#Pook - Not usable yet. Stay Tuned!
##Designed to make beautiful apps from the inside out, pook aims to be
Expressive. simple, elegant code
Fast. ultra-light ( < 400KB) core with no dependencies
Extensible. everything is a module
Scalable. load balanced & fault tolerant
Responsive. realtime is supported not required
Cohesive. blur line between server and client
Like CoffeeScript is to JavaScript, Pook compiles into AngularJs. A working knowledge of Angular is required to be successful. Once stable, documentation will be forthcoming...
// Pook - beautiful applications from the inside out
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Pook is built on the philosophy that a framework should be
// 1) Lightweight. Pook is only XX Kb unminified, unzipped
// 2) Expressive. Syntax should be short and readable
// 3) Modular. Pook is a collection of elegantly organized modules
// 4) Extendable. Easy & consistent way to extend and configure
// 5) Scalable. Instantly scale many identical nodes without help
// Features
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// - Instant page loads using PJAX. No submit buttons, no full page refreshes
// - No differentiation between client-side and server-side code
// - Instant client-side authentication for views, secure server-side auth for data
// - Built in extandable RegEx security filters and instant client-side form validation
// - Extend any module by simply appending the child module's name with a +
// - Database drivers available to work with any SQL or NoSQL database (default is Cassandra)
// - No vendor lock-in
// - ?Realtime using SocketSteam's realtime transport and realtime service specs? (ORM uses rt-RPC)
// - Bootstrap directives allow for instant styling without any boilerplate
// - Compatible with middleware before routing (e.g., body parser) and after response (e.g., minifier)
// - No domain specific language. Uses angular to create expressive html templates
// How it works
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Pook is an opionated framework based on angular that will
// help you write beautiful code from the inside out.
// Per tenant #2, angular (included via CDN) is pook's "template engine".
// Much like coffeescript is to javascript, pook compiles into a client side angular application
// automatically injecting a number of services such as the url params and $scope object
// Notice that each Pook module is also an angular modules and like angular can have files
// that compile into Angular factories, services, filters, directives.
// the + module is home for your client and has all the other modules injected
// into it as dependencies. To extend a module create a folder with the same
// name and add a plus sign. Pook will use Object.create to make the orginal
// module a prototype and use your extension of that modular instead.
// Per tenant #1, pook has no dependencies other than angular