This Angular language library is built for optical character recognition from images provided as urls.
The core is based on Tesseract, a powerful optical character recognition (OCR) engine that supports over 100 languages.
This demo.
npm install ngx-scanner-text@<version> --save
import { NgxScannerTextModule } from "ngx-scanner-text";
imports: [NgxScannerTextModule],
export class AppModule {}
<ngx-scanner-text #scanner="scanner" [configs]="configs" (event)="onData($event)"></ngx-scanner-text>
<textarea cols="80" rows="6">{{ scanner?.logger$ | async | json }}</textarea>
<textarea cols="80" rows="9">{{ text }}</textarea>
export interface Configs {
src: string;
color: string;
isAuto: boolean;
isImage: boolean;
languages: string[];
jobId?: string;
output?: Partial<OutputFormats>;
options?: Partial<RecognizeOptions>;
export interface Scheduler {
addWorker(worker: Worker): string;
action: 'recognize',
...args: Parameters<Worker['recognize']>
): Promise<RecognizeResult>;
action: 'detect',
...args: Parameters<Worker['detect']>
): Promise<DetectResult>;
terminate(): Promise<any>;
getQueueLen(): number;
getNumWorkers(): number;
export interface Worker {
load(jobId?: string): Promise<ConfigResult>;
writeText(path: string, text: string, jobId?: string): Promise<ConfigResult>;
readText(path: string, jobId?: string): Promise<ConfigResult>;
removeText(path: string, jobId?: string): Promise<ConfigResult>;
FS(method: string, args: any[], jobId?: string): Promise<ConfigResult>;
loadLanguage(langs?: string | Lang[], jobId?: string): Promise<ConfigResult>;
langs?: string | Lang[],
oem?: OEM,
config?: string | Partial<InitOptions>,
jobId?: string
): Promise<ConfigResult>;
params: Partial<WorkerParams>,
jobId?: string
): Promise<ConfigResult>;
getImage(type: imageType): string;
image: ImageLike,
options?: Partial<RecognizeOptions>,
output?: Partial<OutputFormats>,
jobId?: string
): Promise<RecognizeResult>;
detect(image: ImageLike, jobId?: string): Promise<DetectResult>;
terminate(jobId?: string): Promise<ConfigResult>;
title?: string,
textonly?: boolean,
jobId?: string
): Promise<GetPDFResult>;
export interface Lang {
code: string;
data: unknown;
export interface InitOptions {
load_system_dawg: string;
load_freq_dawg: string;
load_unambig_dawg: string;
load_punc_dawg: string;
load_number_dawg: string;
load_bigram_dawg: string;
export type LoggerMessage = {
jobId: string;
progress: number;
status: string;
userJobId: string;
workerId: string;
export interface WorkerOptions {
corePath: string;
langPath: string;
cachePath: string;
dataPath: string;
workerPath: string;
cacheMethod: string;
workerBlobURL: boolean;
gzip: boolean;
logger: (arg: LoggerMessage) => void;
errorHandler: (arg: any) => void;
export interface WorkerParams {
tessedit_ocr_engine_mode: OEM;
tessedit_pageseg_mode: PSM;
tessedit_char_whitelist: string;
preserve_interword_spaces: string;
user_defined_dpi: string;
tessjs_create_hocr: string;
tessjs_create_tsv: string;
tessjs_create_box: string;
tessjs_create_unlv: string;
tessjs_create_osd: string;
export interface OutputFormats {
text: boolean;
blocks: boolean;
layoutBlocks: boolean;
hocr: boolean;
tsv: boolean;
box: boolean;
unlv: boolean;
osd: boolean;
pdf: boolean;
imageColor: boolean;
imageGrey: boolean;
imageBinary: boolean;
debug: boolean;
export interface RecognizeOptions {
rectangle: Rectangle;
pdfTitle: string;
pdfTextOnly: boolean;
rotateAuto: boolean;
rotateRadians: number;
export interface ConfigResult {
jobId: string;
data: any;
export interface RecognizeResult {
jobId: string;
data: Page;
export interface GetPDFResult {
jobId: string;
data: number[];
export interface DetectResult {
jobId: string;
data: DetectData;
export interface DetectData {
tesseract_script_id: number | null;
script: string | null;
script_confidence: number | null;
orientation_degrees: number | null;
orientation_confidence: number | null;
export interface Rectangle {
left: number;
top: number;
width: number;
height: number;
export enum OEM {
export enum PSM {
OSD_ONLY = '0',
AUTO_OSD = '1',
AUTO_ONLY = '2',
AUTO = '3',
RAW_LINE = '13',
export const enum imageType {
COLOR = 0,
GREY = 1,
export type ImageLike =
| string
| HTMLImageElement
| HTMLCanvasElement
| HTMLVideoElement
| CanvasRenderingContext2D
| File
| Blob
| ImageData
| any;
export interface Block {
paragraphs: Paragraph[];
text: string;
confidence: number;
baseline: Baseline;
bbox: Bbox;
blocktype: string;
polygon: any;
page: Page;
lines: Line[];
words: Word[];
symbols: Symbol[];
export interface Baseline {
x0: number;
y0: number;
x1: number;
y1: number;
has_baseline: boolean;
export interface Bbox {
x0: number;
y0: number;
x1: number;
y1: number;
export interface Line {
words: Word[];
text: string;
confidence: number;
baseline: Baseline;
bbox: Bbox;
paragraph: Paragraph;
block: Block;
page: Page;
symbols: Symbol[];
export interface Paragraph {
lines: Line[];
text: string;
confidence: number;
baseline: Baseline;
bbox: Bbox;
is_ltr: boolean;
block: Block;
page: Page;
words: Word[];
symbols: Symbol[];
export interface Symbol {
choices: Choice[];
image: any;
text: string;
confidence: number;
baseline: Baseline;
bbox: Bbox;
is_superscript: boolean;
is_subscript: boolean;
is_dropcap: boolean;
word: Word;
line: Line;
paragraph: Paragraph;
block: Block;
page: Page;
export interface Choice {
text: string;
confidence: number;
export interface Word {
symbols: Symbol[];
choices: Choice[];
text: string;
confidence: number;
baseline: Baseline;
bbox: Bbox;
is_numeric: boolean;
in_dictionary: boolean;
direction: string;
language: string;
is_bold: boolean;
is_italic: boolean;
is_underlined: boolean;
is_monospace: boolean;
is_serif: boolean;
is_smallcaps: boolean;
font_size: number;
font_id: number;
font_name: string;
line: Line;
paragraph: Paragraph;
block: Block;
page: Page;
export interface Page {
blocks: Block[] | null;
confidence: number;
lines: Line[];
oem: string;
osd: string;
paragraphs: Paragraph[];
psm: string;
symbols: Symbol[];
text: string;
version: string;
words: Word[];
hocr: string | null;
tsv: string | null;
box: string | null;
unlv: string | null;
sd: string | null;
imageColor: string | null;
imageGrey: string | null;
imageBinary: string | null;
rotateRadians: number | null;
pdf: number[] | null;
Support versions
Support versions |
Angular 14 | 1.0.3 |
Author Information
Author Information |
Author | DaiDH |
Phone | +84845882882 |
Country | Vietnam |
If you want donate for me!
Bitcoin |
![]( |
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2022 DaiDH