Node Sequelize Datatable
This Package is currently using following dependencies.
* [Sequelize] - "^5.12.3"
* [Lodash] - "^4.17.15"
Tested with angular-datatables
Example request body
"draw": 1,
"columns": [
"data": "id",
"name": "",
"searchable": true,
"orderable": true,
"search": {
"value": "",
"regex": false
"data": "category",
"name": "",
"searchable": true,
"orderable": true,
"search": {
"value": "",
"regex": false
"order": [
"column": 0,
"dir": "asc"
"start": 0,
"length": 2,
"search": {
"value": "",
"regex": false
Example code for category model [all columns data(id, category) should be same as database table columns]
const { Category } = require('../../models');
const sequelizeDatatable = require('node-sequelize-datatable');
exports.categoryTable = async function(req, res) {
var datatableObj = await sequelizeDatatable(req.body);
var count = await Category.count();
var categories = await Category.findAndCountAll(datatableObj);
return res.json({
"draw": req.body.draw,
"recordsFiltered": categories.count,
"recordsTotal": count,
"data": categories.rows
Angular Code
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { BlogService } from '../internal-blog/blog.service';
selector: 'app-category',
templateUrl: './category.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./category.component.css']
export class CategoryComponent implements OnInit {
dtOptions: DataTables.Settings = {};
categories = [];
private blogService: BlogService
) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
const that = this;
this.dtOptions = {
pagingType: 'full_numbers',
pageLength: 2,
serverSide: true,
processing: true,
ajax: (dataTablesParameters: any, callback) => {
that.blogService.categoryTable(dataTablesParameters).subscribe(resp => {
that.categories =;
recordsTotal: resp.recordsTotal,
recordsFiltered: resp.recordsFiltered,
data: []
columns: [
data: 'id'
data: 'category'
<section class="dashboard-wrap mtb-40">
<div class="container">
<div class="body-content">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="col-md-9">
<div class="dash-right">
<table datatable [dtOptions]="dtOptions" class="row-border hover">
<tbody *ngIf="categories?.length != 0">
<tr *ngFor="let category of categories">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ category.category }}</td>
<tbody *ngIf="categories?.length == 0">
<td colspan="3" class="no-data-available">No data!</td>