🚦Typed Router Module
Provide a safe typed router to nuxt with auto-generated typed definitions for route names
Nuxt is great because it generate the router based on your pages directory. It generates all the pages name and it abstract a lot of boilerplate.
Problem: If you want a type-safe routing flow, the current model can be hard to maintain if you modify the page file name and is error prone in big projects.
Solution: Thanks to Nuxt powerful hook system, this module reads all your routes and generate typings and enums accordingly
yarn add -D nuxt-typed-router
npm install -D nuxt-typed-router
First, register the module in the nuxt.config.[js|ts]
const config = {
modules: [
const config = {
modules: [
['nuxt-typed-router', {
type Options = {
filePath?: string;
routesObjectName?: string;
stripAtFromNames?: boolean;
Usage in Vue/Nuxt
- routerPagesNames
global object
The module will create a file with the global object of the route names inside.
You have to specify the path of the generated file in your configuration
const config = {
typedRouter: {
filePath: './models/__routes.js',
const config = {
modules: [
filePath: './models/__routes.js',
Given this structure
├── pages
├── index
├── content.vue
├── index.vue
├── communication.vue
├── statistics.vue
├── users.vue
├── index.vue
├── forgotpassword.vue
├── reset-password.vue
│ └── login.vue
└── ...
The generated file will look like this
export const routerPagesNames = {
forgotpassword: 'forgotpassword',
login: 'login',
resetPassword: 'reset-password',
index: {
index: 'index',
communication: 'index-communication',
content: 'index-content',
statistics: 'index-statistics',
users: 'index-users',
You can now just import it
import { routerPagesNames } from '~/models/__routes.js';
export default {
mounted() {
this.$router.push({ name: routerPagesNames.index.content });
Advanced usage
Create a plugin nuxt-typed-router.js|ts
, and register it in your nuxt.config.js
import { routerPagesNames } from '...your file path';
export default (ctx, inject) => {
inject('routesNames', routerPagesNames);
Then create shims a file in ~/shims/nuxt.d.ts
import { routerPagesNames } from '...your file path';
declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
interface Vue {
$routesNames: typeof routerPagesNames;
You will now have $routeNames
exposed in all your component without importing it and it will be typed automaticaly!
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies using
or npm install
📑 License
MIT License