'}, {duration: 5000});
moofx(nodes).animate({'background-color': '#ffa'}, {duration: "5000ms", equation: 'cubic-bezier(0.17,0.67,0.83,0.67)'});
moofx(nodes).animate({'background-color': '#ffa'}, {duration: "5s", equation: 'ease-in'});
moofx(nodes).animate({'background-color': '#ffa'}, {duration: "5s", equation: 'ease-in-out', callback: function(){
The style
method accepts either an object made of styles or property and a value.
moofx(nodes).style({'background-color': 'red', 'color': 'black'});
moofx(nodes).style('background-color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');
Computed style getter and normalizer. Note that lengths will always return in px
(unless is "auto"
) and colors in rgba
for consistency.
moofx.requestFrame / moofx.cancelFrame
moofx also provides an advanced requestAnimationFrame shim, that supports canceling and the standard time argument.
var callback = function(time){
moofx also exports a simple any-to-rgb color converter, with a very basic, very straightforward usage:
moofx.color('hsl(0, 0, 0)');
moofx.color('hsla(0, 0, 0, 0)');
Include the pre-compiled moofx.js (or moofx-min.js) in the webpage of choice. Use it. Love it. Done.
moofx can also be installed and depended on with npm (and ender) or packager.
moofx was built to be used in conjuction with your favorite javascript framework. Some basic examples:
MooTools integration:
Element.implement('animate', function(){
var moo = moofx(this);
moo.apply(moo, arguments);
return this;
jQuery integration:
jQuery.fn.animate = function(){
var moo = moofx(this.get());
moo.apply(moo, arguments);
return this;
Then just get busy with your dollars.
ender integration
moofx integrates nicely with ender. While in ender (or in any other CommonJS env, for that matter), the moofx global variable will not be present.
Refer to ender documentation for usage and installation of modules.
moofx even comes with a default ender adapter, automatically available when building via ender, that can be used like this:
$('#box .boxes').style(…);
moofx3 can be compiled using cake, which is installed with coffeescript.
This is how you compile a single moofx.js (both uncompressed and google-closure-compiled) from the .coffee source:
cake build
This is how you automatically recompile the javascripts in lib/ when the source .coffees in /src change.
cake watch