Simple wrapper for taking photos using Raspberry Pi raspistill app.
Module is written in typescript and provides type definitions out-of-the-box.
Tested with Raspberry Pi 2 B (Raspbian OS), and Raspberry Camera Module v2.
npm install node-raspistill
const Raspistill = require('node-raspistill').Raspistill;
const camera = new Raspistill();
camera.takePhoto().then((photo) => {
Or (if you use imports):
import {Raspistill} from 'node-raspistill';
const camera = new Raspistill();
camera.takePhoto().then((photo) => {
You can also pass some options to constructor method:
const camera = new Raspistill({
verticalFlip: true,
width: 800,
height: 600
See full options list in the docs below.
####v 0.0.9
Fixed some issues with width/height options.
Added setDefaultOptions method.
Updated some dependencies.
####v 0.0.8
Added noPreview option.
constructor(options?: ICameraOptions)
Creates new Raspistill instance.
Options - object, that can contain:
key | type | defaults | desc |
verticalFlip | boolean | false | |
horizontalFlip | boolean | false | |
noPreview | boolean | true | Disables preview window on Pi while taking photo |
outputDir | string | './photos' | Output directory where photos will be stored |
fileName | string | new + file encoding | Name for photo file |
encoding | string | 'jpg' | 'jpg', 'bpm', 'gif' or 'png' |
width | number | undefined | Width of taken image in pixels. If width is not set - raspistill uses default max camera sensor resolution width |
height | number | undefined | Height of taken image in pixels. If height is not set - raspistill uses default max camera sensor resolution height |
const camera = new Raspistill({
verticalFlip: true,
fileName: 'foo'
takePhoto(fileName?: string): Promise<Buffer>
Takes new photo. Returns Promise, resolving with Buffer object.
camera.takePhoto('testPhotoName').then((photo) => {
setOptions(options: ICameraOptions): void
Sets new options for current Raspistill instance.
horizontalFlip: true,
noPreview: false
setDefaultOptions(): void
Reverts all option values of current Raspistill instance to default.
Default values are presented in the options table.
getOptions(): ICameraOptions
Gets current raspistill options.
getOption(key: string): any
Gets current raspistill option by key.