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nexus-prisma - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.17 to 0.1.0




@@ -1,14 +0,4 @@

import { core } from 'nexus';
import { TypesMap } from './source-helper';
import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
import { PrismaSchemaConfig } from './types';
import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
export { prismaEnumType, prismaObjectType } from './prisma';
export declare class PrismaSchemaBuilder extends core.SchemaBuilder {
protected metadata: core.Metadata;
protected config: PrismaSchemaConfig;
private prismaTypesMap;
constructor(metadata: core.Metadata, config: PrismaSchemaConfig);
getConfig(): PrismaSchemaConfig;
getPrismaTypesMap(): TypesMap;
export * from './definitions';
export declare function makePrismaSchema(options: PrismaSchemaConfig): GraphQLSchema;
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
function __export(m) {
for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var fs_1 = require("fs");
var nexus_1 = require("nexus");
var prisma_1 = require("./prisma");
var source_helper_1 = require("./source-helper");
var unused_types_1 = require("./unused-types");
var prisma_2 = require("./prisma");
exports.prismaEnumType = prisma_2.prismaEnumType;
exports.prismaObjectType = prisma_2.prismaObjectType;
var PrismaSchemaBuilder = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(PrismaSchemaBuilder, _super);
function PrismaSchemaBuilder(metadata, config) {
var _this =, metadata, config) || this;
_this.metadata = metadata;
_this.config = config;
_this.prismaTypesMap = null;
if (!_this.config.prisma) {
throw new Error('Required `prisma` object in config was not provided');
if (!_this.config.prisma.schemaPath ||
!fs_1.existsSync(_this.config.prisma.schemaPath)) {
throw new Error("No valid `prisma.schemaPath` was found at " + _this.config.prisma.schemaPath);
return _this;
var builder_1 = require("./builder");
function makePrismaSchema(options) {
var builder = new builder_1.PrismaSchemaBuilder(options);
if (!options.types) {
options.types = [];
PrismaSchemaBuilder.prototype.getConfig = function () {
return this.config;
PrismaSchemaBuilder.prototype.getPrismaTypesMap = function () {
if (!this.prismaTypesMap) {
this.prismaTypesMap = source_helper_1.extractTypes(this.config.prisma.schemaPath);
return this.prismaTypesMap;
return PrismaSchemaBuilder;
exports.PrismaSchemaBuilder = PrismaSchemaBuilder;
function makePrismaSchema(options) {
options.types = prisma_1.withPrismaTypes(options.types);
var _a = nexus_1.makeSchemaWithMetadata(options, PrismaSchemaBuilder), schema = _a.schema, metadata = _a.metadata;
var schema = nexus_1.core.makeSchemaInternal(options, builder).schema;
// Only in development envs do we want to worry about regenerating the
// schema definition and/or generated types.
var _b = options.shouldGenerateArtifacts, shouldGenerateArtifacts = _b === void 0 ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' : _b;
var _a = options.shouldGenerateArtifacts, shouldGenerateArtifacts = _a === void 0 ? Boolean(!process.env.NODE_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') : _a;
if (shouldGenerateArtifacts) {
// Remove all unused types to keep the generated schema clean
var filteredSchema = unused_types_1.removeUnusedTypesFromSchema(schema);
// Generating in the next tick allows us to use the schema
// in the optional thunk for the typegen config
new nexus_1.core.TypegenMetadata(options).generateArtifacts(schema).catch(function (e) {

@@ -65,0 +25,0 @@ return schema;

@@ -1,3 +0,2 @@

import { GraphQLFieldResolver } from 'graphql';
import { GraphQLTypeField } from './source-helper';
export declare function generateDefaultResolver(typeName: string, fieldToResolve: GraphQLTypeField, contextClientName: string): GraphQLFieldResolver<any, any>;
import { GraphQLField, GraphQLFieldResolver } from 'graphql';
export declare function generateDefaultResolver(typeName: string, fieldToResolve: GraphQLField<any, any>, contextClientName: string, uniqFieldsByModel: Record<string, string[]>): GraphQLFieldResolver<any, any>;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var graphql_1 = require("graphql");
var graphql_2 = require("./graphql");
var throw_1 = require("./throw");
var utils_1 = require("./utils");
var camelCase = require('camelcase');
function generateDefaultResolver(typeName, fieldToResolve, contextClientName) {
function generateDefaultResolver(typeName, fieldToResolve, contextClientName, uniqFieldsByModel) {
return function (root, args, ctx, info) {
var _a;
var isTopLevel = ['Query', 'Mutation', 'Subscription'].includes(typeName);

@@ -13,3 +16,3 @@ if (typeName === 'Subscription') {

var fieldName =;
if (fieldToResolve.type.isScalar) {
if (graphql_1.isScalarType(graphql_2.getFinalType(fieldToResolve.type))) {
return root[fieldName];

@@ -26,3 +29,4 @@ }

else if ( // If is "findOne" query (eg: `user`, or `post`)
else if (
// If is "findOne" query (eg: `user`, or `post`)
utils_1.isNotArrayOrConnectionType(fieldToResolve) &&

@@ -46,4 +50,7 @@ (typeName !== 'Node' && fieldName !== 'node')) {

throw_1.throwIfUnknownClientFunction(parentName, typeName, ctx, contextClientName, info);
// FIXME: It can very well be something else than `id` (depending on the @unique field)
return ctx[contextClientName][parentName]({ id: })[fieldName](args);
var uniqFieldName = uniqFieldsByModel[typeName].find(function (uniqFieldName) { return root[uniqFieldName] !== undefined; });
throw_1.throwIfNoUniqFieldName(uniqFieldName, parentName);
return ctx[contextClientName][parentName]((_a = {},
_a[uniqFieldName] = root[uniqFieldName],

@@ -50,0 +57,0 @@ }

@@ -1,8 +0,5 @@

import { GraphQLResolveInfo } from 'graphql';
import { TypesMap } from './source-helper';
import { GraphQLTypeArgument, GraphQLTypeObject } from './source-helper';
import { ObjectField } from './types';
export declare function throwIfUnkownArgsName(typeName: string, fieldName: string, args: GraphQLTypeArgument[], argsNameToExpose: string[]): void;
export declare function throwIfUnknownType(typesMap: TypesMap, typeName: string): void;
export declare function throwIfUnknownFields(graphqlType: GraphQLTypeObject, fields: ObjectField[], typeName: string): void;
import { GraphQLResolveInfo, GraphQLObjectType } from 'graphql';
import { AliasedObjectField } from './types';
export declare function throwIfUnknownFields(graphqlType: GraphQLObjectType, fields: AliasedObjectField[], typeName: string): void;
export declare function throwIfUnknownClientFunction(fieldName: string, typeName: string, ctx: any, contextClientName: string, info: GraphQLResolveInfo): void;
export declare function throwIfNoUniqFieldName(uniqFieldName: string | undefined, parentName: any): void;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function throwIfUnkownArgsName(typeName, fieldName, args, argsNameToExpose) {
var graphqlArgNames = (a) { return; });
var unknownArgsToExpose = argsNameToExpose.filter(function (argName) { return !graphqlArgNames.includes(argName); });
if (unknownArgsToExpose.length > 0) {
throw new Error("Input args `" + unknownArgsToExpose.join(', ') + "` does not exist on `" + typeName + "." + fieldName + "`");
exports.throwIfUnkownArgsName = throwIfUnkownArgsName;
function throwIfUnknownType(typesMap, typeName) {
if (typesMap.types[typeName] === undefined) {
throw new Error("Type " + typeName + " not found in Prisma API");
exports.throwIfUnknownType = throwIfUnknownType;
function throwIfUnknownFields(graphqlType, fields, typeName) {
var fieldsName = (f) { return; });
var fieldsName = Object.values(graphqlType.getFields()).map(function (f) { return; });
var unknownFields = fields

@@ -34,2 +20,8 @@ .filter(function (f) { return !fieldsName.includes(; })

exports.throwIfUnknownClientFunction = throwIfUnknownClientFunction;
function throwIfNoUniqFieldName(uniqFieldName, parentName) {
if (uniqFieldName === undefined) {
throw new Error("ERROR: No uniq field were found to resolve `" + parentName.fieldName + "`");
exports.throwIfNoUniqFieldName = throwIfNoUniqFieldName;
import { core } from 'nexus';
interface GenTypesShape {
fields: Record<string, any>;
fieldsDetails: Record<string, any>;
export declare type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
declare type PrismaShapeKeys = 'objectTypes' | 'inputTypes' | 'enumTypesNames';
interface PrismaGenTypesShape {
objectTypes: {
fields: Record<string, any>;
fieldsDetails: Record<string, any>;
inputTypes: {
fields: Record<string, any>;
enumTypesNames: string;
export interface ObjectField {
export declare type GetGen<K extends PrismaShapeKeys, Fallback = any> = NexusGen extends infer GenTypes ? GenTypes extends PrismaGenTypesShape ? GenTypes[K] : Fallback : Fallback;
export declare type GetGen2<K extends PrismaShapeKeys, K2 extends keyof PrismaGenTypesShape[K]> = NexusGen extends infer GenTypes ? GenTypes extends PrismaGenTypesShape ? K extends keyof GenTypes ? K2 extends keyof GenTypes[K] ? GenTypes[K][K2] : any : any : any : any;
export declare type GetGen3<K extends PrismaShapeKeys, K2 extends Extract<keyof PrismaGenTypesShape[K], string>, K3 extends Extract<keyof PrismaGenTypesShape[K][K2], string>> = NexusGen extends infer GenTypes ? GenTypes extends PrismaGenTypesShape ? K extends keyof GenTypes ? K2 extends keyof GenTypes[K] ? K3 extends keyof GenTypes[K][K2] ? GenTypes[K][K2][K3] : any : any : any : any : any;
export declare type InputField<GraphQLType extends PrismaShapeKeys, TypeName extends string> = NexusGen extends infer GenTypes ? GenTypes extends PrismaGenTypesShape ? GraphQLType extends keyof GenTypes ? 'fields' extends infer Fields ? Fields extends keyof GenTypes[GraphQLType] ? TypeName extends keyof GenTypes[GraphQLType][Fields] ? GenTypes[GraphQLType][Fields][TypeName] : any : any : any : any : any : any;
export interface PickInputField<GraphQLType extends PrismaShapeKeys, TypeName extends string> {
pick: InputField<GraphQLType, TypeName>[];
export interface FilterInputField<GraphQLType extends PrismaShapeKeys, TypeName extends string> {
filter: ((fields: string[]) => string[]) | InputField<GraphQLType, TypeName>[];
export declare type AddFieldInput<GraphQLType extends PrismaShapeKeys, TypeName extends string> = InputField<GraphQLType, TypeName>[] | PickInputField<GraphQLType, TypeName> | FilterInputField<GraphQLType, TypeName>;
export declare type AliasedObjectField = {
name: string;
args?: string[] | false;
alias?: string;
export declare type AnonymousField = string | ObjectField;
export declare type ObjectField = Omit<AliasedObjectField, 'alias'>;
export declare type AnonymousField = string | AliasedObjectField;
export interface AnonymousPickOmitField {

@@ -18,25 +37,34 @@ pick?: AnonymousField[];

export declare type AnonymousInputFields = AnonymousField[] | AnonymousPickOmitField;
export interface PrismaOutputOpts {
args: Record<string, core.Types.ArgDefinition>;
description?: string;
list: boolean;
nullable: boolean;
resolve: (root: any, args: any, ctx: any, info?: any) => any;
export interface PrismaOutputOpts extends Omit<core.FieldOutConfig<string, string>, 'args' | 'deprecation' | 'resolve'> {
args: Record<string, core.NexusArgDef<string>>;
resolve: (root: any, args: any, ctx: any) => any;
export declare type PrismaOutputOptsMap = Record<string, PrismaOutputOpts>;
export declare type InputField<GenTypes = GraphQLNexusGen, TypeName extends string = any> = GenTypes extends GenTypesShape ? TypeName extends keyof GenTypes['fields'] ? GenTypes['fields'][TypeName] : AnonymousField : AnonymousField;
export declare type PrismaTypeNames<GenTypes = GraphQLNexusGen> = GenTypes extends GenTypesShape ? Extract<keyof GenTypes['fields'], string> : string;
export declare type PrismaEnumTypeNames<GenTypes = GraphQLNexusGen> = GenTypes extends GenTypesShape ? GenTypes['enumTypesNames'] : string;
export interface PickInputField<GenTypes, TypeName extends string> {
pick: InputField<GenTypes, TypeName>[];
export interface FilterInputField<GenTypes, TypeName extends string> {
filter: ((fields: string[]) => string[]) | InputField<GenTypes, TypeName>[];
export declare type AddFieldInput<GenTypes, TypeName extends string> = InputField<GenTypes, TypeName>[] | PickInputField<GenTypes, TypeName> | FilterInputField<GenTypes, TypeName>;
export declare type PrismaObject<GenTypes, TypeName extends string> = GenTypes extends GenTypesShape ? TypeName extends keyof GenTypes['fieldsDetails'] ? GenTypes['fieldsDetails'][TypeName] : any : any;
export interface PrismaSchemaConfig extends core.Types.BuilderConfig {
types: any;
export interface PrismaSchemaConfig extends core.BuilderConfig {
types?: any;
prisma: {
schemaPath: string;
* The default exported object generated by `nexus-prisma-generate`
* Import it from the output directory generated by `nexus-prisma-generate`
* @example
* ```
* import nexusPrismaConfig from './generated/nexus-prisma'
* makePrismaSchema({
* prisma: {
* schemaConfig: nexusPrismaConfig
* }
* })
* ```
schemaConfig: {
uniqueFieldsByModel: Record<string, string[]>;
schema: {
__schema: any;
* The name of the prisma-client that you injected in your GraphQL server context
contextClientName: string;

@@ -43,0 +71,0 @@ };

@@ -1,33 +0,12 @@

import { InputObjectTypeDef } from 'nexus/dist/core';
import { ArgDefinition, ArgOpts, FieldOpts } from 'nexus/dist/types';
import { GraphQLType, GraphQLTypeField, TypesMap } from './source-helper';
import { AddFieldInput, AnonymousField, ObjectField } from './types';
export interface ScalarToObjectInputArg {
String: (arg: InputObjectTypeDef, name: string, opts: ArgOpts) => void;
Boolean: (arg: InputObjectTypeDef, name: string, opts: ArgOpts) => void;
Float: (arg: InputObjectTypeDef, name: string, opts: ArgOpts) => void;
Int: (arg: InputObjectTypeDef, name: string, opts: ArgOpts) => void;
ID: (arg: InputObjectTypeDef, name: string, opts: ArgOpts) => void;
DateTime: (arg: InputObjectTypeDef, name: string, opts: ArgOpts) => void;
export interface ScalarToLiteralArg {
String: (opts: ArgOpts) => ArgDefinition;
Boolean: (opts: ArgOpts) => ArgDefinition;
Float: (opts: ArgOpts) => ArgDefinition;
Int: (opts: ArgOpts) => ArgDefinition;
ID: (opts: ArgOpts) => ArgDefinition;
DateTime: (opts: ArgOpts) => ArgDefinition;
export declare function getObjectInputArg(arg: InputObjectTypeDef, field: GraphQLTypeField, opts: ArgOpts): void;
export declare function getLiteralArg(typeName: string, opts: ArgOpts): ArgDefinition;
export declare function typeToFieldOpts(type: GraphQLType): FieldOpts;
export declare function getAllFields(typeName: string, typesMap: TypesMap): ObjectField[];
export declare function getFields<GenTypes, TypeName extends string>(inputFields: AddFieldInput<GenTypes, TypeName> | undefined, typeName: string, typesMap: TypesMap): ObjectField[];
import { GraphQLField, GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
import { core } from 'nexus';
import { AddFieldInput, AliasedObjectField, AnonymousField, ObjectField } from './types';
export declare function getAllFields(typeName: string, schema: GraphQLSchema): AliasedObjectField[];
export declare function getFields<TypeName extends string>(inputFields: AddFieldInput<'objectTypes' | 'inputTypes', TypeName> | undefined, typeName: string, schema: GraphQLSchema): ObjectField[];
export declare function normalizeFields(fields: AnonymousField[]): ObjectField[];
export declare function getGraphQLType(typeName: string, typesMap: TypesMap): import("./source-helper").GraphQLTypeObject;
export declare function isDeleteMutation(typeName: string, fieldName: string): boolean;
export declare function isCreateMutation(typeName: string, fieldName: string): boolean;
export declare function isNotArrayOrConnectionType(fieldToResolve: GraphQLTypeField): boolean;
export declare function isNotArrayOrConnectionType(fieldToResolve: GraphQLField<any, any>): boolean;
export declare function isConnectionTypeName(typeName: string): boolean;
export declare const isObject: (obj: any) => boolean;
export declare function flatMap<T, U>(array: T[], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U[]): U[];
export declare function whitelistArgs(args: Record<string, core.NexusArgDef<string>>, whitelist: string[] | false | undefined): Record<string, core.NexusArgDef<string>>;
"use strict";
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var nexus_1 = require("nexus");
var graphql_1 = require("./graphql");
var throw_1 = require("./throw");
var scalarToObjectInputArg = {
String: function (arg, name, opts) { return arg.string(name, opts); },
Boolean: function (arg, name, opts) { return arg.boolean(name, opts); },
Float: function (arg, name, opts) { return arg.float(name, opts); },
Int: function (arg, name, opts) { return, opts); },
ID: function (arg, name, opts) { return, opts); },
DateTime: function (arg, name, opts) { return arg.field(name, 'DateTime', opts); },
var scalarToLiteralArg = {
String: function (opts) { return nexus_1.arg('String', opts); },
Boolean: function (opts) { return nexus_1.arg('Boolean', opts); },
Float: function (opts) { return nexus_1.arg('Float', opts); },
Int: function (opts) { return nexus_1.arg('Int', opts); },
ID: function (opts) { return nexus_1.arg('ID', opts); },
DateTime: function (opts) { return nexus_1.arg('DateTime', opts); },
function getObjectInputArg(arg, field, opts) {
var scalarTypeName =;
return scalarToObjectInputArg[scalarTypeName](arg,, opts);
exports.getObjectInputArg = getObjectInputArg;
function getLiteralArg(typeName, opts) {
var scalarTypeName = typeName;
return scalarToLiteralArg[scalarTypeName](opts);
exports.getLiteralArg = getLiteralArg;
function typeToFieldOpts(type) {
return {
list: type.isArray,
nullable: !type.isRequired,
exports.typeToFieldOpts = typeToFieldOpts;
function getAllFields(typeName, typesMap) {
return getGraphQLType(typeName, typesMap) (field) {
function getAllFields(typeName, schema) {
return Object.keys(graphql_1.findObjectType(typeName, schema).getFields()).map(function (fieldName) {
return ({
name: fieldName,

@@ -47,13 +25,12 @@ });

function isDefaultInput(inputFields) {
return (inputFields === undefined ||
(Array.isArray(inputFields) && inputFields.length === 0));
return inputFields === undefined;
function getFields(inputFields, typeName, typesMap) {
function getFields(inputFields, typeName, schema) {
var fields = isDefaultInput(inputFields)
? getAllFields(typeName, typesMap)
: extractFields(inputFields, typeName, typesMap);
? getAllFields(typeName, schema)
: extractFields(inputFields, typeName, schema);
var normalizedFields = normalizeFields(fields);
var graphqlType = getGraphQLType(typeName, typesMap);
var objectType = graphql_1.findObjectType(typeName, schema);
// Make sure all the fields exists
throw_1.throwIfUnknownFields(graphqlType, normalizedFields, typeName);
throw_1.throwIfUnknownFields(objectType, normalizedFields, typeName);
return normalizedFields;

@@ -63,5 +40,6 @@ }

function isPickInputField(arg) {
return arg.pick !== undefined;
return (arg.pick !==
function extractFields(fields, typeName, typesMap) {
function extractFields(fields, typeName, schema) {
if (Array.isArray(fields)) {

@@ -73,3 +51,3 @@ return fields;

var prismaFieldsNames = getAllFields(typeName, typesMap).map(function (f) { return; }); // typeName = "Product"
var prismaFieldsNames = getAllFields(typeName, schema).map(function (f) { return; });
if (Array.isArray(fields.filter)) {

@@ -93,14 +71,9 @@ var fieldsToFilter = fields.filter;

return f;
return {
name: f.alias !== undefined ? f.alias :,
args: f.args,
exports.normalizeFields = normalizeFields;
function getGraphQLType(typeName, typesMap) {
var graphQLType = typesMap.types[typeName];
if (graphQLType === undefined) {
throw new Error("Type " + typeName + " not found");
return graphQLType;
exports.getGraphQLType = getGraphQLType;
function isDeleteMutation(typeName, fieldName) {

@@ -119,4 +92,4 @@ return (typeName === 'Mutation' &&

function isNotArrayOrConnectionType(fieldToResolve) {
return (!fieldToResolve.type.isArray &&
return (!graphql_1.isList(fieldToResolve.type) &&

@@ -128,5 +101,2 @@ exports.isNotArrayOrConnectionType = isNotArrayOrConnectionType;

exports.isConnectionTypeName = isConnectionTypeName;
exports.isObject = function (obj) {
return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object';
function flatMap(array, callbackfn) {

@@ -137,2 +107,15 @@ var _a;

exports.flatMap = flatMap;
function whitelistArgs(args, whitelist) {
if (!whitelist) {
return args;
return Object.keys(args).reduce(function (acc, argName) {
var _a;
if (whitelist.includes(argName)) {
return __assign({}, acc, (_a = {}, _a[argName] = args[argName], _a));
return acc;
}, {});
exports.whitelistArgs = whitelistArgs;
"name": "nexus-prisma",
"version": "0.0.17",
"version": "0.1.0",
"main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ "typings": "dist/index.d.ts",

"camelcase": "^5.0.0",
"nexus": "0.7.0-alpha.2"
"nexus": "^0.9.9"

@@ -35,7 +35,10 @@ "peerDependencies": {

"@types/graphql": "14.0.5",
"@types/jest": "^23.3.13",
"@types/lodash": "4.14.120",
"jest": "23.6.0",
"prettier": "1.16.1",
"prisma": "1.24.0",
"ts-jest": "23.10.5",
"graphql-tag": "^2.10.1",
"jest": "^24.0.0",
"prettier": "1.16.3",
"prisma": "1.25.4",
"prisma-client-lib": "^1.25.3",
"ts-jest": "^23.10.5",
"typescript": "3.2.4"

@@ -42,0 +45,0 @@ },

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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