It is an independent component like mat-select and a solution for handling
SearchBox, VirtualScroll and InfiniteScroll which the Angular material select-box does not support them by it-self.
Extra Advantages that you'll gain more than using mat-select:
in the both client and server side modesVirtual Scroll
in the both client and server side modes as wellInfinite Scroll
in the server side mode
RLT support (use dir='rtl' in html tag)
Documents Online
Source Code
Version compatibility
Angular Material | NgxMatSelect |
16.x.x | >= 16 |
15.x.x | >= 15 |
14.x.x | >= 14 |
Installation Guide
the first step is to initial ngx-mat-select theme like the other
Angular Material Components
for example add the following line in the styles.scss file:
@use "ngx-mat-select" as ngxMatSelect;
@use "node_modules/ngx-mat-select" as ngxMatSelect;
then apply your Angular Material Theme to the ngxMatSelect theme
@include ngxMatSelect.theme($your-theme);
@include ngxMatSelect.typography($your-typography);
if you want to use dark-theme and light-theme:
.darkMode {
@include ngxMatSelect.theme($your-dark-theme);
The second step is to add NgxMatSelectModule into your Module
import {NgxMatSelectModule} from "ngx-mat-select";
imports: [
you can define some global default configs:
providers: [
useValue: {
viewType?: NgxMatSelectViewType;
hasBackButton?: boolean;
multipleDisplay?: NgxMatSelectMultipleDisplay;
dataKey?: string;
optionLabel?: string;
optionValue?: string;
panelWidth?: string | number | null;
overlayPanelClass?: string | string[];
optionHeight?: number;
panelHeight?: number;