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Oblivious pseudo-random function over an elliptic curve (Ristretto255)
For node.js, use:
npm install oprf
For the browser, include a script tag targeting either dist/oprf.js
or dist/oprf.slim.js
Bundle vs slim
For browsers, we provide two built files: dist/oprf.js
and dist/oprf.slim.js
The first includes both OPRF bundled with libsodium-wrappers-sumo version 0.7.6. The second includes only OPRF.
You can use the slim version for cases where your browser-side code uses a more recent version of libsodium, or if you want
to load libsodium asynchronously to reduce page load time.
The API for both versions is identical, except that the slim OPRF constructor expects a sodium instance to be passed in
as a parameter, while the bundled constructor does not expect any parameters.
In node.js, the slim OPRF is not exposed.
const OPRF = require('oprf');
const oprf = new OPRF();
OPRF is not safe to use until sodium is done loading.
const oprf = new OPRF();
await oprf.ready;
Security Guarantees
A client has input x while a server holds key k. The client receives the output of fk(x) for some pseudorandom function family fk. The server learns nothing.
The implementation uses Ristretto255, and does not suffer from small cofactor attacks.
Public Interface
Contains a masked point and the mask that was applied to it
export interface IMaskedData {
readonly point: Uint8Array;
readonly mask: Uint8Array;
Public Functions
hashToPoint: maps string input to a point on the elliptic curve
public hashToPoint(input: string): Uint8Array
isValidPoint: returns whether the given point exists on the elliptic curve
public isValidPoint(point: Uint8Array): boolean
maskInput: hashes string input as a point on an elliptic curve and applies a random mask to it
public maskInput(input: string): IMaskedData
maskPoint: applies a random mask to an elliptic curve point
public maskPoint(point: Uint8Array): IMaskedData
unmaskInput: applies the multiplicative inverse of the mask to the masked point
public unmaskPoint(maskedPoint: Uint8Array, mask: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
generateRandomScalar: generates a uniform random 32-byte number in [1, order of curve)
public generateRandomScalar(): Uint8Array
scalarMult: salts a point using a key as a scalar
public scalarMult(point: Uint8Array, key: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
encodePoint: encodes a point representation to a string with either 'ASCII' or 'UTF-8' encoding
public encodePoint(point: Uint8Array, encoding: string): string
decodePoint: Decode elliptic curve point from a string
public decodePoint(code: string, encoding: string): Uint8Array
OPRF Steps
1.) Client: hash input and mask it using a randomly generated 32-byte number
const input = 'hello world';
const masked = oprf.maskInput(input);
send(oprf.encodePoint(masked.point, 'UTF-8'));
2.) Server: salt the masked point using a secret key
const secretKey = oprf.generateRandomScalar();
const maskedPoint = oprf.decodePoint(receive(), 'UTF-8');
const salted = oprf.scalarMult(maskedPoint, secretKey);
send(oprf.encodePoint(salted, 'UTF-8'));
3.) Client: unmask the salted point from the server to get a high-entropy output
const salted = oprf.decodePoint(receive(), 'UTF-8');
const unmasked = oprf.unmaskInput(salted, masked.mask);
Implementation inspired by Burns et. al.