Provides a basic token authentication, and auto generation of authentication token
Based on express.
How to use
npm install node-auth-rest-server
and then in your application
// use express
var app = express();
// inject authRest middleware
var authRest = require('node-auth-rest-server');
app.use(authRest(app, authRestMethods, '/api/secret/'));
Here authRestMethods
is a javascript object that implements the following method:
authRestMethods = {
userByEmail: function(email, callback) {
// your code here
// e.g. SELECT * FROM auth_users WHERE email = ?
callback(err, user);
newAuthToken: function(key, userId, expiresAt, callback){
// your code here
// e.g. INSERT INTO auth_tokens SET ?
// SELECT * FROM auth_tokens where id = insertId
callback(err, authToken);
getValidTokenByUser: function(user, callback){
// your code here
// e.g. SELECT * FROM auth_tokens where user_id = ? and expires_at > ?
callback(err, authToken);
getValidTokenByKey: function(authTokenKey, callback){
// your code here
// e.g. SELECT * FROM auth_tokens where `key` = ? and expires_at > ?
callback(err, authToken);
isAuthorizedUrl: function(url){
// e.g.
// return url.indexOf('/api/secret/') == 0;
The flow
- the server recieves a request to a url
- authRest middleware checks if the url starts with the prefix that is passed to it, e.g.
as in the example:
// inject authRest middleware
var authRest = require('node-auth-rest-server');
app.use(authRest(app, authRestMethods));
- if the
returns false, then the middleware doesn't perform the following steps and just calls next
- if the header doeasn't contain any token then the request ends with respond 401
- calls
with the token from the header and in it's callback checks the value - if there is such a token, then the middleware doesn't do anything elseand just calls
, otherwise the request ends with respond 401
If the client gets 401 response it should perform POST
to /api/sessions/get_auth_token
The middleware actually adds POST
to the router. When such a request is received by the the server, the middleware performs the authToken generation by calling getAuthToken (check the implementation for more details).