Next.js Dynamic Routes
A dynamic routing solution for the awesome Next.js
Why ?
Next.js introduced in it's V2 a programmatic routing API allowing you to serve your
Next app from, for example, an express server:
server.get('/user/:id', (req, res) => {
return app.render(req, res, '/user', req.params)
<Link href={`/user?id={id}`} as={`/user/${id}`}><a>Visit me!</a></Link>
But as the number of pages grows, it's getting a little hard to manage...
Introducing Dynamic Routes
npm install --save nextjs-dynamic-routes
Setup your routes
Create a routes.js
file and list all your Dynamic routes.
You don't have to list your regular routes, as Next.js will handle them as usual (but you can!).
const Router = require('nextjs-dynamic-routes')
const router = new Router()
router.add({ name: 'character', pattern: '/characters/:id' })
router.add({ name: 'film', pattern: '/films/:id' })
name: 'characterAndFilm',
pattern: '/character-and-film/:characterId/:filmId',
page: '/character-and-film'
module.exports = router
Setup your request handler
const express = require('express')
const next = require('next')
const Router = require('./routes')
const app = next({ dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' })
const server = express()
const handle = Router.getRequestHandler(app)
.then(() => {
server.get('*', (req, res) => handle(req, res))
Use your routes
Then Nextjs Dynamic Routes exports a Link
component. It's just like next/link
but it adds a route
prop that let you refer to a route by its name.
import React from 'react'
import { Link } from '../routes'
export default () => (
<li><Link route="character" id="1"><a>Luke Skywalker</a></Link></li>
<li><Link route="character" id="2"><a>C-3PO</a></Link></li>
<li><Link route="film" id="1"><a>A New Hope</a></Link></li>
<li><Link route="film" id="2"><a>The Empire Strikes Back</a></Link></li>
<Link route="characterAndFilm" characterId="1" filmId="2">
<a>The Empire Strikes Back and Luke Skywalker</a>
import React from 'react'
export default class Character extends React.Component {
static async getInitialProps({ query }) {
return fetch(`//${}`).then(x => x.json())
render() {
return <p>{}</p>
Prefetching data
Next.js has this great feature allowing you to prefetch data for your next routes
in the background.
You can benefit from that by simply putting a prefetch
property on any Link :
<Link prefetch route="film" id="2"><a>The Empire Strikes Back</a></Link>
Imperative API
Router.pushRoute(name, params [, options])
import Router from '../routes'
<button onClick={() => Router.pushRoute('film', { id: 2 })}>
Go to film 2
Router.replaceRoute(name, params [, options])
import Router from '../routes'
<button onClick={() => Router.replaceRoute('film', { id: 2 })}>
Go to film 2
Router.prefetchRoute(name, params)
import Router from '../routes'
<button onClick={() => Router.prefetchRoute('film', { id: 2 })}>
Prefetch film 2
Router.getRoutePath(name, params)
import Router from '../routes'
console.log(Router.getRoutePath('characterAndFilm', { characterId: 2, filmId: 5 }))
Query params
The Link component has a queryParams
prop which you can fill with an object of regular query parameters.
<Link prefetch route="film" id="2" queryParams={{ utm_campaign: 'website' }}>
<a>The Empire Strikes Back</a>
This will result in the following url: /films/2?utm_campaign=website
You can use queryParams
with the imperative API as well
Router.pushRoute('film', {
id: 2,
queryParams: {
utm_campaign: 'website'