🚩 Parade!
Lightweight UI component stories and documentation showcase for Next.js.
Is Storybook and Docz too bloated for you? I'm working on a simple alternative.
⚠️ Pre-alpha: This is a proof-of-concept.
npm install next-parade
yarn add next-parade
Configure and render it on the page:
import parade from 'next-parade'
import withStaticProps from 'next-parade/props'
const context = require.context('../src/components', true, /\.js/)
export default parade(context)
export const getStaticProps = withStaticProps(context, 'src/components')
By convention React Component should be the default export from a file.
Advanced example
import { GetStaticProps } from 'next'
import parade from 'next-parade'
import withStaticProps from 'next-parade/props'
import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'
const context = require.context('../components', true, /\/[A-Z]\w\.tsx/)
const ComponentsParade = parade(context)
const Home = ({ ...props }) => (
<div className={styles.container}>
<ComponentsParade {...props} title="Styleguide" style={{ maxWidth: '600px' }} />
export default Home
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context) => {
const output = withStaticProps(context, 'components')
return {
props: {
npm run dev
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
This project is using itself for documentation.
- license info (MIT? 0BSD?)
- CI
- editable props
- parse markdown
- order of elements (sort)
- add "last build" to website