Google Charts module for Angular 2
Please see this page for a live demo.
npm i --save ng2-google-charts
Import the Ng2GoogleChartsModule
in your app.module.ts
import { Ng2GoogleChartsModule } from 'ng2-google-charts';
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
In your templates, use the google-chart
component like this:
<google-chart [data]="pieChartData"></google-chart>
and in the corresponding .ts
pieChartData = {
chartType: 'PieChart',
dataTable: [
['Task', 'Hours per Day'],
['Work', 11],
['Eat', 2],
['Commute', 2],
['Watch TV', 2],
['Sleep', 7]
options: {'title': 'Tasks'},
You can specify an array of multiple formatter types and configurations like
public tableChartData = {
chartType: 'Table',
dataTable: [
['Department', 'Revenues', 'Another column'],
['Shoes', 10700, -100],
['Sports', -15400, 25],
['Toys', 12500, 40],
['Electronics', -2100, 889],
['Food', 22600, 78],
['Art', 1100, 42]
formatters: [
columns: [1, 2],
type: 'NumberFormat',
options: {
prefix: '€', negativeColor: '#FF0000', negativeParens: true
options: {title: 'Countries', allowHtml: true}
Please refer to the Google Chart documentation for formatter types and options.
Please see this page for a demo with more examples.
The chartReady
event is fired when a chart is completely loaded.
Bind the chartReady
event in the google-chart
component like this:
<google-chart [data]='pieChartData' (chartReady)='ready($event)'></google-chart>
Your ready()
function is passed an event whose interface looks like this:
interface ChartReadyEvent {
message: string;
You can import the ChartReadyEvent
interface in your .ts
import { ChartReadyEvent } from 'ng2-google-charts';
and then use it like:
public ready(event: ChartReadyEvent) {
The chartError
event is fired if there are some errors with a chart.
Bind the chartError
event in the google-chart
component, like this:
<google-chart [data]='pieChartData' (chartError)='error($event)'></google-chart>
Your error()
function is passed an event whose interface looks like this:
interface ChartErrorEvent {
id: string;
message: string;
detailedMessage: string;
options: Object;
You can import the ChartErrorEvent
interface in your .ts
import { ChartErrorEvent } from 'ng2-google-charts';
and then use it like:
public error(event: ChartErrorEvent) {
See more details about returned values for error event.
The chartSelect
event is fired when a chart is selected/clicked.
Bind the chartSelect
event in the google-chart
component, like this:
<google-chart [data]='pieChartData' (chartSelect)='select($event)'></google-chart>
Your select()
function is passed an event whose interface looks like this:
interface ChartSelectEvent {
message: string;
row: number | null;
column: number | null;
selectedRowValues: any[];
You can import the ChartSelectEvent
interface in your .ts
import { ChartSelectEvent } from 'ng2-google-charts';
and then use it like:
public select(event: ChartSelectEvent) {
The mouseOver
event is fired when the user moves the mouse over some chart
Bind the MouseOver
event in the google-chart
component like this:
<google-chart [data]="comboChartData" (mouseOver)="mouseOver($event)"></google-chart>
Your mouseOver()
function is passed an event whose class looks like this:
class ChartMouseOverEvent {
position: DataPointPosition;
boundingBox: BoundingBox;
value: any;
tooltip: ChartHTMLTooltip | null;
columnType: string;
columnLabel: string;
You can import the ChartMouseOverEvent
class in your .ts
import { ChartMouseOverEvent } from 'ng2-google-charts';
and then use it like:
public mouseOver(event: ChartMouseOverEvent) {
The mouseOut
event is fired when the user moves the mouse out of some chart
Bind the MouseOut
event in the google-chart
component like this:
<google-chart [data]="comboChartData" (mouseOut)="mouseOut($event)"></google-chart>
Your mouseOut()
function is passed an event whose class looks like this:
class ChartMouseOutEvent {
position: DataPointPosition;
boundingBox: BoundingBox;
value: any;
columnType: string;
columnLabel: string;
You can import the ChartMouseOutEvent
class in your .ts
import { ChartMouseOutEvent } from 'ng2-google-charts';
and then use it like:
public mouseOut(event: ChartMouseOutEvent) {
Advanced usage
You can access Google Chart's underlying ChartWrapper through the
property of the component object:
<google-chart #cchart [data]="columnChartData"></google-chart>
import {ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
export class AppComponent {
@ViewChild('cchart') cchart;
myfunction() {
let googleChartWrapper = this.cchart.wrapper;