ng: angular reimagined
full-stack angular with no dependencies
Developers should not have to use different frameworks to build frontend apps and their backend apis. With node.js came full-stack javascript, now comes ng - a lightweight, elegant, full-stack framework.
Warning! ng is pre-alpha, but is being built for production with sponsorship by Pook-n-Cheek. If you have suggestions or are interested in contributing, email adam at
Browse ng on github or install on npm
Browse the code of a working application, ocrx
#Update - because of the planned release of angular 2.0, ng is being put on hold and will be refactored to work with angular 2.0 when released
Start the server
Enter in the url or file path of module dependencies. ng will load them first
var modules =
require('ng')(modules, function(ng)
It's just angular...
ng's api mirrors angular's api as closely as possible. In fact, the global api is exactly the same: ng.toJson
, ng.fromJson
, ng.isDefined
, etc are all available. The module api is very similar as well
ng.module('example', ['ngRoute'])
.factory('example', function()
return ng.isString('Hi! I am identical on both the server and the client')
ng enables full-stack development by allowing you to access node.js within your services.
.factory('os', function()
return require('os')
utilizing node's require, it is easy to build a modular application using external npm modules
.factory('third-party', require('ng.thirdparty').factory)
.directive('third-party', require('ng.thirdparty').directive)
here we leverage node's readFileSync to load our templates
.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider)
.when('/', {
template: require('fs').readFileSync('view/splash.html'),
controller: 'splashCtrl'
controller: 'exampleCtrl'
Default location:
Config, run, provider, factory, & service are all put on both the client and server. Some services, however, such as controllers, directives, and animations are only available on the client.
.controller('example', function($scope, os)
$scope.os = os
Specifying location:
Each method includes a client and server property if you wish to register the function in only one place.
.factory.server('dependent', function($q)
var q = $q.defer()
.factory.client('dependent', function($q)
var q = $q.defer()
.factory('dependent', function($q)
var q = $q.defer()
Using the client & server properties in tandem, one can create an injectable service that acts differently on the client and on the server, as in this authentication example below.
.factory.client('login', function($http)
return function(id, password)
var promise = $http.get('/rpc/login?verify["'+id+'","'+password+'"]')
return promise.then(function(access_token)
return access_token ? true : false
.factory.server('login', function(data)
var hmac = require('crypto').createHmac
verify: function(id, password)
var access_token = hmac('sha256', id).update(password).digest('hex')
return access_token
Almost everything works exactly like angular including dependency injection & decorators. Things that don't work on the server are - understandably - $location, $document, & $window
.factory('dependent', function($q)
var q = $q.defer()
.factory('dependent', function($window)
$window.alert("Can I alert on the server?")
... additions to angular
There are two non-angular (ng-only) methods:
- .interceptor() adds middleware
- .transform() pre-processes functions
ng - like many node frameworks - uses middleware to process and respond to incoming requests. ng uses angular's interceptor api to build a middleware stack. Register middleware using the module's interceptor method. You will need at least one interceptor to serve your application
return {
{ = ||
"<html ng-app='example'>",
"<div class='ng-view'></div>",
return response
In the previous os factory and routing config, we showed you a little magic. How do we make these functions that contain node-specific code run on a browser where node is not available?
Factories: Actually the os factory - unlike the other factory examples - will run only on the server. However, ng automatically creates a factory of the same name and identical api on the client. This "twin" client factory simply calls the server factory via an http request and the result is returned to the client. Since this all happens automatically, the client functionality appears identical to the server's.
.factory('os', function($rpc)
return $rpc('os', '0', 'trigger')
Templates: Something similar happens in the routing config. The routing config is executed on the server as soon as ng is started. Once loaded on the server, the templates are written to the client module before it is served by the interceptor. The template will simply appear in the client's config.
Sound complicated? It's not! ng uses a very elegant api exposed as the module's transform method. ng has built in transforms for making client-side factories - like the os example - and filling in templates - like the routing config - but allows you to create your own transforms as well.
.transform(function(fn, type, name)
return fn
Transforms are incredibly powerful. This simple transform automatically makes your code minification-safe by surrounding every client function with an angular inline injection array. Now that's power!
.transform.client(function(fn, type, name)
if ( ! fn.length)
return fn
return JSON.stringify(ng.injector().annotate(fn)).replace(']', ','+fn+']')
- Project on hold until release of angular 2.0
- Updated readme with example of live application
- Changed Rpc from http.get to post to handle large files
- Changed Rpc to send body as JSON rather than querystring
- Fixed encoding issue when rpc argument was base64
- Force callback arg to be named 'ng' to ensure interoperability
- Wrapped each module in a closure that renames angular to ng
- Now ng.module(name).toString is enclosed in
- Combined $xhr and request into $httpBackend
- renamed parse -> transform
- renamed stack -> interceptor
- moved transform & interceptor from the global api to module api
- simplified the api for the logger
- Project to be refactored to work with Angular 2.0 / ES6
- Feel free to email with suggestions!
- Should we enable registration to be async? If so how do we get user to signal that registration is complete? Possibilities include doing ng()(req, res), ng.listen getter fn, or make ng load upon first request
- Transforms currently affect all modules, but should only affect the current module and ones that require it
- Are server's $apply $digest cycles irrelevant? Would it improve performance to override/ignore them?
- Better/Longer Error Stacks that display in both server & client consoles
- More stock middleware, gzip, cache, etc, and more stock transforms (spinoff to new module? ng.stack)
- Enable server.httpBackend to work with streams directly, rather than converting back to them
- In's type, 'ng' is not interpolated in view; needs 'angular'
- Testing API. Integrate node's require('assert') into angular? (spinoff to new module? ng.test|assert?). Would client-only service such as controllers & directives need to be put on server for easy testing?
- Rpc should use "" rather than $rpc[#] in case app want to have rpc api public
- Rpc should allow to be replaced with other protocols (web socket) or methods (put).
related projects
- simple getter/setter for data persistence
- ng.seed: create a modular ng application using npm packages
- ng.cql: realtime cassandra database syncing
- ng.auth: example authentication using ng interceptors
- ng.crud: example demonstrating a simple crud application using ng.seed
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