We are now maintaining the source repo updated!
Please proceed there for more information.
Our npm package (node-telegram-bot-api-latest@1
) simply mirrors the
latest version of node-telegram-bot-api
This is an almost up-to-date fork of the source repo. The open PRs
at yagop/node-telegram-bot-api are drafted periodically against this
repo, with the intention of merging them in, as fast as possible.
This allows us to try out most of the fixes and features, before they
are published in the official releases.
Do not draft any pull-request against this repo. It is NOT a
replacement of the source/original repo.
This is intended
to be used for development purposes (in production, you are on your own),
as we wait for @yagop to get some time and merge the open PRs.
Before using this fork, please ensure you understand that I am NOT
assuring you that all the PRs will be merged in the source repo. This
is for advanced users, who just can not wait for some of the cool PRs
to be merged to start using them asap.
From Github:
$ npm install GochoMugo/node-telegram-bot-api
From npm:
$ npm install node-telegram-bot-api-latest
Note: If you use npm, you'll have to require("node-telegram-bot-api-latest")
(note the -latest suffix) instead, since it is a different package. Otherwise,
keep using require("node-telegram-bot-api")
as if it is the original package.