n-semver - semver for n
in node:
function fn(err, data) {console.log(data.versions, data.maxSatisfying)}
in the shell:
n-semver <version-range> [args ...]
n-semver-version <version-range>
n-semver-npm <version-range>
Example: execute foo.js with the node-version which max-satisfies '~0.8'
n-semver ~0.8 foo.js -p 3000
Example: print max-satisfying installed node-version for '~0.8'
n-semver-version ~0.8
Example: execute matching npm with the node-version which max-satisfies '~0.8'
n-semver-npm ~0.8 install a-module-with-node-plugin
note: there is a fork of n
which supports node@<0.8.6
(i.e. no official
precompiled tarballs).