A Node Red node for performing file system operations.
This node is a wrapper around many of the functions in Node's file system library, which in turn is a wrapper around the standard POSIX filesysem functions.
The nodes and functions provided are:
- fs-ops-move - Move, rename, or link files and directories
- fs-ops-delete - Delete a file or directory
- fs-ops-access - Test existence and accessibility of a file or directory
- fs-ops-size - Get size of a file or directory in bytes
- fs-ops-link - Determines if a file is a link and returns the file it links to.
- fs-ops-type - Determines the type of a file - regular, directory, character, or special
- fs-ops-dir - Get array of file and directory names in a directory
- fs-ops-mkdir - Make a new directory
- fs-ops-mktmpdir - Make a new directory with a random unique name
Parameters such as path and filename can be sourced from strings, or message, flow, or global property. Likewise, results can be stored in a message, flow or global property.
The general design is that each node will pass the message if the action is successful, otherwise it will throw an exception and drop the message.