This node controls a MeoBox (and possibly any other Microsoft Mediaroom based box) over Telnet.
Both Host, Port and Key can either be set on the node itself or via, msg.port and msg.payload respectively.
msg.payload can contain multiple keys to be sent separate by “;”.
{“payload”: “v+;p+;v-“}
Numeric values are interpreted as channels and treated like such
{“payload”: “123“}
The above will change to channel 123 by sending key 1, key 2 and key 3 on 750ms intervals.
Kudos to the project telnetit and meo-controller.
Using a refactored/simplified version of it.
npm install node-red-contrib-meobox
Mapped keys so far:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, back, ok, p+, p-, menu, up, down, left, right, options, guia tv, videoclube, gravacoes, teletext, prev, rewind, play/pause, forward, next, stop, red, green, yellow, blue, switchscreen, i, mute, v-, v+, record, power