A module that is useful for testing whether you've mutated an object. Use it with redux when testing your reducers to ensure you don't ever mutate an object in a reducer but always return a new object.
This module began life as a fork of redux-immutable-state-invariant by Leonardo Andres Garcia Crespo (@leoasis).
This lib is intended for use only during development, specifically testing.
Don't use this in production!
npm install --save-dev object-invariant-test-helper
import objectInvariantTestHelper from '../src/index';
const toAdd = 2;
const expectedState = {num: 3};
describe('goodReducer', () => {
it('should *not* mutate state', () => {
let initialState = {num: 1};
const tracked = objectInvariantTestHelper.trackObj(initialState);
let finalState = goodReducer(initialState, {
type: 'ADD',
payload: { toAdd }
If you want to provide your own isImmutable
function, you may:
import { objectInvariantTestHelperMkr } from '../src/index';
let objectInvariantTestHelper = objectInvariantTestHelperMkr(isImmutable);