Node telegram keyboard wrapper
A support for telegram keyboards management, both inline and reply, and forceReply
This libray aims to provide a set of methods and classes to handle keyboards and force replies in node.js-written Telegram bots.
Built upon yagop's node-telegram-bot-api but can virtually work with any node.js telegram bot api wrapper.
From NPM:
npm install -s node-telegram-keyboard-wrapper
Downloading from Github, won't give the compiled version, so you'll have to do it by yourself.
npm build
Tests for methods used by ReplyKeyboard and InlineKeyboard are included.
npm install -D
npm test
In examples folder, an example bot is available. It requires a bot token to be passed as argument.
npm run example -- 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
Then just type /replyKeyboard
(and answer or click to hide), /inlineKeyboard
(and click to trigger) or /forceReply
in your Telegram client to see the wrapper in action.
If you have any issue, suggestion of what else, feel free to open a topic in issues. 😉
API Reference
Visual Keyboard
This class get extended by both InlineKeyboards and
ReplyKeyboards and extend ReplyMarkup class. Therefore, the methods inserted in here are valid for both.
Rows methods
Adds a new row with specified elements.
(new InlineKeyboard()).addRow(...keys) : this
(new ReplyKeyboard()).addRow(...keys) : this
Returns the object itself for chaining;
(new InlineKeyboard()).removeRow(index) : this
(new ReplyKeyboard()).removeRow(index) : this
The object itself for chaining;
Removed a specific row.
Both row indexes index < 0
and index > rowQuantity
, will make the counter restart from their opposite bound.
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
index | The row to be removed. | Integer | false | - |
(new InlineKeyboard()).emptyRow(index) : Number
(new ReplyKeyboard()).emptyRow(index) : Number
The index of the emptied row.
Empty an entire row of keys but without removing the row.
Please note that both index < 0
and index > rowQuantity
, will make the counter restart from their opposite bounds.
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
index | The row to be emptied. | Integer | false | - |
(new InlineKeyboard()).popRow(index) : (InlineKeyboardButton | KeyboardButton | string)[]
(new ReplyKeyboard()).popRow(index) : (InlineKeyboardButton | KeyboardButton | string)[]
Returns the popped out row (array of the above element).
Pops out the last row of the keyboard.
(new InlineKeyboard()).rowLength(index) : Number
(new ReplyKeyboard()).rowLength(index) : Number
The length of a specific row.
Both row indexes index < 0
and index > rowQuantity
, will make the counter restart from their opposite bounds.
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
index | The row to be emptied. | Integer | false | - |
Returns the amount of buttons in a row.
Buttons operations
(new InlineKeyboard()).push(index, ...elements) : Number;
(new ReplyKeyboard()).push(index, ...elements) : Number;
The new length of the current row.
Adds elements
to the specified row.
Both row indexes index < 0
and index > rowQuantity
, will make the counter restart from their opposite bounds.
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
index | The index of the row in which push. | Integer | false | - |
... elements | The elements to be pushed | Array<InlineKeyboardButton> | false | - |
(new InlineKeyboard()).pop(index) : InlineKeyboardButton | KeyboardButton | string
(new ReplyKeyboard()).pop(index) : InlineKeyboardButton | KeyboardButton | string
The popped out element.
Pops out the last element of a row.
Both row indexes index < 0
and index > rowQuantity
, will make the counter restart from their opposite bounds.
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
index | The row from which pop the last element. | Integer | false | - |
(new InlineKeyboard()).reset()
(new ReplyKeyboard()).reset()
Wipes out the whole content.
Probabily the most useless method.
I mean: if you want to create a new keyboard, you don't wipe out your old, but create a brand new one.
Getter .length
(new InlineKeyboard()).length : Number
(new ReplyKeyboard()).length : Number
The amount rows in the keyboard.
Inline Keyboards
Inline keyboards do not extend Visual Keyboard class with any new method.
new InlineKeyboard(oneKey?);
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
oneKey | Fastest way to have one-button keyboard. | InlineKeyboardButton | true | - |
Reply Keyboards
let replyKeyboard = new ReplyKeyboard();
new ReplyKeyboard(oneKey?);
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
oneKey | Useful for one-button only keyboards. | KeyboardButton | String | true | - |
Keyboard structure to open a ReplyKeyboard.
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
options | Options of the button | Object | true | {} |
options.selective | If true, valid only for specific users (e.g. Mentioned), Users which replied the bot of original sender | Boolean | true | false |
options.one_time_keyboard | Hides the keyboard after the first usage. | Boolean | true | false |
options.resize_keyboard | Tells telegram client to use smaller buttons | Boolean | true | false |
See more: Reply Keyboard Markup
Keyboard structure to close a ReplyKeyboard.
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
options | Options of the button | Object | true | {} |
options.selective | If true, valid only for specific users (e.g. Mentioned), Users which replied the bot of original sender | Boolean | true | false |
See: Reply Keyboard Remove
Force Reply
let forceReply = new ForceReply();
new ForceReply();
@override .build()
Returns a keyboard structure for force reply.
Parameters | Description | Type | Optional | Default value |
options | Options of the button | Object | true | {} |
options.selective | If true, valid only for specific users (e.g. Mentioned), Users which replied the bot of original sender | Boolean | true | false |
See: ForceReply
Inherited methods and properties
These methods are inherited from ReplyMarkup class, which gets inherited by both Visual Keyboards and ForceReply.
Returns a keyboard structure based on the type.
(new InlineKeyboard()).build();
(new ReplyKeyboard()).build();
(new ForceReply()).build();
A built structure conforming to Telegram keyboards.
(new InlineKeyboard()).extract();
(new ReplyKeyboard()).extract();
(new ForceReply()).extract();
Returns the content of reply_markup