Allows recursive import of SCSS components from local and/or node_modules directories using npm's module resolving algorithm. Without the need for tildes(~) to import from node_modules.
Allows usage of @import "some-sass-npm-module"
akin to require("some-npm-module")
in node.js
$ npm install --save node-sass-import
Used in conjunction with node-sass. In a simple npm-only build setup, the example below in package.json should suffice.
"name": "your-package",
"description": "fun package",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"build-css": "node-sass test.scss dist/test.css --importer node_modules/node-sass-import"
You can now build your scss files as follows
$ npm run build-css
@import in sass can now be used just like a require statement. The example below imports the main scss file from the newsapps-syles npm module. At build time, all @import statements will be resolved locally or like npm modules. Also includes import support for partial scss files e.g. _partial.scss
@import "newsapps-styles";
.some-style {
color: $primary-blue;
Version 2+ supports Node 6+ and npm 2+
2016 MIT © Emmanuel (Manny) Narh