Custom validator and form template generator for angular template driven and reactive forms
It is an angular library which has custom input and validation component, custom validation directive and form template generator, which work on data based on typesript class property decorators.
Custom validation directive replaces html input validators like required
, pattern
, email
, min
, etc and adds many others.
It is analog of data annotations in C#. This library depends on @ngx-translate/core for translations support.
This library contains 5 angular components - <ngx-label-for>
, <ngx-validator-for>
, <ngx-input-for>
, <ngx-form-for>
and a directive ngx-validator
The library has following decorators:
1. DataType(param: { value: DataTypeEnum, error: string })
2. CreditCard(param: { error: string })
3. Contains(param: { value: string, error: string })
4. Compare(param: { field: string, error: string })
5. Name(param: string)
6. Required(param: string)
7. RequiredIf(param: { field: string, value: any, error: string })
8. Pattern(param: { value: RegExp, error: string })
9. MinValue(param: { value: number | Date, error: string })
10. MaxValue(param: { value: number | Date, error: string })
11. NotContains(param: { value: string, error: string })
12. StringLength(param: { min?: number, max?: number, error: string })
13. Email(param: string)
14. Range(param: {min?: number | Date, max?: number | Date, error: string})
15. Custom(param: { value?: any, error: string, customFunc: Function })
16. NoForm()
17. ReadOnly()
18. Placeholder(param: string)
19. ModelState()
For documentation please check project's wiki page
ngx-validator wiki