Oh My Xbar
OhMyXbar is a all-in-one plugin for xBar which allows to show your tickets from Jira, activity in Github and custom links directly on Mac's menu bar.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zefirka/ohmyxbar/master/install.sh | bash
Configuration by default stored in ~/.ohmyxbar.js
- symbol to draw in header (🤔 by default)quickLinks
- nested map of links, where key is title, value is link or other mapplugins
- plugins configs
Jira config
host: "jira-host.atlassian.net",
email: "your-email@example.com",
token: "jira token",
userId?: "1234-20-32-30",
jql?: "asignee = currentUser() and priority = High",
order?: "key",
excludeStatuses?: ["closed"],
statuses?: {
groupTitle: string;
statuses: string[];
color: string;
}[] | [status: string, color: string][];
linkToProjectFilter?: boolean;
linkToStatusFilter?: boolean;
ticketsByStatus?: number;
useSeparators?: boolean;
groupDepth?: 'flat' | 'by-project' | 'by-status';