This library was generated by Doan Quoc Cuong ( with Angular CLI version 8.2.13.
- Run npm to get service for using.
npm install ngxi4-dynamic-service --save
- Run npm to install include extra javascript.
npm install croppie crypto-js exif-js simple-crypto-js --save
- install include extra components, service, providers.
npm install angular-webstorage-service ngx-barcode ngx-image-cropper ngx-qrcode2 ngx-webcam --save
- install include @ionic/native
npm install @ionic-native/sqlite --save
1. add in ./app.module.ts
import { Ngxi4DynamicServiceModule } from 'ngxi4-dynamic-service'
imports: [
Or fix URL:
import { Ngxi4DynamicServiceModule } from 'ngxi4-dynamic-service'
imports: [
2. user some card in html page then add in ./.module.ts:
import { Ngxi4DynamicServiceModule } from 'ngxi4-dynamic-service'
imports: [
3. user some card for input in html page then add in ./.page.html:
export class IdeaPage implements OnInit {
dynamicFormInput: string = JSON.stringify({
okButton: { icon: "save", name: "Thêm mới", color: "secondary", next: "CALLBACK", command: "ADD" }
cancelButton: { icon: "close", next: "CLOSE" }
items: [
{ type: "text", key: "name", name: "Tên hiển thị(*)", hint: "Nhập tên hiển thị trên list", input_type: "text", icon: "information-circle", validators: [{ required: true }] }
, { type: "text", key: "value", name: "giá trị", hint: "Nhập tên giá trị", input_type: "number", icon: "information-circle" }
, { type: "image", key: "image", name: "Ảnh hiển thị", hint: "Chọn ảnh" }
dynamicFormValue: any = JSON.stringify(
name: 'Dccc',
value: '122'
dynamicCallback = (ajaxItem)=>{
return new Promise(resolve=>{
ajaxReturn = {key:'nameOfKey',
property_name:'name of property',
new_data:'new value of property',
4. Use for services/providers in ./.page.ts
import { AuthService, CommonsService } from 'ngxi4-dynamic-service';
selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: '',
styleUrls: [''],
export class HomePage implements OnInit{
private apiAuth: AuthService
, private apiCommon: CommonsService
, private apiStorage: ApiStorageService
, private apiImage: ImageService
, private apiSqlite: SqliteService
) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.apiCommons.showLoader('waiting for get from clound....')
this.apiAuth.getDynamicUrl(this.apiAuth.serviceUrls.AUTH_SERVER + "/captcha-token")
.then(data => {
console.log('data', data);
.catch(err => {
console.log('error', err);
this.apiCommon.presentAlert('Error', err.message);
5. use popupModal Component for input value and post json_data ex:
import { CommonsService, AuthService, DynamicFormMobilePage } from 'ngxi4-dynamic-service';
export class LoginPage implements OnInit {
private apiCommons: CommonsService
, private apiAuth: AuthService
) { }
ngOnInit() {
login() {
let form = {
title: 'Login'
, buttons: [
{ color: 'danger', icon: 'close', next: 'CLOSE' }
, items: [
{ type: 'title', name: 'Put phone number as username' }
{ type: 'text'
, key: 'username'
, value: ''
, name: 'Phone number'
, hint: 'Phone number by 9 digit'
, input_type: 'userName'
, icon: 'information-circle'
, validators: [{ required: true, min: 9, max: 9, pattern: '^[0-9]*$' }]
type: 'button'
, options: [
name: 'Accept'
, next: 'CALLBACK'
, url: this.apiAuth.serviceUrls.AUTH_SERVER + '/request-username'
, token: true
, command: 'LOGIN'
parent: this,
callback: this.callbackLogin,
form: form
callbackLogin = function (res) {
return new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
if (res.error) {
this.apiCommons.presentAlert('Error:<br>' + (res.message ? res.message : "Error Unknow: " + JSON.stringify(res.error, null, 2)));
} else if (res.ajax) {
} else if (res.response_data) {
} else if (res.json_data) {
if (res.button.command === "LOGIN") {
} else {
resolve({ next: "CLOSE" });
import { CommonsService } from 'ngxi4-dynamic-service';
export class LoginPage implements OnInit {
private apiCommons: CommonsService
) { }
async settings(ev: any) {
let settingsMenu = [
name: "Send sms"
, value: "SEND-SMS"
, icon: {
name: "mail"
, color: "primary"
name: "Call 3C"
, value: "CALL-3C"
, icon: {
name: "call"
, color: "danger"
name: "CALL AI"
, value: "CALL-AI"
, icon: {
name: "megaphone"
, color: "danger"
type: 'single-choice',
title: "Setting",
color: "secondary",
menu: settingsMenu
.catch(err => {
console.log('err: ',err);
processDetails(itemOrItems: any) {
if (Array.isArray(itemOrItems)) {
itemOrItems.forEach(el => {
if (el.isChecked) {
let cmd = itemOrItems.value;
if (cmd === 'SEND-SMS') {
7. Form dynamic data sample :
let form =
title: "Form mẫu"
, color: { header:"medium", background:"#2d96de"}
, buttons: [
{ color: "danger", icon: "close", next: "CLOSE" }
, items: [
{ type: "avatar", name: "Thông tin cá nhân avatar", hint: "Avatar", url: "" }
, { type: "title", name: "Tiêu đề form" }
, { type: "qrcode", name: "Mã QrCode", value:"" }
, { type: "barcode", name: "Mã BarCode", value:"0903500888" }
, { type: "hidden", key: "id", value: "abc" }
, { type: "check", key: "check_ok", name: "Check hay không chọn?", value: true }
, { type: "range", key: "range_number", name: "", icon: "contrast", value: 50, min: 0, max: 100 }
, { type: "range-text", key: "range_text", name: "Kéo chọn", icon: "contrast", value: 50, min: 0, max: 100 }
, { type: "toggle", key: "check_toggle", name: "Chọn hay không chọn Toggle?", icon: "call" }
, { type: "radio", key: "select_radio", name: "Chọn radio cái nào", icon: "call", value: 2, options: [{ name: "Tùy chọn 1", value: 1 }, { name: "Tùy chọn 2", value: 2 }] }
, { type: "select", key: "select_1", name: "Chọn 1 cái nào", value: 2, options: [{ name: "Tùy chọn 1", value: 1 }, { name: "Tùy chọn 2", value: 2 }] }
, { type: "select_multiple", key: "select_n", name: "Chọn nhiều cái nào", value: 2, options: [{ name: "Tùy chọn 1", value: 1 }, { name: "Tùy chọn 2", value: 2 }] }
, { type: "image", name: "Ảnh cá nhân", hint: "image viewer", url: "" }
, { type: "text", key: "username", disabled: true, name: "username", hint: "Số điện thoại di động 9 số bỏ số 0 ở đầu", input_type: "userName", icon: "information-circle", validators: [{ required: true, min: 9, max: 9, pattern: "^[0-9]*$" }] }
, { type: "password", key: "password", name: "password", hint: "Mật khẩu phải có chữ hoa, chữ thường, ký tự đặc biệt, số", input_type: "password", icon: "information-circle", validators: [{ required: true, min: 6, max: 20 }] }
, { type: "text", key: "name", name: "Họ và tên", input_type: "text", icon: "person" }
, { type: "text", key: "phone", name: "Điện thoại", hint: "Yêu cầu định dạng số điện thoại nhé", input_type: "tel", icon: "call", validators: [{ pattern: "^[0-9]*$" }] }
, { type: "text", key: "email", name: "email", hint: "Yêu cầu định dạng email nhé", input_type: "email", icon: "mail", validators: [{ pattern: "^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$" }] }
, { type: "datetime", key: "start_date", name: "Ngày bắt đầu", hint: "Chọn ngày", display: "DD/MM/YYYY", picker: "DD MM YYYY" }
, { type: "datetime", key: "start_time", name: "Thời gian bắt đầu", hint: "Chọn thời gian", display: "HH:mm:ss", picker: "HH:mm:ss" }
, { type: "text_area", key: "text_area", name: "Nội dung nhập", hint: "Nhập nhiều dòng" }
, { type: "object", key: "new_object", name: "Tên đối tượng cố định không sửa", hint: "là dynamicForm" }
, { type: "element", key: "new_element", name: "Tên phần tử", hint: "là dynamicForm" }
, { type: "list", key: "new_list", name: "Tên của danh sách", hint: "là dynamicForm" }
, { type: "elements", key: "new_elements", name: "Tên của danh sách phần tử", hint: "là dynamicForm" }
, { type: "upload-files"
, name: "Chọn file excel"
, multiple: "single"
, accept:`image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png
, application/pdf
, .txt, .md
, .csv, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/
, application/msword, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document`
, {
type: "svg", name: "Nhập đúng captcha", hint: "Vui lòng nhập đúng captcha hình bên", validators: [{ required: true, min: 4, max: 4 }],
data: "<svg xmlns='' width='150' height='50' viewBox='0,0,150,50'>\
<rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='#e0f0f1' />\
<path d='M20 9 C84 36,65 2,144 29' stroke='#ddb640' fill='none' />\
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d='M62.04 40.94L61.97 40.87L62.07 40.96Q60.66 39.17 59.36 36.09L59.51 36.24L57.24 30.96L57.25 30.97Q55.64 34.95 55.03 36.24L55.08 36.29L55.04 36.26Q53.73 39.33 52.14 41.23L52.09 41.19L52.05 41.15Q51.71 41.19 50.95 41.30L50.98 41.34L50.85 41.20Q51.04 33.97 45.21 28.03L45.02 27.84L45.08 27.90Q43.38 26.12 41.36 24.64L41.29 24.57L41.41 24.68Q43.26 25.23 45.12 25.54L45.03 25.45L45.03 25.45Q51.09 30.40 52.53 36.65L52.51 36.62L52.67 36.78Q53.57 34.94 54.75 31.74L54.74 31.74L54.63 31.63Q55.95 27.84 56.52 26.55L56.53 26.56L58.00 26.61L57.94 26.56Q58.83 28.28 60.01 31.56L60.08 31.63L60.07 31.62Q61.35 35.22 62.00 36.63L62.03 36.67L62.02 36.66Q63.82 30.34 69.30 25.77L69.23 25.71L69.19 25.67Q70.51 25.69 73.25 25.12L73.23 25.10L73.20 25.07Q64.50 31.02 63.32 41.00L63.40 41.08L62.67 40.88L62.83 41.04Q62.37 40.88 62.02 40.92ZM64.99 43.36L67.17 43.67L67.07 43.57Q66.75 42.03 66.75 40.51L66.86 40.62L66.87 40.62Q66.86 37.38 68.26 34.14L68.13 34.00L68.10 33.98Q70.15 29.52 74.26 26.44L74.35 26.52L74.20 26.37Q73.09 26.75 71.23 27.09L71.18 27.05L71.26 27.13Q73.24 25.49 74.54 24.57L74.40 24.44L71.99 25.00L72.00 25.00Q70.67 25.13 69.34 25.28L69.44 25.38L69.47 25.41Q64.26 29.61 62.32 34.63L62.28 34.59L62.35 34.66Q61.71 32.50 60.34 28.24L60.26 28.15L60.22 28.12Q60.00 28.23 59.73 28.23L59.77 28.27L59.24 28.27L59.20 28.23Q59.09 27.94 58.29 26.19L58.30 26.20L56.18 26.13L56.16 26.11Q55.26 28.98 53.16 34.61L53.08 34.52L53.07 34.52Q51.82 30.90 48.73 27.63L48.64 27.54L48.82 27.72Q48.41 27.57 48.11 27.54L48.15 27.58L47.65 27.54L47.64 27.52Q46.80 26.73 45.02 25.13L44.88 24.99L45.05 25.17Q41.79 24.41 40.11 23.92L40.14 23.94L40.04 23.85Q50.94 31.47 50.56 41.79L50.53 41.76L50.58 41.81Q50.64 41.68 51.00 41.64L51.11 41.75L50.98 41.62Q51.33 41.57 51.52 41.57L51.52 41.57L51.50 41.55Q51.68 41.57 51.87 43.67L51.70 43.50L53.74 43.45L53.78 43.49Q56.32 40.62 58.57 34.87L58.47 34.78L58.53 34.83Q60.04 38.71 61.90 41.37L61.85 41.31L61.87 41.33Q62.12 41.25 62.39 41.26L62.43 41.31L62.45 41.33Q62.74 41.37 63.01 41.37L62.92 41.28L65.09 43.46Z' />\
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d='M26.79 40.16L26.84 40.21L24.44 33.35L24.33 33.24Q19.98 20.67 14.04 14.28L14.08 14.31L14.02 14.26Q16.04 15.33 18.63 15.93L18.66 15.96L18.70 16.01Q23.83 22.28 28.17 35.03L28.18 35.04L28.26 35.12Q31.19 26.90 31.88 25.30L31.87 25.29L31.89 25.31Q34.31 19.74 37.13 16.42L37.14 16.44L37.15 16.45Q39.12 15.98 41.75 15.11L41.86 15.22L41.87 15.23Q37.34 19.88 34.30 27.11L34.14 26.96L34.30 27.11Q32.72 30.59 29.03 40.11L29.16 40.25L29.12 40.21Q28.60 40.25 28.03 40.21L27.99 40.18L27.90 40.09Q27.46 40.22 26.89 40.26ZM31.75 42.53L31.80 42.58L31.91 42.69Q34.57 32.56 36.13 28.53L36.24 28.63L36.13 28.52Q39.16 20.85 43.57 15.98L43.63 16.04L43.51 15.92Q42.51 16.33 40.42 17.05L40.55 17.19L41.60 15.76L41.54 15.70Q42.10 15.01 42.71 14.36L42.77 14.42L42.82 14.46Q39.91 15.37 36.91 15.94L37.04 16.07L36.95 15.98Q32.67 21.41 28.79 32.87L28.68 32.76L28.65 32.73Q25.01 22.62 21.81 18.24L21.92 18.35L21.95 18.38Q21.54 18.27 20.66 18.12L20.65 18.11L20.54 18.00Q20.39 17.69 18.79 15.64L18.86 15.70L18.84 15.69Q15.84 14.94 13.14 13.53L13.21 13.59L13.17 13.55Q19.72 20.56 24.10 33.35L24.08 33.34L24.20 33.45Q25.31 37.00 26.49 40.58L26.45 40.54L26.61 40.70Q26.99 40.78 27.83 40.66L27.76 40.59L27.78 40.61Q28.02 41.20 28.71 42.53L28.75 42.58L28.82 42.64Q29.58 42.49 30.30 42.57L30.40 42.67L30.27 42.53Q31.14 42.68 31.90 42.68Z' />\
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d='M123.50 38.00L123.37 37.87L123.41 37.91Q123.64 38.83 124.17 40.84L124.27 40.94L124.23 40.90Q119.95 39.51 115.34 39.78L115.32 39.76L115.36 39.80Q110.87 40.14 106.87 42.12L106.85 42.09L106.86 42.11Q107.03 41.37 107.07 41.44L107.07 41.44L107.20 41.57Q110.81 37.49 114.73 33.08L114.80 33.15L114.86 33.20Q119.12 28.06 120.30 23.38L120.34 23.42L120.31 23.39Q120.91 21.78 119.64 20.60L119.63 20.60L119.50 20.47Q118.24 19.30 116.45 19.46L116.47 19.47L116.50 19.50Q116.20 19.51 115.86 19.51L115.69 19.34L115.81 19.46Q114.30 19.48 113.05 20.39L113.02 20.36L112.98 20.33Q111.74 21.75 111.97 24.41L112.00 24.44L111.96 24.40Q110.22 24.11 109.00 23.65L108.97 23.62L108.96 23.61Q108.68 22.11 108.60 20.66L108.68 20.74L108.73 20.79Q108.58 19.08 109.19 17.94L109.29 18.04L109.27 18.02Q110.93 16.53 114.28 16.53L114.32 16.56L116.08 16.57L116.10 16.59Q118.35 16.60 119.30 16.71L119.36 16.77L119.28 16.68Q123.69 17.17 123.96 19.61L124.00 19.66L124.02 19.67Q124.06 20.21 123.98 21.00L123.94 20.96L124.03 21.06Q123.88 21.59 123.73 22.28L123.73 22.28L123.78 22.32Q122.12 30.41 114.54 37.26L114.44 37.16L114.54 37.26Q116.02 37.18 117.39 37.18L117.30 37.09L117.31 37.10Q120.48 37.04 123.34 37.84ZM122.76 17.01L122.89 17.13L122.82 17.07Q121.23 16.43 119.52 16.35L119.51 16.35L116.02 16.09L116.15 16.22Q111.60 15.86 109.39 16.97L109.46 17.03L109.36 16.93Q108.32 18.33 108.32 20.38L108.30 20.37L108.30 20.36Q108.44 21.19 108.74 24.01L108.67 23.93L108.62 23.88Q109.26 24.21 110.44 24.52L110.36 24.44L110.42 25.53L110.36 25.47Q110.38 25.98 110.45 26.51L110.47 26.53L110.38 26.44Q111.68 26.60 114.16 26.83L114.15 26.82L114.20 26.88Q114.12 26.45 114.12 26.11L114.19 26.18L114.21 26.20Q114.16 24.32 115.38 22.97L115.42 23.01L115.36 22.95Q116.60 21.62 118.39 21.73L118.47 21.81L118.36 21.70Q119.06 21.68 119.82 21.83L119.86 21.87L119.91 21.92Q120.11 22.39 120.18 22.80L120.18 22.80L120.15 22.77Q120.18 23.18 120.11 23.53L120.01 23.43L120.03 23.45Q118.79 28.22 114.37 33.06L114.45 33.13L114.29 32.97Q112.28 35.35 106.84 41.40L106.87 41.43L106.74 41.30Q106.72 42.31 106.37 42.88L106.24 42.74L106.20 42.70Q107.79 41.81 109.31 41.28L109.31 41.28L109.41 41.38Q108.62 41.89 107.67 43.37L107.82 43.52L107.78 43.48Q107.57 43.74 107.46 44.08L107.43 44.05L107.45 44.07Q112.31 42.00 117.79 42.19L117.87 42.27L117.86 42.26Q123.51 42.39 128.08 44.75L128.07 44.74L127.12 42.65L127.20 42.72Q126.48 41.33 126.22 40.53L126.26 40.57L126.26 40.57Q125.50 40.11 124.28 39.69L124.27 39.69L124.20 39.61Q124.00 38.84 123.62 37.47L123.69 37.54L123.62 37.47Q121.48 36.97 119.19 36.78L119.23 36.81L119.31 36.90Q123.94 32.27 125.46 24.01L125.36 23.91L125.64 21.11L125.58 21.04Q125.53 19.28 124.31 18.60L124.39 18.68L124.21 18.54L124.33 18.65Q124.16 18.45 124.09 18.45L124.14 18.50L124.14 18.50Q124.03 17.78 122.92 17.17Z' />\
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name: "Tên khách hàng",
value: "Nguyễn Văn B"
name: "Địa chỉ",
value: "263 Nguyễn Văn Linh, Đà nẵng, Việt Nam"
name: "Hình thức thanh toán",
value: "Tiền mặt"
type: "button"
, options: [
{ name: "Reset", next: "RESET" }
, { name: "Close", next: "CLOSE" }
, { name: "Home", next: "HOME" }
, { name: "insert sqlite", next: "CALLBACK", table: "table_name"}
, { name: "update sqlite", next: "CALLBACK", table: "table_name", wheres:["id"]}
, { name: "Upload files", next: "CALLBACK", url: "./ionic/", type: "FORM-DATA", token: true}
, { name: "Register", next: "CALLBACK", url: "./ionic/", command: "USER_LOGIN_REDIRECT" }
, { name: "LOGIN", next: "NEXT", url: "./ionic/", command: "USER_CHECK_EXISTS", token: true }
8. Các pipes mặt định sử dụng gồm
content | newline | safe
[{array.isChecked?}] | count_checked
9. Thêm hàm kiểm tra môi trường web và thiết bị
10. Sử dụng trong share.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { TimeAgoPipe } from 'time-ago-pipe';
import { IdeaCardComponent } from './components/idea-card/idea-card.component';
import {AutosizeModule} from 'ngx-autosize';
imports: [
declarations: [
exports: [
export class SharedModule { }
Khai báo trong các app.module.ts để sử dụng
imports: [