Move all SQS messages from one queue to another, with an ability to modify the message
✨ ✨
This can be helpful when you want to reprocess all messages from a deadletter queue.
$ npm install -g move-sqs
Usage Help
$ move-sqs --help
Move all SQS messages from one queue to another, with an ability to modify the message
$ move-sqs <input>
--source-queue-url, -s Source AWS SQS Queue URL
--destination-queue-url, -d Destination AWS SQS Queue URL
--region, -r AWS Region
--access-key-id, -k AWS Access Key ID
--secret-access-key, -S AWS Secret Access Key
--merge-json-message-with, -o (OPTIONAL) Merge the json message body with a given json string
Basis usage:
$ move-sqs --sourceQueueUrl "" --destinationQueueUrl "" --region "eu-west-1" --accessKeyId "YourAwsAccessKeyId" --secretAccessKey "YourAwsSecretKey"
With --merge-json-message-with
$ move-sqs --sourceQueueUrl "" --destinationQueueUrl "" --region "eu-west-1" --accessKeyId "YourAwsAccessKeyId" --secretAccessKey "YourAwsSecretKey" --merge-json-message-with "{\"someAttribute\": \"weWantToChangeOrSet\"}"
The --merge-json-message-with
argument is optional.
You can use it to modify the message body. The tool will parse the message body as json + parse your input as json.
Then it will perform a merge of the two and send the result to the destination queue.