Fetches HTTP URL contents for nodemailer.

var fetch = require('nodemailer-fetch');
The method takes the destination URL as the first and optional options object as the second argument.
The defaults are the following:
- Default method is GET
- Basic auth is supported
- Up to 5 redirects are followed (Basic auth gets lost after first redirect)
- gzip is handled if present
- Cookies are supported
- No shared HTTP Agent
- Invalid SSL certs are allowed. Can be overwritten with the
Possible options are the following:
- userAgent a string defining the User Agent of the request (by default not set)
- cookie a cookie string or an array of cookie strings where a cookie is the value used by 'Set-Cookie' header
- maxRedirects how many redirects to allow (defaults to 5, set to 0 to disable redirects entirely)
- method HTTP method to use, defaults to GET (if
is set defaults to POST) - body HTTP payload to send. If the value is an object it is converted to an x-www-form-urlencoded payload, other values are passed as is. Unlike authentication data payload and method is preserved between redirects
- contentType optional content type for the HTTP payload. Defaults to x-www-form-urlencoded. If the value is
then Content-Type header is not set - tls optional object of TLS options
- timeout (milliseconds) sets timeout for the connection. Returns an error if timeout occurs
- headers custom headers as an object where key is the header key and value is either a string or an array of strings for multiple values
- allowErrorResponse of true then processes response even if the response code is non 2xx
var fetch = require('nodemailer-fetch');
fetch('', {
cookie: [
'cookie_name2=cookie_value2; expires=Sun, 16 Jul 3567 06:23:41 GMT',
userAgent: 'MyFetcher/1.0'
Cookies are domain specific like normal browser cookies, so if a redirect happens to another domain, then cookies are not passed to it, HTTPS-only cookies are not passed to HTTP etc.