Ngconf-Typeahead Library
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.0.5.
Typeahead Feature for Angular.
Demo Link
Stackblitz Demo
Step - 1
npm i ngconf-typeahead --save
NPM Package Link
Step - 2
npm i ngconf-search --save
NPM Package Link
Even ngconf-search package is maintained by us so that it is unlikely to have versioning issues.
import NgconfTypeaheadModule in app.module.ts file.
import {NgconfTypeaheadModule} from 'ngconf-typeahead';
imports: [
Step - 3
This step is to quick start the usage of package later with the understanding of workflow you can
modify the code.
term:any = "";
stop:boolean = false;
states:any = [
this.term = item;
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="term" placeholder="States">
[typeaheads] = "states"
Explanation on Component Properties
1 (onSelect) event is triggered when user interact with the typeahead list showed.
2 [typeaheads] this input property is to take the data for typeahead preview filter.
3 [term] this input property is for binding user input to the filter.
4 [stop] this input property is for force stop typeahead functionality.
Styling of Typeahead Suggestions
(Styles can be overwritten based on your application theme)
Styles can be overwritten in global styles file in angular project.
- typeahead class is for parent div styling.
- typeaheadul class is for ul tag which is parent for li tag.
- typeaheadli class is for li elements of suggestions.
styles.css or styles.scss
background: #cce5ff;
color: purple;
box-shadow: 0 .5rem 1rem rgba(0,0,0,.15);
padding: 10px;
That's it you are good to go. Happy Coding :)