Modern Slavery UK Local Authorities
Exports a list of UK Local Authorities to be used in the modern slavery app.
Can be used with the Typeahead Aria, which is exported with HOF Frontend Assets.
Example Usage
The following is an example of Modern Slavery UK Local Authorities in a HOF field
with Typeahead Aria:
'country-select'-step: {
mixin: 'select',
className: ['typeahead', 'js-hidden'],
options: [''].concat(require('ms-uk-local-authorities')),
legend: {
className: 'visuallyhidden'
validate: ['required']
Version Control
We follow the version format of Major.Minor.Patch i.e. (v1.2.3) where Major = breaking change, Minor non-breaking change but more than a patch, like a new feature and a Patch = non breaking usually a bugfix.
Creating a Release
- Update the version number in the package.json file. E.g.
"version": "1.2.3",
Once this PR has been approved and merged to master we follow the next steps in order to Create a release tag.
- Tag the new module version
Once the PR has been approved and merged, let the module build and update the master branch on your local machine:
Then tag the module with the git tag command, for example:
git tag v5.1.1
Once tagged, push the new tags to the remote git server:
git push origin --tags
- The following steps will publish to npm, please consult the following page for most up to date information.