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Oblivious pseudo-random function over an elliptic curve (ED25519)
npm install oprf
The sumo version of libsodium must be used
await _sodium.ready;
const oprf = new OPRF(_sodium);
Security Guarantees
A client has input x while a server holds key k. The client receives the output of fk(x) for some pseudorandom function family fk. The server learns nothing.
Public Interface
Contains a masked point and the mask that was applied to it
export interface IMaskedData {
readonly point: number[];
readonly mask: BN;
Public Functions
hashToPoint: maps string input to a point on the elliptic curve
public hashToPoint(input: string): number[]
maskInput: hashes string input as a point on an elliptic curve and applies a random mask to it
public maskInput(input: string): IMaskedData
generateRandomScalar: generates a random 32-byte array of numbers
public generateRandomScalar(): BN
isValidPoint: returns whether the given point exists on the elliptic curve
public isValidPoint(point: number[]): number
encodePoint: converts an elliptic.js point representation to number array representation
public encodePoint(point: any): number[]
decodePoint: converts a number array to elliptic.js point object representation
public decodePoint(point: number[]): any
unmaskInput: applies the multiplicative inverse of the mask to the masked point
public unmaskInput(maskedPoint: number[], mask: BN): number[]
OPRF Steps
1.) Client: hash input and mask it using a randomly generated 32-byte number
const input = 'hello world';
const masked = oprf.maskInput(input);
2.) Server: salt the masked point using a secret key
const secretKey = oprf.generateRandomScalar();
const salted = oprf.scalarMult(maskedPoint, secretKey);
3.) Client: unmask the salted point from the server to get a high-entropy output
const unmasked = oprf.unmaskInput(salted, masked.mask);
Implementation inspired by Burns et. al.