mvcct-templates installs content files needed by the Mvc Controls Toolkit into an core project.
It is available on npm. Just install it after you have installed all other npm and Bower dependencies,
and it'll add:
- Shared partial views to handle enhanced validation scripts, globalization scripts, html5 fallback widget scripts and css.
- Javascript mvcct-enhancer startup+option file under the folder wwwroot/startupjs.
- 2 Javascript files containing tasks to:
- create a minimized version of the globalize library under wwwroot/lib/globalize (you may add more modules if needed by editing this file), and to move culture
files to deploy under wwwroot/lib/globalize.
- minimize the mvcct-enhancer startup+options file
Important: 1.1.2 version fixed a JavaScript critical run. Developers, who scaffolded a project prior to that version must fix manually the bug, since the mvcct-templates can't be run twice on the same project. The fix is as follows:
Move the line of code:
<script src="~/lib/mvcct-enhancer/mvcct.enhancer.min.js"></script>
from Views\Shared\_EnhancementFallbackPartial.cshtml to Views\Shared\_GlobalizationScriptsPartial.cshtml just after @using System.Globalization
, as shown in the snippet below:
@using System.Globalization
<script src="~/lib/mvcct-enhancer/mvcct.enhancer.min.js"></script>
This project is part of the Mvc Controls Toolkit . You can find instructions,
documentation and more information on the Mvc Controls Toolkit in the Home repository