Matter protocol for node.js with no native dependencies (and very limited dependencies).
Matter is a new secure / reliable / local / standard protocol for smart devices that will launch at the end of 2022.
It is supported and Google / Apple / Amazon and 200+ other companies and it is supposed to bring a revolution in smart home automation by unifying WiFi / Bluetooth / Zigbee (through Thread) and by making all smart devices inter-compatible and secure (through the standard and secure Matter protocol).
To know more about Matter:
This package requires Node 16+ for the required Crypto primitives
npm i -g node-matter
This starts a Matter server listening on port 5540.
This first version only includes the OnOff cluster (on/off smart thing, like a plug or a bulb).
You can use -on and -off parameter to run a script to control something.
For instance, on a Raspberry Pi, this will turn on / off the red LED:
matter -on "echo 255 > /sys/class/leds/led1/brightness" -off "echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/led1/brightness"
matter-controller -ip [IP address of device to commission]
This will commission a Matter device (for debugging purpose only for now).
Modifying the server behavior
Main.ts defines the server behavior. You can add / remove clusters, change default parameters, etc...
new MatterServer()
.addChannel(new UdpChannel(5540))
.addProtocolHandler(Protocol.SECURE_CHANNEL, new SecureChannelHandler(
new PasePairing(20202021, { iteration: 1000, salt: Crypto.getRandomData(32) }),
new CasePairing(),
.addProtocolHandler(Protocol.INTERACTION_MODEL, new InteractionProtocol(new Device([
new Endpoint(0x00, "MA-rootdevice", [
new BasicCluster({ vendorName: "node-matter", vendorId: 0xFFF1, productName: "Matter test device", productId: 0X8001 }),
new GeneralCommissioningCluster(),
new OperationalCredentialsCluster(),
new Endpoint(0x01, "MA-OnOff", [
new OnOffCluster(executor("on"), executor("off")),
What can I use to control my device?
It should work with any Matter-compatible home automation app when Matter will be released.
Compile chip-tool from project-chip
Provisioning the device:
chip-tool pairing onnetwork 222 20202021
Controlling the device:
chip-tool onoff toggle 222 1
Clearing the data:
chip-tool pairing unpair 222
chip-tool storage clear-all
Android mobile app
You can also control it with Matter test app:
You can find a compiled apk in /matter-test-apk in this repository.
Provisioning the device: click "provision with WiFi" > "Input Device address" > type IP address of the machine running node-matter
Controlling the device: click "Light on/of" and you can control the light
Why using node-matter instead of the official codebase?
Well, the original codebase is platform dependent, has finicky tool version requirements and is over 8GB with all dependencies.
This tool is less than 500kB and works on anything supporting node. Sure, it supports only the barebone Matter protocol for now.
Can this work from a browser?
Not yet, but I know how to make it works with a few tricks.
How can I have support for more clusters?
Adding more clusters should be pretty easy now the core protocol is working.
Have a look at the implementation of the OnOff cluster: pretty simple, right?
I am planning on adding more clusters, so stay tuned or pinged me to implement first the one you need.
Contact the author
For other questions, you can reach out to: or post a message on the github forum.