Movie Remote Control
Watch movies using your phone as a remote control
yarn global add movie-remote-control
Start Server
Start the server:
Optional flags:
--port <PORT> Customize the port (default 3000)
--open Open the pairing page in the default browser
Pair Device
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and scan the QR code on your mobile phone.
The controls trigger the following effects on your computer:
Action | How to use | Effect |
👈 Tap | Tap somewhere on the touch pad. | Click |
💨 Pan | Pan accross the touch pad. | Mousemove (To accomodate for the larger movie screen, the movement distance is doubled) |
#️⃣ Keyboard | Tap on the input field to open the keyboard, type anything. | Keypress |
⏪ Rewind | Tap the rewind button next to the pause button. | ← + Enter (Some video players require pressing enter to confirm) |
🆗 Pause | Tap the large pause button. | Spacebar |
⏩ Fast‑forward | Tap the fast-forward button next to the pause button. | → + Enter (Some video players require pressing enter to confirm) |
🔉 Volume | Drag the volume slider left or right until the volume reaches the desired level. | ↑ | ↓ |
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Icons made by Smashicons from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY