Prometheus Metrics for Opossum Circuit Breaker

This module provides Prometheus metrics for
opossum circuit breakers. To use
it with your circuit breakers, just pass them in to the PrometheusMetrics
For each circuit breaker, the metrics are:
- a
prometheus counter
for each event name
- a
prometheus summary
for the events success
, failed
execution time.
const CircuitBreaker = require('opossum');
const PrometheusMetrics = require('opossum-prometheus');
const c1 = new CircuitBreaker(someFunction);
const c2 = new CircuitBreaker(someOtherFunction);
const prometheus = new PrometheusMetrics({ circuits: [c1, c2] });
const c3 = new CircuitBreaker(someOtherFunction3);
console.log(await prometheus.metrics());
This module would typically be used in an application that can provide
an endpoint for the Prometheus server to monitor.
The prometheusRegistry
constructor parameter allows you to provide an existing
prom-client registry.
The metrics about the circuit will be added to the provided registry instead
of the global registry.
The default metrics
will not be added to the provided registry.
const CircuitBreaker = require('opossum');
const PrometheusMetrics = require('opossum-prometheus');
const { Registry } = require('prom-client');
const registry = new Registry();
const circuit = new CircuitBreaker(functionThatMightFail);
const metrics = new PrometheusMetrics({ circuits: [circuit], registry: registry })
The PrometheusMetrics
constructor takes an options object as detailed below.
const options = {};
new PrometheusMetrics(options)
circuits | A list or individual circuit breaker to create metrics for | No circuits |
registry | An existing registry to use for prometheus metrics | undefined - The default prometheus registry will be used and default system metrics will be collected |
exposePerformanceMetrics | Measure the performance of breakers and report them through the registry | true |
metricPrefix | Prefix for circuit breakers metrics name | any string |