Groovy / Jenkinsfile linter and autofixer
Based on CodeNarc , this out of the box package allows to track groovy errors and correct a part of them
- Use option --format to format & prettify source code (beta)
- Use option --fix to activate autofixing of fixable rules (beta)
Easy to integrate in a CD/CI process (Jenkins Pipeline,CircleCI...) to lint your groovy or Jenkinsfile at each build :)
You can also use this package in Visual Studio Code Groovy Lint extension
Any question, problem or enhancement request ? Ask here :)
$ npm install -g npm-groovy-lint
$ npm-groovy-lint OPTIONS
Parameter | Type | Description |
-p --path | String | Directory containing the files to lint Example: ./path/to/my/groovy/files |
-f --files | String | Comma-separated list of Ant-style file patterns specifying files that must be included. Default: "**/*.groovy,**/Jenkinsfile" Examples: - "**/Jenkinsfile" - "**/*.groovy" |
-o --output | String | Output format (txt,json,html,xml), or path to a file with one of these extensions Default: txt Examples: - "txt" - "json" - "./logs/myLintResults.txt" - "./logs/myLintResults.json" - "./logs/myLintResults.html" - "./logs/myLintResults.xml" |
-l --loglevel | String | Log level (error,warning or info) Default: info |
-c --config | String | Custom path to GroovyLint config file Default: Browse current directory to find groovylintrc.json/js/yml/package.json config file, or default npm-groovy-lint config if not defined. Note: command-line arguments have priority on config file properties |
--fix | Boolean | (beta) Automatically fix problems when possible See Autofixable rules |
--format | Boolean | (beta) Format source code |
-r --rulesets | String | RuleSet file(s) to use for linting, if you do not want to use recommended rules or .groovylintrc.js defined rules. If list of comma separated strings corresponding to CodeNarc rules, a RuleSet file will be dynamically generated Examples: - "./config/codenarc/RuleSet-Custom.groovy" - "./path/to/my/ruleset/files" - EmptyInstanceInitializer,EmptySwitchStatement,ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop |
-s --source | String | If path and files are not set, you can directly send the source code string to analyze |
-v --verbose | Boolean | More outputs in console, including performed fixes |
-i --ignorepattern | String | Comma-separated list of Ant-style file patterns specifying files that must be ignored Default: none Example: "**/test/*"" |
--failonerror | Boolean | Fails if at least one error is found |
--failonwarning | Boolean | Fails if at least one warning is found |
--noserver | Boolean | npm-groovy-lint launches a microservice to avoid performance issues caused by loading jaja/groovy everytime,that auto kills itself after 1h idle. Use this argument if you do not want to use this feature |
--failoninfo | Boolean | Fails if at least one error is found |
--returnrules | Boolean | Return rules descriptions and URL if set |
--codenarcargs | String | Use core CodeNarc arguments (all npm-groovy-lint arguments will be ignored) Doc: Example: npm-groovy-lint --codenarcargs -basedir="jdeploy-bundle/lib/example" -rulesetfiles="file:jdeploy-bundle/lib/example/RuleSet-Groovy.groovy" -maxPriority1Violations=0 -report="xml:ReportTestCodenarc.xml |
-h --help | Boolean | Show help (npm-groovy-lint -h OPTIONNAME to see option detail with examples) |
Default rules definition (recommended
, based on all
tracks a lot of errors, do not hesitate to ignore some of them (like NoDef ou RequiredVariableType) if they are too mean for your project.
Define a file named .groovylintrc.json (or .js or .YAML, or include in a property groovyLintConfig in package.json)
If you are using VsCode Groovy Lint extension, just use QuickFix Ignore in all files and it will generate groovylintrc.json file
Format :
- extends: Name of a base configuration (
or all
) - rules: List of rules definition, following format
"RuleSection.RuleName": ruleParameters
or "RuleName": ruleParameters
- "RuleSection.RuleName": any of the CodeNarc rules
- ruleParameters: can be just a severity override (
, "error"
, "warning"
, "info"
) , or a property list :
"extends": "recommended",
"rules": {
"comments.ClassJavadoc": "off",
"formatting.Indentation": {
"spacesPerIndentLevel": 4,
"severity": "info"
"UnnecessaryReturnKeyword": "error"
- Lint groovy with JSON output
$ npm-groovy-lint --output json
$ npm-groovy-lint --path "./path/to/my/groovy/files" --files "**/*.groovy" --config "./config/codenarc/.groovylintrcCustom.js" --loglevel warning --output txt
- Lint using core CodeNarc parameters and generate HTML report file
$ npm-groovy-lint --codenarcargs -basedir="jdeploy-bundle/lib/example" -rulesetfiles="file:jdeploy-bundle/lib/example/RuleSet-Groovy.groovy" -title="TestTitleCodenarc" -maxPriority1Violations=0' -report="html:ReportTestCodenarc.html"
Autofixable rules (beta)
- BlockEndsWithBlankLine
- BlockStartsWithBlankLine
- ConsecutiveBlankLines
- FileEndsWithoutNewline
- IfStatementBraces
- Indentation (IfStatementBraces and ElsefStatementBraces must be fixed to have correct indentation)
- MisorderedStaticImports
- NoTabCharacter
- SpaceAfterCatch
- SpaceAfterComma
- SpaceAfterIf
- SpaceAfterOpeningBrace
- SpaceAroundOperator
- SpaceBeforeOpeningBrace
- TrailingWhitespace
- UnnecessaryDefInFieldDeclaration
- UnnecessaryGroovyImport
- UnnecessaryGString
- UnnecessarySemicolon
- UnnecessaryToString
- UnusedImport
Contribute to add more rules fixes :)
Call via JS module
You can import npm-groovy-lint into your NPM package and call lint & fix via module, using the same options than from npm-groovy-lint command line
$ npm install npm-groovy-lint --save
const NpmGroovyLint = require("npm-groovy-lint/jdeploy-bundle/groovy-lint.js");
const fse = require("fs-extra");
const npmGroovyLintConfig = {
source: fse.readFileSync('./lib/example/SampleFile.groovy').toString(),
fix: true,
loglevel: 'warning',
output: 'none'
const linter = new NpmGroovyLint(npmGroovyLintConfig, {});
- Embedded Groovy 3.0.2 may have issues with JDK12, please use JDK11 or a precedent version if possible
- CodeNarc server does not seems to Work on some Linux environments (java classes are loaded at each npm-groovy-lint call so performances are slower)
- On some environments, it has been observed that installed Groovy version must match Groovy embedded jars delivered with npm-groovy-lint (3.0.2)
Contributions are very welcome !
Please follow Contribution instructions
This package uses :