Quickly grok the current health of an npm package using a single command.
Installation & Usage
If you'd like to get stats from GitHub, please follow these instructions to create a personal access token. You will only need read access for the script to work.
Once you've created the token, add it to your global environment variables under NPM_PKG_STATS_TOKEN
For example, if you're using bash, add the following line to your .bashrc
export NPM_PKG_STATS_TOKEN=add_token_here
Now that you've created your token, just install npm-pkg-stats
npm install --global npm-pkg-stats
And you're good to go!
npm-pkg-stats package_name
For example, npm-pkg-stats react
prints the following stats to the console:
│ package │ react │
│ version │ 16.10.2 │
│ dependencies │ 3 │
│ gzip size │ 2.6 kB │
│ weekly npm downloads │ 5,878,791 │
│ github stars │ 137,853 │
│ open PRs │ 233 │
│ open PRs (% of total) │ 8.77% │
│ closed PRs │ 2,423 │
│ open issues │ 637 │
│ open issues (% of total) │ 7.74% │
│ closed issues │ 7,588 │
│ last release │ 2019-10-03 │
│ license │ MIT License │
If you prefer to use npx
npx npm-pkg-stats react
Multiple Packages
It also works if you want to compare multiple packages side by side.
For example, npm-pkg-stats ramda lodash underscore
prints the following to the console:
│ pkg │ version │ dependencies │ gzip size │ weekly npm downloads │ github stars │ open PRs │ open PRs (% of total) │ closed PRs │ open issues │ open issues (% of total) │ closed issues │ last release │ license │
│ ramda │ 0.26.1 │ 0 │ 12.3 kB │ 5,611,712 │ 17,525 │ 97 │ 24.31% │ 302 │ 172 │ 12.49% │ 1,205 │ 2019-05-26 │ MIT License │
│ lodash │ 4.17.15 │ 0 │ 24.3 kB │ 25,955,925 │ 42,361 │ 11 │ 2.39% │ 449 │ 8 │ 0.23% │ 3,516 │ 2016-01-12 │ Other │
│ underscore │ 1.9.1 │ 0 │ 6.3 kB │ 6,645,455 │ 24,984 │ 53 │ 6.83% │ 723 │ 70 │ 5.22% │ 1,272 │ 2019-11-17 │ MIT License │
version | source: bundlephobia (via npm)
dependencies | source: bundlephobia (via npm)
gzip size | source: bundlephobia (via npm)
weekly npm downloads | source: npm
github stars | source: github
open PRs | source: github
open PRs (% of total) | source: github
closed PRs | source: github
open issues | source: github
open issues (% of total) | source: github
closed issues | source: github
last release | source: github
license | source: github