A pagination plugins for Angular.
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Table of contents:
Getting started
npm install ngx-pager --save
import "NgxPagerModule" in your application module. For example: app.module.ts
import {NgxPagerModule} from 'ngx-pager';
export class AppModule { }
add styles in your application stylesheets. For example: styles.scss
@import "~ngx-pager/themes/ngx-pager";
add configration in your component. For example : app.component.ts
import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
pagerConfig: any = null;
totalRow: any = null;
result: Array<any> = [];
constructor(private http: HttpClient){}
ngOnInit() {
this.pagerConfig = {
displayPageCount: 3,
render: (page)=> {
this.http.get('<API URL>')
this.totalRow = responseData.totalRows;
this.result = responseData.list;
If want to change the url with query string after every page change, append redirect parameter with config.For example: url like http://localhost:4200/home?page=1
redirect : {
type :'q', // q=query string
param : 'page'// param name
If want to change the url with url parames after every page change, append redirect parameter with config. For example: url like http://localhost:4200/home/flag-one/1/flag-two
redirect: {
type : 'p',
param: {
path : './home',
name : 'page',
params: {
flagOne: 'flag-one',
page: null,
flagTwo: 'flag-two'
Add ngx-pager html tag in your component html. For example : app.component.html
<ngx-pager [config]="pagerConfig" [totalrow]='totalRow'></ngx-pager>
- [config] : to set the pagination configuration
- [totalrow]: to set the total rows of data list
Settings Option
| Description | Default Value | Required |
perPage | number of records display in every page | | yes |
displayPageCount | number of pages show in pagination panel | 3 | |
simple | only show next and prev buttons | false | |
firstLastView | first last buttons will display | false | |
redirect | redirection configuration after click on page button | | |
redirect.type | page render with query string or page parameter | q =query string, p = url params | yes |
redirect.param | if redirect.type=q name of the query string parameter. For example: http://current-url?page=1. redirect.param='page' | | yes |
redirect.param.path | if redirect.type=p name of the url. for example: redirect.param.path='./home' | | yes (only redirect.type=p ) |
redirect.param.name | if redirect.type=p name of the url params which content the page no. for example: http://current-url/{page}/{slug_1}/{slug_2}. redirect.param.name='page' | | yes (only redirect.type=p ) |
redirect.param.params | if redirect.type=p all url params list. it's object type data. For example: redirect.param.params = { "page":null, "slug_1":"cont-1", "slug_2":"cont-2" } | | yes (only redirect.type=p ) |
customContent | to change the prev ,next ,first ,last button html | {"prev":"❮", "next":"❯", "first":"❮ ❮", "last":"❯ ❯"} | |
render | event to rendering the list with paginnation | | yes |
Click Here for the demo
The MIT License (MIT)