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@@ -1,228 +0,3 @@

export declare abstract class Type<T> {
abstract parse(value: unknown): T;
abstract and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): any;
or<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): UnionType<[Type<T>, K]>;
optional(): OptionalType<Type<T>>;
nullable(): NullableType<Type<T>>;
export declare class ValidationError extends Error {
name: string;
path?: (string | number)[];
constructor(message: string, path?: (string | number)[]);
declare type AnyType = Type<any>;
declare type Eval<T> = T extends any[] | Date ? T : {
[Key in keyof T]: T[Key];
} & {};
export declare type Infer<T extends AnyType> = T extends Type<infer K> ? Eval<K> : any;
declare type IntersectionResult<T extends AnyType, K extends AnyType> = T extends ObjectType<any> ? K extends ObjectType<any> ? T extends ObjectType<infer Shape1> ? K extends ObjectType<infer Shape2> ? ObjectType<Eval<MergeShapes<Shape1, Shape2>>> : IntersectionType<T, K> : IntersectionType<T, K> : IntersectionType<T, K> : T extends ArrayType<any> ? K extends ArrayType<any> ? T extends ArrayType<infer S1> ? K extends ArrayType<infer S2> ? ArrayType<IntersectionResult<S1, S2>> : IntersectionType<T, K> : IntersectionType<T, K> : IntersectionType<T, K> : T extends RecordType<any> ? K extends RecordType<any> ? T extends RecordType<infer S1> ? K extends RecordType<infer S2> ? RecordType<IntersectionResult<S1, S2>> : IntersectionType<T, K> : IntersectionType<T, K> : IntersectionType<T, K> : IntersectionType<T, K>;
declare type StringOptions = Partial<{
pattern: RegExp;
min: number;
max: number;
predicate: (value: string) => boolean;
predicateErrMsg: string;
declare class StringType extends Type<string> {
private opts;
constructor(opts?: StringOptions);
parse(value: unknown): string;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
pattern(regexp: RegExp): this;
min(x: number): this;
max(x: number): this;
predicate(fn: StringOptions['predicate'], errMsg?: string): this;
declare class BooleanType extends Type<boolean> {
parse(value: unknown): boolean;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare type NumberOptions = Partial<{
min: number;
max: number;
coerce: boolean;
declare class NumberType extends Type<number> {
private opts;
constructor(opts?: NumberOptions);
parse(value: unknown): number;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
min(x: number): this;
max(x: number): this;
coerce(value?: boolean): this;
declare class UndefinedType extends Type<undefined> {
parse(value: unknown): undefined;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare class NullType extends Type<null> {
parse(value: unknown): null;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare type Literal = string | number | boolean | undefined | null;
declare class LiteralType<T extends Literal> extends Type<T> {
private readonly literal;
constructor(literal: T);
parse(value: unknown): T;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare class UnknownType extends Type<unknown> {
parse(value: unknown): unknown;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare class OptionalType<T extends AnyType> extends Type<Infer<T> | undefined> {
private readonly schema;
constructor(schema: T);
parse(value: unknown, opts?: any): Infer<T> | undefined;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare class NullableType<T extends AnyType> extends Type<Infer<T> | null> {
private readonly schema;
constructor(schema: T);
parse(value: unknown): Infer<T> | null;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare class DateType extends Type<Date> {
parse(value: unknown): Date;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare type ObjectShape = Record<string, AnyType>;
declare type OptionalKeys<T extends ObjectShape> = {
[key in keyof T]: undefined extends Infer<T[key]> ? key : never;
}[keyof T];
declare type RequiredKeys<T extends ObjectShape> = Exclude<keyof T, OptionalKeys<T>>;
declare type InferObjectShape<T extends ObjectShape> = {
[key in OptionalKeys<T>]?: T[key] extends Type<infer K> ? K : any;
} & {
[key in RequiredKeys<T>]: T[key] extends Type<infer K> ? K : any;
declare type PathOptions = {
suppressPathErrMsg?: boolean;
declare type ObjectOptions = {
allowUnknown?: boolean;
declare type ToUnion<T extends any[]> = T[number];
declare type PartialShape<T extends ObjectShape> = {
[key in keyof T]: UnionType<[T[key], UndefinedType]>;
declare type DeepPartialShape<T extends ObjectShape> = {
[key in keyof T]: T[key] extends ObjectType<infer K> ? OptionalType<ObjectType<DeepPartialShape<K>>> : OptionalType<T[key]>;
declare type MergeShapes<T extends ObjectShape, K extends ObjectShape> = {
[key in keyof (T & K)]: key extends keyof T ? key extends keyof K ? IntersectionType<T[key], K[key]> : T[key] : key extends keyof K ? K[key] : never;
declare class ObjectType<T extends ObjectShape> extends Type<Eval<InferObjectShape<T>>> {
private readonly objectShape;
private readonly opts?;
constructor(objectShape: T, opts?: ObjectOptions | undefined);
parse(value: unknown, parseOpts?: ObjectOptions & PathOptions): Eval<InferObjectShape<T>>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionResult<this, K>;
pick<K extends keyof T>(keys: K[], opts?: ObjectOptions): ObjectType<Eval<Pick<T, ToUnion<typeof keys>>>>;
omit<K extends keyof T>(keys: K[], opts?: ObjectOptions): ObjectType<Eval<Omit<T, ToUnion<typeof keys>>>>;
partial<K extends ObjectOptions & PartialOpts>(opts?: K): ObjectType<Eval<K extends {
deep: true;
} ? DeepPartialShape<T> : PartialShape<T>>>;
declare class RecordType<T extends AnyType> extends Type<Record<string, Infer<T>>> {
private readonly schema;
private _parse;
constructor(schema: T);
parse(value: unknown, opts?: PathOptions & ObjectOptions): Record<string, Infer<T>>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionResult<this, K>;
declare type ArrayOptions = Partial<{
length: number;
min: number;
max: number;
unique: boolean;
declare class ArrayType<T extends AnyType> extends Type<Infer<T>[]> {
private readonly schema;
private readonly opts;
private readonly _parse;
constructor(schema: T, opts?: ArrayOptions);
parse(value: unknown, parseOptions?: PathOptions & ObjectOptions): Infer<T>[];
length(value: number): this;
min(value: number): this;
max(value: number): this;
unique(value?: boolean): this;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionResult<this, K>;
declare type InferTuple<T extends [AnyType, ...AnyType[]] | []> = {
[key in keyof T]: T[key] extends Type<infer K> ? K : never;
declare class TupleType<T extends [AnyType, ...AnyType[]] | []> extends Type<InferTuple<T>> {
private readonly schemas;
constructor(schemas: T);
parse(value: unknown): InferTuple<T>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare type InferTupleUnion<T extends any[]> = Infer<T[number]>;
declare type UnionOptions = {
strict?: boolean;
declare class UnionType<T extends AnyType[]> extends Type<InferTupleUnion<T>> {
private readonly schemas;
private readonly opts?;
constructor(schemas: T, opts?: UnionOptions | undefined);
parse(value: unknown): InferTupleUnion<T>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare class IntersectionType<T extends AnyType, K extends AnyType> extends Type<Eval<Infer<T> & Infer<K>>> {
private readonly left;
private readonly right;
private readonly _parse;
constructor(left: T, right: K);
parse(value: unknown, opts?: PathOptions & ObjectOptions): Eval<Infer<T> & Infer<K>>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
private parseObjectIntersection;
private parseRecordObjectIntersection;
declare type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
declare class EnumType<T> extends Type<ValueOf<T>> {
private values;
constructor(enumeration: T);
parse(value: unknown): ValueOf<T>;
check(value: unknown): value is ValueOf<T>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare type DeepPartial<T> = {
[key in keyof T]?: T[key] extends Object ? Eval<DeepPartial<T[key]>> : T[key];
declare type PartialOpts = {
deep: boolean;
declare class PartialType<T extends AnyType, K extends PartialOpts> extends Type<K extends {
deep: true;
} ? Eval<DeepPartial<Infer<T>>> : Partial<Infer<T>>> {
private readonly schema;
constructor(schema: T, opts?: K);
parse(value: unknown): K extends {
deep: true;
} ? Eval<DeepPartial<Infer<T>>> : Partial<Infer<T>>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare class PickType<T extends AnyType, K extends keyof Infer<T>> extends Type<Pick<Infer<T>, K>> {
private readonly pickedKeys;
private readonly schema;
constructor(rootSchema: T, pickedKeys: K[]);
parse(value: unknown, parseOptions?: ObjectOptions): Eval<Pick<Infer<T>, K>>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare class OmitType<T extends AnyType, K extends keyof Infer<T>> extends Type<Omit<Infer<T>, K>> {
private readonly omittedKeys;
private readonly schema;
constructor(rootSchema: T, omittedKeys: K[]);
parse(value: unknown, opts?: ObjectOptions): Eval<Omit<Infer<T>, K>>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
declare class LazyType<T extends () => AnyType> extends Type<Infer<ReturnType<T>>> {
private readonly fn;
constructor(fn: T);
parse(value: unknown, opts?: PathOptions): Infer<ReturnType<T>>;
and<K extends AnyType>(schema: K): IntersectionType<this, K>;
import { ValidationError, Type, StringType, NumberType, LiteralType, ObjectType, ArrayType, UnionType, RecordType, PartialType, PickType, OmitType, TupleType, DateType, LazyType, UndefinedType, NullType, EnumType, BooleanType, UnknownType, Literal, ObjectOptions, AnyType, UnionOptions, Infer, PartialOpts, IntersectionResult, DeepPartialShape, PartialShape, Eval, ToUnion } from './types';
export { ValidationError, Type, Infer } from './types';
export declare const string: (opts?: Partial<{

@@ -244,3 +19,3 @@ pattern: RegExp;

export declare const object: <T extends Record<string, AnyType>>(shape: T, opts?: ObjectOptions | undefined) => ObjectType<T>;
export declare const array: <T extends AnyType>(type: T, opts?: Partial<{
export declare const array: <T extends AnyType>(schema: T, opts?: Partial<{
length: number;

@@ -252,11 +27,19 @@ min: number;

export declare const union: <T extends AnyType[]>(schemas: T, opts?: UnionOptions | undefined) => UnionType<T>;
export declare const intersection: <T extends AnyType, K extends AnyType>(l: T, r: K) => IntersectionType<T, K>;
export declare const record: <T extends AnyType>(type: T) => RecordType<T>;
export declare const dictionary: <T extends AnyType>(type: T) => RecordType<UnionType<(UndefinedType | T)[]>>;
export declare const partial: <T extends AnyType, K extends PartialOpts>(type: T, opts?: K | undefined) => PartialType<T, K>;
export declare const pick: <T extends AnyType, K extends keyof Infer<T>>(type: T, keys: K[]) => PickType<T, K>;
export declare const omit: <T extends AnyType, K extends keyof Infer<T>>(type: T, keys: K[]) => OmitType<T, K>;
export declare const intersection: <T extends AnyType, K extends AnyType>(l: T, r: K) => IntersectionResult<T, K>;
export declare const record: <T extends AnyType>(schema: T) => RecordType<T>;
export declare const dictionary: <T extends AnyType>(schema: T) => RecordType<import("./types").OptionalType<Type<any>>>;
export declare const tuple: <T extends [] | [AnyType, ...AnyType[]]>(schemas: T) => TupleType<T>;
export declare const date: () => DateType;
export declare const lazy: <T extends () => AnyType>(fn: T) => LazyType<T>;
export declare function partial<T extends ObjectType<any>, K extends PartialOpts>(schema: T, opts?: K): T extends ObjectType<infer Shape> ? ObjectType<Eval<K extends {
deep: true;
} ? DeepPartialShape<Shape> : PartialShape<Shape>>> : never;
export declare function partial<T extends AnyType, K extends PartialOpts>(schema: T, opts?: K): PartialType<T, K>;
export declare function pick<T extends ObjectType<any>, K extends T extends ObjectType<infer Shape> ? keyof Shape : never>(schema: T, keys: K[]): T extends ObjectType<infer Shape> ? ObjectType<Eval<Pick<Shape, ToUnion<typeof keys>>>> : never;
export declare function pick<T extends RecordType<any>, K extends string>(schema: T, keys: K[]): T extends RecordType<infer Schema> ? ObjectType<{
[key in ToUnion<typeof keys>]: Schema;
}> : never;
export declare function pick<T extends AnyType, K extends keyof Infer<T>>(type: T, keys: K[]): PickType<T, K>;
export declare function omit<T extends ObjectType<any>, K extends T extends ObjectType<infer Shape> ? keyof Shape : never>(schema: T, keys: K[]): T extends ObjectType<infer Shape> ? ObjectType<Eval<Omit<Shape, ToUnion<typeof keys>>>> : never;
export declare function omit<T extends AnyType, K extends keyof Infer<T>>(schema: T, keys: K[]): OmitType<T, K>;
declare const undefinedValue: () => UndefinedType;

@@ -285,3 +68,3 @@ declare const nullValue: () => NullType;

object: <T_1 extends Record<string, AnyType>>(shape: T_1, opts?: ObjectOptions | undefined) => ObjectType<T_1>;
array: <T_2 extends AnyType>(type: T_2, opts?: Partial<{
array: <T_2 extends AnyType>(schema: T_2, opts?: Partial<{
length: number;

@@ -293,14 +76,14 @@ min: number;

union: <T_3 extends AnyType[]>(schemas: T_3, opts?: UnionOptions | undefined) => UnionType<T_3>;
intersection: <T_4 extends AnyType, K extends AnyType>(l: T_4, r: K) => IntersectionType<T_4, K>;
record: <T_5 extends AnyType>(type: T_5) => RecordType<T_5>;
dictionary: <T_6 extends AnyType>(type: T_6) => RecordType<UnionType<(UndefinedType | T_6)[]>>;
intersection: <T_4 extends AnyType, K extends AnyType>(l: T_4, r: K) => IntersectionResult<T_4, K>;
record: <T_5 extends AnyType>(schema: T_5) => RecordType<T_5>;
dictionary: <T_6 extends AnyType>(schema: T_6) => RecordType<import("./types").OptionalType<Type<any>>>;
tuple: <T_7 extends [] | [AnyType, ...AnyType[]]>(schemas: T_7) => TupleType<T_7>;
partial: <T_8 extends AnyType, K_1 extends PartialOpts>(type: T_8, opts?: K_1 | undefined) => PartialType<T_8, K_1>;
pick: <T_9 extends AnyType, K_2 extends keyof Infer<T_9>>(type: T_9, keys: K_2[]) => PickType<T_9, K_2>;
omit: <T_10 extends AnyType, K_3 extends keyof Infer<T_10>>(type: T_10, keys: K_3[]) => OmitType<T_10, K_3>;
partial: typeof partial;
pick: typeof pick;
omit: typeof omit;
undefined: () => UndefinedType;
null: () => NullType;
enum: <T_11>(e: T_11) => EnumType<T_11>;
enum: <T_8>(e: T_8) => EnumType<T_8>;
ValidationError: typeof ValidationError;
export default _default;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
class Type {
constructor() { }
or(schema) {
return new UnionType([this, schema]);
const types_1 = require("./types");
var types_2 = require("./types");
exports.ValidationError = types_2.ValidationError;
exports.Type = types_2.Type;
exports.string = (opts) => new types_1.StringType(opts);
exports.boolean = () => new types_1.BooleanType();
exports.number = (opts) => new types_1.NumberType(opts);
exports.unknown = () => new types_1.UnknownType();
exports.literal = (literal) => new types_1.LiteralType(literal);
exports.object = (shape, opts) => new types_1.ObjectType(shape, opts);
exports.array = (schema, opts) => new types_1.ArrayType(schema, opts);
exports.union = (schemas, opts) => new types_1.UnionType(schemas, opts);
exports.intersection = (l, r) => l.and(r);
exports.record = (schema) => new types_1.RecordType(schema);
exports.dictionary = (schema) => new types_1.RecordType(schema.optional());
exports.tuple = (schemas) => new types_1.TupleType(schemas); = () => new types_1.DateType();
exports.lazy = (fn) => new types_1.LazyType(fn);
function partial(schema, opts) {
if (schema instanceof types_1.ObjectType) {
return schema.partial(opts);
optional() {
return new OptionalType(this);
nullable() {
return new NullableType(this);
return new types_1.PartialType(schema, opts);
exports.Type = Type;
class ValidationError extends Error {
constructor(message, path) {
super(message); = 'MyZodError';
this.path = path;
exports.partial = partial;
function pick(schema, keys) {
if (schema instanceof types_1.ObjectType) {
return schema.pick(keys);
exports.ValidationError = ValidationError;
function typeOf(value) {
if (value === null) {
return 'null';
if (schema instanceof types_1.RecordType) {
return schema.pick(keys);
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return 'array';
return typeof value;
return new types_1.PickType(schema, keys);
function prettyPrintPath(path) {
return path.reduce((acc, elem, idx) => {
if (typeof elem === 'number') {
acc += `[${elem}]`;
else if (idx === 0) {
acc += elem;
else {
acc += '.' + elem;
return acc;
}, '');
const allowUnknownSymbol = Symbol.for('allowUnknown');
const shapekeysSymbol = Symbol.for('shapeKeys');
const coercionTypeSybol = Symbol.for('coersion');
class StringType extends Type {
constructor(opts = {}) {
this.opts = opts;
exports.pick = pick;
function omit(schema, keys) {
if (schema instanceof types_1.ObjectType) {
return schema.omit(keys);
parse(value) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be string but got ' + typeOf(value));
if (typeof this.opts.min === 'number' && value.length < this.opts.min) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected string to have length greater than or equal to ${this.opts.min} but had length ${value.length}`);
if (typeof this.opts.max === 'number' && value.length > this.opts.max) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected string to have length less than or equal to ${this.opts.max} but had length ${value.length}`);
if (this.opts.pattern instanceof RegExp && !this.opts.pattern.test(value)) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected string to match pattern ${this.opts.pattern} but did not`);
if (this.opts.predicate) {
try {
if (this.opts.predicate(value) === false) {
throw new ValidationError(this.opts.predicateErrMsg || 'expected string to pass predicate function');
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof ValidationError) {
throw err;
throw new ValidationError(err.message);
return value;
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
pattern(regexp) {
this.opts.pattern = regexp;
return this;
min(x) {
this.opts.min = x;
return this;
max(x) {
this.opts.max = x;
return this;
predicate(fn, errMsg) {
this.opts.predicate = fn;
if (errMsg) {
this.opts.predicateErrMsg = errMsg;
return this;
return new types_1.OmitType(schema, keys);
class BooleanType extends Type {
parse(value) {
if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be boolean but got ' + typeOf(value));
return value;
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class NumberType extends Type {
constructor(opts = {}) {
this.opts = opts;
this[coercionTypeSybol] = false;
parse(value) {
if (this.opts.coerce && typeof value === 'string') {
const number = parseFloat(value);
if (isNaN(number)) {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be number but got string');
return this.parse(number);
if (typeof value !== 'number') {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be number but got ' + typeOf(value));
if (typeof this.opts.min === 'number' && value < this.opts.min) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected number to be greater than or equal to ${this.opts.min} but got ${value}`);
if (typeof this.opts.max === 'number' && value > this.opts.max) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected number to be less than or equal to ${this.opts.max} but got ${value}`);
return value;
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
min(x) {
this.opts.min = x;
return this;
max(x) {
this.opts.max = x;
return this;
coerce(value) {
this.opts.coerce = typeof value === 'undefined' ? true : value;
this[coercionTypeSybol] = this.opts.coerce;
return this;
class UndefinedType extends Type {
parse(value) {
if (value !== undefined) {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be undefined but got ' + typeOf(value));
return value;
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class NullType extends Type {
parse(value) {
if (value !== null) {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be null but got ' + typeOf(value));
return value;
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class LiteralType extends Type {
constructor(literal) {
this.literal = literal;
parse(value) {
if (value !== this.literal) {
const typeofValue = typeof value !== 'object' ? JSON.stringify(value) : typeOf(value);
throw new ValidationError(`expected value to be literal ${JSON.stringify(this.literal)} but got ${typeofValue}`);
return value;
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class UnknownType extends Type {
parse(value) {
return value;
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class OptionalType extends Type {
constructor(schema) {
this.schema = schema;
this[coercionTypeSybol] = this.schema[coercionTypeSybol];
this[shapekeysSymbol] = this.schema[shapekeysSymbol];
this[allowUnknownSymbol] = this.schema[allowUnknownSymbol];
parse(value, opts) {
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
return this.schema.parse(value, opts);
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class NullableType extends Type {
constructor(schema) {
this.schema = schema;
this[coercionTypeSybol] = this.schema[coercionTypeSybol];
this[shapekeysSymbol] = this.schema[shapekeysSymbol];
this[allowUnknownSymbol] = this.schema[allowUnknownSymbol];
parse(value) {
if (value === null) {
return null;
return this.schema.parse(value);
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
// Non Primitive types
class DateType extends Type {
constructor() {
this[coercionTypeSybol] = true;
parse(value) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
const date = new Date(value);
if (isNaN(date.getTime())) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected date string to be valid date`);
return date;
if (!(value instanceof Date)) {
throw new ValidationError('expected type Date but got ' + typeOf(value));
return value;
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class ObjectType extends Type {
constructor(objectShape, opts) {
this.objectShape = objectShape;
this.opts = opts;
const keys = Object.keys(this.objectShape);
this[allowUnknownSymbol] = !!(opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.allowUnknown);
this[shapekeysSymbol] = keys;
this[coercionTypeSybol] = Object.values(this.objectShape).some(schema => schema[coercionTypeSybol]);
parse(value, parseOpts = {}) {
var _a;
if (typeof value !== 'object') {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be object but got ' + typeOf(value));
if (value === null) {
throw new ValidationError('expected object but got null');
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be regular object but got array');
const keys = this[shapekeysSymbol];
const allowUnknown = typeof parseOpts.allowUnknown === 'boolean' ? parseOpts.allowUnknown : (_a = this.opts) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.allowUnknown;
if (!allowUnknown) {
const illegalKeys = [];
for (const k in value) {
if (!keys.includes(k)) {
if (illegalKeys.length > 0) {
throw new ValidationError('unexpected keys on object: ' + JSON.stringify(illegalKeys));
const convVal = this[coercionTypeSybol] ? (allowUnknown ? Object.assign({}, value) : {}) : undefined;
for (const key of keys) {
try {
const schema = this.objectShape[key];
if (schema instanceof UnknownType && !value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected key "${key}" of unknown type to be present on object`);
if (convVal) {
convVal[key] = schema.parse(value[key], { suppressPathErrMsg: true });
else {
schema.parse(value[key], { suppressPathErrMsg: true });
catch (err) {
const path = err.path ? [key, ...err.path] : [key];
const msg = parseOpts.suppressPathErrMsg
? err.message
: `error parsing object at path: "${prettyPrintPath(path)}" - ${err.message}`;
throw new ValidationError(msg, path);
return convVal || value;
and(schema) {
if (schema instanceof ObjectType) {
const keySet = new Set([...this[shapekeysSymbol], ...schema[shapekeysSymbol]]);
const intersectShape = Array.from(keySet).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (this.objectShape[key] && schema.objectShape[key]) {
acc[key] = new IntersectionType(this.objectShape[key], schema.objectShape[key]);
else if (this.objectShape[key]) {
acc[key] = this.objectShape[key];
else {
acc[key] = schema.objectShape[key];
return acc;
}, {});
return new ObjectType(intersectShape);
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
pick(keys, opts) {
const pickedShape = keys.reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = this.objectShape[key];
return acc;
}, {});
return new ObjectType(pickedShape, opts);
omit(keys, opts) {
const pickedKeys = this[shapekeysSymbol].filter((x) => !keys.includes(x));
return this.pick(pickedKeys, opts);
partial(opts) {
const schema = toPartialSchema(this, { deep: (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.deep) || false }).objectShape;
return new ObjectType(schema, { allowUnknown: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.allowUnknown });
class RecordType extends Type {
constructor(schema) {
this.schema = schema;
this[coercionTypeSybol] = schema[coercionTypeSybol];
this._parse = (() => {
if (this.schema instanceof ObjectType ||
this.schema instanceof ArrayType ||
this.schema instanceof RecordType ||
this.schema instanceof IntersectionType) {
return (value) => this.schema.parse(value, { suppressPathErrMsg: true });
return (value) => this.schema.parse(value);
parse(value, opts) {
if (typeof value !== 'object') {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be object but got ' + typeOf(value));
const convValue = this[coercionTypeSybol] ? {} : undefined;
for (const key in value) {
try {
if (convValue) {
convValue[key] = this._parse(value[key], opts);
else {
this._parse(value[key], opts);
catch (err) {
const path = err.path ? [key, ...err.path] : [key];
const msg = (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.suppressPathErrMsg) ? err.message
: `error parsing record at path "${prettyPrintPath(path)}" - ${err.message}`;
throw new ValidationError(msg, path);
return convValue || value;
and(schema) {
if (schema instanceof RecordType) {
return new RecordType(this.schema.and(schema.schema));
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class ArrayType extends Type {
constructor(schema, opts = {}) {
this.schema = schema;
this.opts = opts;
this[coercionTypeSybol] = this.schema[coercionTypeSybol];
this._parse =
this.schema instanceof ObjectType || this.schema instanceof ArrayType || this.schema instanceof LazyType
? (elem, parseOptions) => this.schema.parse(elem, { allowUnknown: parseOptions === null || parseOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : parseOptions.allowUnknown, suppressPathErrMsg: true })
: (elem) => this.schema.parse(elem);
parse(value, parseOptions) {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new ValidationError('expected an array but got ' + typeOf(value));
if (typeof this.opts.length === 'number' && this.opts.length >= 0 && value.length !== this.opts.length) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected array to have length ${this.opts.length} but got ${value.length}`);
if (typeof this.opts.min === 'number' && value.length < this.opts.min) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected array to have length greater than or equal to ${this.opts.min} but got ${value.length}`);
if (typeof this.opts.max === 'number' && value.length > this.opts.max) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected array to have length less than or equal to ${this.opts.max} but got ${value.length}`);
if (this.opts.unique === true && new Set(value).size !== value.length) {
const seenMap = new Map();
value.forEach((elem, idx) => {
const seenAt = seenMap.get(elem);
if (!seenAt) {
seenMap.set(elem, [idx]);
else {
throw new ValidationError(`expected array to be unique but found same element at indexes ${seenAt[0]} and ${idx}`);
const convValue = this[coercionTypeSybol] ? [] : undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
try {
if (convValue) {
convValue[i] = this._parse(value[i]);
else {
this._parse(value[i], parseOptions);
catch (err) {
const path = err.path ? [i, ...err.path] : [i];
const msg = (parseOptions === null || parseOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : parseOptions.suppressPathErrMsg) ? err.message
: `error at ${prettyPrintPath(path)} - ${err.message}`;
throw new ValidationError(msg, path);
return convValue || value;
length(value) {
this.opts.length = value;
return this;
min(value) {
this.opts.min = value;
return this;
max(value) {
this.opts.max = value;
return this;
unique(value = true) {
this.opts.unique = value;
return this;
and(schema) {
if (schema instanceof ArrayType) {
return new ArrayType(this.schema.and(schema.schema));
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class TupleType extends Type {
constructor(schemas) {
this.schemas = schemas;
this[coercionTypeSybol] = schemas.some(schema => schema[coercionTypeSybol]);
parse(value) {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new ValidationError('expected tuple value to be type array but got ' + typeOf(value));
if (value.length !== this.schemas.length) {
throw new ValidationError(`expected tuple length to be ${this.schemas.length} but got ${value.length}`);
const convValue = this[coercionTypeSybol] ? [] : undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < this.schemas.length; i++) {
try {
if (convValue) {
else {
catch (err) {
throw new ValidationError(`error parsing tuple at index ${i}: ${err.message}`);
return convValue || value;
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class UnionType extends Type {
constructor(schemas, opts) {
this.schemas = schemas;
this.opts = opts;
parse(value) {
var _a;
const errors = [];
for (const schema of this.schemas) {
try {
if (((_a = this.opts) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.strict) === false && schema instanceof ObjectType) {
return schema.parse(value, { allowUnknown: true });
return schema.parse(value);
catch (err) {
throw new ValidationError('No union satisfied:\n ' + errors.join('\n '));
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
const isPickOrOmitType = (schema) => schema instanceof PickType || schema instanceof OmitType;
class IntersectionType extends Type {
constructor(left, right) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this[coercionTypeSybol] = this.left[coercionTypeSybol] || this.right[coercionTypeSybol];
this[allowUnknownSymbol] = !!(this.left[allowUnknownSymbol] || this.right[allowUnknownSymbol]);
if (this.left[shapekeysSymbol] && this.right[shapekeysSymbol]) {
this[shapekeysSymbol] = Array.from(new Set([...this.left[shapekeysSymbol], ...this.right[shapekeysSymbol]]));
this._parse = (() => {
if (this.left instanceof TupleType || this.right instanceof TupleType) {
throw new Error('tuple intersection not supported');
if (this.left instanceof ObjectType && this.right instanceof ObjectType) {
return (value, opts) => this.parseObjectIntersection(value, opts);
if (this.left instanceof RecordType && this.right instanceof RecordType) {
const leftSchema = this.left.schema;
const rightSchema = this.right.schema;
const record = new RecordType(leftSchema.and(rightSchema));
return (value) => record.parse(value);
if (this.left instanceof RecordType && this.right instanceof ObjectType) {
return (value) => this.parseRecordObjectIntersection(value, this.left, this.right);
if (this.right instanceof RecordType && this.left instanceof ObjectType) {
return (value) => this.parseRecordObjectIntersection(value, this.right, this.left);
// TODO Investigate why I unwrap partials in a new intersection again
if (this.left instanceof PartialType) {
return (value) => new IntersectionType(this.left.schema, this.right).parse(value);
if (this.right instanceof PartialType) {
return (value) => new IntersectionType(this.left, this.right.schema).parse(value);
if (isPickOrOmitType(this.left) || isPickOrOmitType(this.right)) {
return (value) => {
if (this[coercionTypeSybol]) {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.left.parse(value, { allowUnknown: true })), this.right.parse(value, { allowUnknown: true }));
this.left.parse(value, { allowUnknown: true });
this.right.parse(value, { allowUnknown: true });
return value;
if (this.left instanceof ArrayType &&
this.right instanceof ArrayType &&
this.left.schema instanceof ObjectType &&
this.right.schema instanceof ObjectType) {
if (this[coercionTypeSybol]) {
// todo best effort? Can figure something out if only one subschema is coerced. seems annoying though.
throw new Error('cannot create generic intersection of two object arrays containing coerced values. Try creating intersection via "and"');
return (value) => {
this.left.parse(value, { allowUnknown: true });
this.right.parse(value, { allowUnknown: true });
return value;
return (value) => {
return value;
parse(value, opts) {
const allowUnknown = (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.allowUnknown) || this[allowUnknownSymbol];
if (!allowUnknown && this[shapekeysSymbol]) {
const expectedShapeKeys = this[shapekeysSymbol];
const invalidKeys = Object.keys(value).filter((key) => !expectedShapeKeys.includes(key));
if (invalidKeys.length > 0) {
throw new ValidationError('unexpected keys on object ' + JSON.stringify(invalidKeys));
return this._parse(value, opts);
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
parseObjectIntersection(value, opts) {
const parsingOptions = { suppressPathErrMsg: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.suppressPathErrMsg, allowUnknown: true };
if (this[coercionTypeSybol]) {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.left.parse(value, parsingOptions)), this.right.parse(value, parsingOptions));
this.left.parse(value, parsingOptions);
this.right.parse(value, parsingOptions);
return value;
parseRecordObjectIntersection(value, recordSchema, objectSchema) {
if (this[coercionTypeSybol]) {
const convObj = objectSchema.parse(value, { allowUnknown: true });
const proxy = Object.keys(value).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (!objectKeys.includes(key)) {
acc[key] = value[key];
return acc;
}, {});
const convRecord = recordSchema.parse(proxy);
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, convObj), convRecord);
objectSchema.parse(value, { allowUnknown: true });
const objectKeys = objectSchema[shapekeysSymbol];
const proxy = Object.keys(value).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (!objectKeys.includes(key)) {
acc[key] = value[key];
return acc;
}, {});
return value;
class EnumType extends Type {
constructor(enumeration) {
this.values = Object.values(enumeration);
parse(value) {
if (!this.values.includes(value)) {
throw new ValidationError(`error ${JSON.stringify(value)} not part of enum values`);
return value;
check(value) {
return this.values.includes(value);
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
function toPartialSchema(schema, opts) {
if (schema instanceof ObjectType) {
const originalShape = schema.objectShape;
const shape = Object.keys(originalShape).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.deep) {
acc[key] = toPartialSchema(originalShape[key], opts).optional();
else {
acc[key] = originalShape[key].optional();
return acc;
}, {});
return new ObjectType(shape, schema.opts);
if (schema instanceof RecordType) {
if (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.deep) {
return new RecordType(toPartialSchema(schema.schema, opts).optional());
return new RecordType(schema.schema.optional());
if (schema instanceof IntersectionType) {
return new IntersectionType(toPartialSchema(schema.left, opts), toPartialSchema(schema.right, opts));
if (schema instanceof UnionType) {
return new UnionType( => toPartialSchema(schema, opts)));
if (schema instanceof ArrayType) {
if (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.deep) {
return new ArrayType(toPartialSchema(schema.schema, opts).optional());
return new ArrayType(schema.schema.optional());
return schema;
class PartialType extends Type {
constructor(schema, opts) {
this.schema = toPartialSchema(schema, opts);
this[coercionTypeSybol] = this.schema[coercionTypeSybol];
parse(value) {
return this.schema.parse(value);
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
const primitiveTypes = [NumberType, StringType, UnknownType, BooleanType, UndefinedType, NullType, LiteralType];
function isPrimitiveSchema(schema) {
if (primitiveTypes.some(primitiveType => schema instanceof primitiveType)) {
return true;
if (schema instanceof IntersectionType) {
return isPrimitiveSchema(schema.left) || isPrimitiveSchema(schema.right);
if (schema instanceof UnionType) {
return schema.schemas.every(isPrimitiveSchema);
return false;
function createPickedSchema(schema, pickedKeys) {
if (schema instanceof ObjectType) {
const shape = schema.objectShape;
const pickedShape = pickedKeys.reduce((acc, key) => {
if (shape[key]) {
acc[key] = shape[key];
return acc;
}, {});
return new ObjectType(pickedShape, { allowUnknown: true });
if (schema instanceof IntersectionType) {
const newLeft = createPickedSchema(schema.left, pickedKeys);
const newRight = createPickedSchema(schema.right, pickedKeys);
return new IntersectionType(newLeft, newRight);
if (schema instanceof PickType || schema instanceof OmitType) {
// This might not hold true at runtime in a JS environment but typescript
// will not allow you to pick keys you've previously omitted, or keys that
// you have not picked. Since this is a TS package lets depend on it a little.
return new PickType(schema.schema, pickedKeys);
if (schema instanceof UnionType) {
// TODO ???
throw new Error('pick of union types not supported');
return schema;
class PickType extends Type {
constructor(rootSchema, pickedKeys) {
this.pickedKeys = pickedKeys;
if (isPrimitiveSchema(rootSchema)) {
throw new Error('cannot instantiate a PickType with a primitive schema');
this.schema = createPickedSchema(rootSchema, pickedKeys);
const rootShapeKeys = rootSchema[shapekeysSymbol];
this[shapekeysSymbol] = rootShapeKeys && rootShapeKeys.filter((key) => pickedKeys.includes(key));
this[coercionTypeSybol] = this.schema[coercionTypeSybol];
parse(value, parseOptions) {
if (value === null || typeof value !== 'object') {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be object but got ' + typeOf(value));
if (!(parseOptions === null || parseOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : parseOptions.allowUnknown)) {
const keys = Object.keys(value);
const illegalKeys = keys.filter(key => !this.pickedKeys.includes(key));
if (illegalKeys.length > 0) {
throw new ValidationError('unexpected keys on object: ' + JSON.stringify(illegalKeys));
// For records if the key isn't present the record won't be able to validate it.
if (this.schema instanceof RecordType) {
for (const key of this.pickedKeys) {
if (!value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
value[key] = undefined;
return this.schema.parse(value);
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
function createOmittedSchema(schema, omittedKeys) {
if (schema instanceof ObjectType) {
const shape = schema.objectShape;
const omittedShape = Object.keys(shape).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (!omittedKeys.includes(key)) {
acc[key] = shape[key];
return acc;
}, {});
return new ObjectType(omittedShape, { allowUnknown: true });
if (schema instanceof IntersectionType) {
const newLeft = createOmittedSchema(schema.left, omittedKeys);
const newRight = createOmittedSchema(schema.right, omittedKeys);
return new IntersectionType(newLeft, newRight);
if (schema instanceof PickType) {
const pickedKeys = schema.pickedKeys.filter((key) => !omittedKeys.includes(key));
return new PickType(schema.schema, pickedKeys);
if (schema instanceof OmitType) {
return new OmitType(schema.schema, omittedKeys.concat(schema.omittedKeys));
if (schema instanceof UnionType) {
// TODO ???
throw new Error('omit of union types not supported');
return schema;
class OmitType extends Type {
constructor(rootSchema, omittedKeys) {
this.omittedKeys = omittedKeys;
if (isPrimitiveSchema(rootSchema)) {
throw new Error('cannot instantiate a OmitType with a primitive schema');
this.schema = createOmittedSchema(rootSchema, omittedKeys);
const rootShapeKeys = rootSchema[shapekeysSymbol];
this[shapekeysSymbol] = rootShapeKeys && rootShapeKeys.filter((key) => !omittedKeys.includes(key));
this[coercionTypeSybol] = this.schema[coercionTypeSybol];
parse(value, opts) {
if (value === null || typeof value !== 'object') {
throw new ValidationError('expected type to be object but got ' + typeOf(value));
if (!(opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.allowUnknown)) {
const keys = Object.keys(value);
const illegalKeys = keys.filter(key => this.omittedKeys.includes(key));
if (illegalKeys.length > 0) {
throw new ValidationError('unexpected keys on object: ' + JSON.stringify(illegalKeys));
return this.schema.parse(value);
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
class LazyType extends Type {
constructor(fn) {
this.fn = fn;
// Since we can't know what the schema is we can't assume its not a coersionType and we need to disable the optimization
this[coercionTypeSybol] = true;
parse(value, opts) {
const schema = this.fn();
if ((opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.suppressPathErrMsg) && schema instanceof ObjectType) {
return schema.parse(value, opts);
return schema.parse(value);
and(schema) {
return new IntersectionType(this, schema);
exports.string = (opts) => new StringType(opts);
exports.boolean = () => new BooleanType();
exports.number = (opts) => new NumberType(opts);
exports.unknown = () => new UnknownType();
exports.literal = (literal) => new LiteralType(literal);
exports.object = (shape, opts) => new ObjectType(shape, opts);
exports.array = (type, opts) => new ArrayType(type, opts);
exports.union = (schemas, opts) => new UnionType(schemas, opts);
exports.intersection = (l, r) => new IntersectionType(l, r);
exports.record = (type) => new RecordType(type);
exports.dictionary = (type) => new RecordType(exports.union([type, undefinedValue()]));
exports.partial = (type, opts) => new PartialType(type, opts);
exports.pick = (type, keys) => new PickType(type, keys);
exports.omit = (type, keys) => new OmitType(type, keys);
exports.tuple = (schemas) => new TupleType(schemas); = () => new DateType();
exports.lazy = (fn) => new LazyType(fn);
const undefinedValue = () => new UndefinedType();
exports.omit = omit;
const undefinedValue = () => new types_1.UndefinedType();
exports.undefined = undefinedValue;
const nullValue = () => new NullType();
const nullValue = () => new types_1.NullType();
exports.null = nullValue;
const enumValue = (e) => new EnumType(e);
const enumValue = (e) => new types_1.EnumType(e);
exports.enum = enumValue;
// Support default imports
exports.default = {
Type: types_1.Type,
string: exports.string,

@@ -921,9 +67,9 @@ boolean: exports.boolean,

tuple: exports.tuple,
partial: exports.partial,
pick: exports.pick,
omit: exports.omit,
undefined: undefinedValue,
null: nullValue,
enum: enumValue,
ValidationError: types_1.ValidationError,
"name": "myzod",
"version": "0.0.30",
"version": "0.0.31",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "./libs/index.js",

@@ -392,2 +392,14 @@ # myzod

As a utility you can pick directly from a recordSchema and get an equivalent objectSchema:
const recordSchema = z.record(z.string());
type RecordType = z.Infer<typeof recordSchema>; // => { [x: string]: string }
const objSchema = recordSchema.pick(['a', 'b']);
type ObjType = z.Infer<typeof objSchema>; // => { a: string; b: string; }
As a utility for creating records whose values are by default optional, you can use the myzod.dictionary function.

@@ -394,0 +406,0 @@

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