Fetch JWTs for API access from oidc-jwt-provider
npm install oidc-jwt-client --save
How to use
client={{ url: 'https://api-auth.acc.titan.awssdu.nl' }}
Fetch an accessToken
Within the provider we make use of several hooks to use the functionality exposed within the context.
The accessToken is directly returned from the fetchAccessToken function when already present and valid.
If not it will automatically fetch a new accessToken for you.
To get the accessToken you can do this:
const [token, setToken] = useState<null | string>(null);
const fetchAccessToken = useAuthAccessToken();
useEffect(() => {
fetchAccessToken().then((token) => {
}, [fetchAccessToken, setToken]);
Login and Logout functions
To login or logout a user manually you can make use of these two function exposed by the useAuthControls hook:
const { authorize, logout } = useAuthControls();
const onClickLogout = React.useCallback(() => {
}, [logout]);
const onClickLogin = React.useCallback(() => {
}, [authorize]);
Get User Info
To get the user info you can do this within the context of the provider:
const userInfo = useAuthUserInfo();
console.log('This is the userInfo: ', userInfo)
Get the Claims
To get the claims you can do this within the context of the provider:
const claims = useAuthAccessClaims();
console.log('This are the claims: ', claims)