Expand HTML elements with animations, or don't, I'm just a description.
Expanding things without position: absolute/fixed;
is a massive performance issue, it causes a page reflow for every frame of the animation. Don't do it. I warned you. Something to read on this topic:
Download the zip and use the expander.js and expander.css files in the dist folder, or use npm:
npm install --save mxm-expander
Required Markup
Reference the CSS and the JS in your HTML (it is recommended that you bundle this files with your own assets).
<link rel="stylesheet" href="some/node_modules/mxm-expander/dist/css/expander.css" />
<script src="some/node_modules/mxm-expander/dist/js/expander.js"></script>
The markup for your expander:
<a href="#" data-expander-toggler="demo1">Toggle demo 1</a>
<div id="demo-expander" data-expander-content="demo1">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non, ex nulla! Esse architecto officia necessitatibus nihil voluptas harum magnam sint, sunt error! Cupiditate, et praesentium saepe ex culpa dolorum repudiandae.</p>
To set animation duration or easing function, use CSS:
#demo-expander {
transition-duration: 1s;
transition-timing-function: ease-out;
Usage (globals)
Initialize the expander with javascript:
var htmlElement = document.getElementById('demo-expander');
var expander = new Expander(htmlElement);;
Usage (CommonJS)
Use HTML markup as shown above. In your module:
var Expander = require('mxm-expander');
var expander = new Expander();
var htmlElement = document.getElementById('demo-expander');
Usage (AMD)
Use HTML markup as shown above. In your module:
define('someModule', ['Expander'], function (Expander) {
var htmlElement = document.getElementById('demo-expander');
var expander = new Expander(htmlElement);;
This is the expander object you get when you initialize an Expander:
There are some internal properties that are not displayed here.
Name | Description | Return value |
expander.initialize(HTMLElement) or new Expander(HTMLElement) | Initialize a new expander based on a HTMLElement | Expander instance | | Opens the expander | |
expander.close() | Closes the expander | |
expander.toggle() | Toggles the expander | |
expander.on(event, handler) | Registers an event listener (see below for a list of possible events | |
expander.once(event, handler) | Registers an one time listener | |
expander.removeListener(handler) | Remove an event listener | |
Expander.autoInitialize() | Special function on the object constructor to automatically initialize every instance of [data-expander-content] found in the document | Associative array with every initialized expander {'expanderID': {...}, 'otherExpanderID': {...}} |
Name | Description |
opening | Triggers when the expanders opening animation starts |
open | Triggers when the expanders opening animation has finished |
closing | Triggers when the expanders closing animation starts |
closed | Triggers when the expanders closing animation has finished |