- Experimental library
- Work in progress.
- Might be discontinued.
- Uses Next.js'
to both fetch and provide helpers to write data straight to the db - No
-routes used 😳 - Server-side data validation that's propagated to page props
- Works without JS enabled!
- E2E type safety! TypeScript types inferred between client <-> server with all the nice autocomplete jazz
(Peer) Dependencies
- zod for data validation
- Formik as a form library
Get started
ℹ️ Easiest thing to do is to look at the pages in examples/typescript
yarn add next-ssr-form zod formik
How to use the "library"
In a Next.js page/..
1. Add form to top of page
export const createPostForm = createForm({
schema: z.object({
from: z.string().min(2),
message: z.string().min(4),
defaultValues: {
message: "",
from: "",
formId: "createPost",
2. Add mutations to getServerSideProps
export const getServerSideProps = async (ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext) => {
const createPostProps = await createPostForm.getPageProps({
async mutation(input) {
return DB.createPost(input);
return {
props: {
posts: await DB.getAllPosts(),
3. Infer data types
type Props = InferGetServerSidePropsType<typeof getServerSideProps>;
export default function Home(props: Props) {
Your data usage is now typesafe!
4. Use form
Basic form w/o JS
type Props = InferGetServerSidePropsType<typeof getServerSideProps>;
export default function Home(props: Props) {
const [feedback, setFeedback] = useState(
const initalValues = createPostForm.getInitialValues(props);
const initialErrors = createPostForm.getInitialErrors(props);
const form = props.createPost;
return (
<h1>Normal http post (zod for validation)</h1>
Uses a standard <code><form></code> with the <code>action</code>
-attribute to post to the same page. Form data is handled in{' '}
<code>getServerSideProps</code> and feedback is passed through page
<h2>My guestbook</h2>
{ => (
<article key={}>
From {item.from} at {prettyDate(item.createdAt)}:
<p className="message">{item.message}</p>
<h3>Add post</h3>
<form action={props.createPost.endpoints.action} method="post">
<p className={`field ${initialErrors?.from ? 'field--error' : ''}`}>
Your name:
<br />
<input type="text" name="from" defaultValue={initalValues.from} />
{initialErrors?.from && (
<span className="field__error">{initialErrors.from}</span>
<p className={`field ${initialErrors?.message ? 'field--error' : ''}`}>
Your message:
<br />
<textarea name="message" defaultValue={initalValues.message} />
{initialErrors?.message && (
<span className="field__error">{initialErrors.message}</span>
<input type="submit" />
<br />
{feedback?.state === 'success' && (
<span className="feedback success">Yay! Your entry was added</span>
{feedback?.state === 'error' && (
<span className="feedback error">
Something went wrong: {feedback.error.message}. Full Error:{' '}
message: feedback.error.message,
stack: feedback.error.stack,